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Smokies C A National Park. Park Service 1. March 1, 1872-the first National park is established by President Grant. (Yellowstone) 2. President Theodore.

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Presentation on theme: "Smokies C A National Park. Park Service 1. March 1, 1872-the first National park is established by President Grant. (Yellowstone) 2. President Theodore."— Presentation transcript:

1 Smokies C A National Park

2 Park Service 1. March 1, 1872-the first National park is established by President Grant. (Yellowstone) 2. President Theodore Roosevelt was instrumental in the effort to create public parks.

3 Park Status 3. N.P.S. was searching for an eastern park site. 4. Colonel David Chapman,Mr./ Mrs. Willis Davis, John D. Rockefeller, and others organized a plan to promote the Great Smoky Mtns. Of East TN. and Western N.C.


5 The Man 5. In 1904, Horace Kephart (a librarian from St. Louis) saw the decimation of the area and along with others pushed for park status.



8 June 15, 1934 1. Great Smoky Mountains National Park was established. 2. September 2, 1940- President Franklin D. Roosevelt dedicated the park.


10 Park Facts Size-521,621 Acres 7,500 residents/1,200 farms were displaced and bought out. Some people were granted a lifetime lease and allowed to continue living in the park. A PARK FORMED FROM PRIVATE LANDS.

11 Facts Logging, hunting, collecting, and commercial traffic was prohibited. Fishing, camping, and access was restricted.

12 Civilian Conservation Corps 1933-CCC was started by FDR to fight the great depression and build public projects. A local CCC camp built many of the trails and the park infrastructure.

13 "Save the Soil, Save the Forests, Save the Young Men."

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