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America Grows Imperialism and Progressivism. Admin. Issues Tests back tomorrow Industrialization Homework back later in the week Todays homework due Thursday.

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1 America Grows Imperialism and Progressivism

2 Admin. Issues Tests back tomorrow Industrialization Homework back later in the week Todays homework due Thursday Group Presentations




6 Objectives After this lesson, you should be able to: –Understand social tensions and their consequences at the turn of the century. –Understand the cultural changes in the early 20th Century. –Understand the geographic scope of American Imperialism. –Understand the reforms and changes in American politics and government as a result of the Progressive Movement.

7 IMPERIALISM: the policy of extending the rule or authority of an empire or nation over foreign countries, or of acquiring and holding colonies and dependencies. Is the US Imperialistic today?


9 Check On Learning… Why did the US have a desire for foreign markets? What made Americans have a feeling of superiority? Explain why the US went to war with Spain? What were the effects of Americas victory over Spain? Who were progressives and who were their enemies? What did the Muckrackers do? How did Laissez-Faire contribute to the conflict? What ammendment guaranteed women the right to vote? What did Progressives want to do in the work place?

10 Imperialism Causes Desire for World Markets –Need for raw materials –Need for new markets (M.T.) –Westward Expansion exhausted Feelings of Superiority –Social Darwinism –John Fiske and Anglo- Saxonism

11 Imperialism Effects Spanish American War –Spanish subjugation of Cuba –US economic links to Cuba –Yellow Journalism –Sinking of the Maine and War –What to do with these countries? Cuba given independence Puerto Rico, Guam Phillipines annexed Involvement in World Affairs (WWI) –America must become involved in world affairs –The Roosevelt Corrollary America must intervene in the western hemisphere whenever actions threaten the US

12 Check on Learning… Why did the US have a desire for foreign markets? What made Americans have a feeling of superiority? Explain why the US went to war with Spain? What were the effects of Americas victory over Spain?


14 Progressivism/Muckrackers Causes Business and Government Corruption –Laissez-Fair principals created many social problems –Middle Class Republicans and Democrats decide to stand up for working class –Muckrackers crusade for change with journalism –Jacob Riis publishes photos of life in NYC –Political bosses and rings seen as the enemy

15 Progressivism/Muckrackers Effects More Efficient Government –Reform city governments –Run more like a business –Direct election of Senate Woman Suffrage –Progressives join with Abolitionists to support the cause –Every citizen should have the right to vote –States start granting rights to vote, 19 th Ammendment passed in 1920 More Safety Codes –Closing off awful working conditions of Laissez-Faire

16 Check On Learning… Who were progressives and who were their enemies? What did the Muckrackers do? How did Laissez-Faire contribute to the conflict? What ammendment guaranteed women the right to vote? What did Progressives want to do in the work place?


18 Reflective Writing Based on what you have learned today, do you think you would have been a Progressive? Would you have been an Imperialist?

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