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1 Housing Regeneration Schemes Katharine Burchell June 2014.

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1 1 Housing Regeneration Schemes Katharine Burchell June 2014

2 2 Background Council is delivering major housing regeneration schemes across the Borough; Mandale Park, Meadow Rise, Parkfield (Nursery Gardens and West End Gardens), Swainby Road and Victoria All at different stages but all being delivered in partnership with private developer partners and/or RP’s and the HCA Strong sense of community in all locations and strong support

3 3 Mandale Park Most advanced scheme 10 year anniversary Delivered in partnership with Keepmoat and Barratt Homes, Tristar Homes and Isos Site assembly complete 862 new homes (246 affordable). 780 complete Linear Park, football pitches, talented sports person grant, work with schools and local community

4 4 New Homes at Mandale Park

5 5 Meadow Rise (Hardwick) Well advanced Partners are Keepmoat and Barratt Homes, Endeavour and Tristar Homes 760 new homes in total, approx 120 to be built Not just housing for sale and rent - Aspen Gardens, Ruskin Court, supported bungalows, Hardwick Green Primary School, cycle links, MUGA

6 6 Nursery Gardens and West End Gardens Nursery Gardens – nearing completion. Total of 110 homes, building out the final 8 properties. Dunelm and TVHG.

7 7 West End Gardens Finalising site assembly issues TVHG are on site and the 1 st foundations are in (Southdale are constructing the properties). 117 new homes Mill Lane School involved in street naming project

8 8 Swainby Road Site Assembly nearing completion Approx 174 new homes, to be delivered by Keepmoat Homes – 30 affordable (Tristar Homes) Finalising legal docs Planning application is imminent

9 9 Victoria Estate Latest housing regeneration scheme Currently focussing on the assembly of the 1 st 2 phases, decant of residents is going well, 254 properties included, closely working with Tristar A vibrant and sustainable Victoria residential development is integral to the Councils future vision for Stockton town centre Exploring options for what the residential ‘offer’ will be

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