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2009 Next Wave Conference – Follow up Survey Results International Executive Board March 23, 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "2009 Next Wave Conference – Follow up Survey Results International Executive Board March 23, 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 2009 Next Wave Conference – Follow up Survey Results International Executive Board March 23, 2010

2 Next Wave Survey  An electronic survey was sent to all Next Wave Conference attendees on January 5, 2010.  Survey results were received until Monday, February 8, 2010.  153 individuals completed this survey.

3 Age of Respondents in Relation to Conference Attendees

4 Gender of Respondents in Relation to Conference Attendees

5 I am active in my union as a: 9

6 I have joined the Next Wave Google Group 42.9%

7 I have used the online Next Wave Toolkit

8 How helpful has the Next Wave Toolkit been?

9 As a result of your attendance at the Next Wave Conference, have there been any changes for you personally or for the union?

10 Are you planning to run as a delegate to the 2010 National AFSCME Convention in Boston?

11 Have there been any changes for you personally or for the union?  I am more dedicated, motivated, determined, committed, focused, passionate, active. (29)  I have (or one of my young co-workers has) been elected or appointed to a union office. (11)  The union has embraced the idea of making room for/reaching out to young members. (6)  I have more knowledge and ideas that I have applied in my union work. (6)  I am more confident. (3)  I have reached out to or mentored a young member. (3)  I am more respected. (2)  I am more positive about/proud of the union. (2)  We are using social networking. (2)

12 What challenges do you face in getting new and young members active in the union?  Lack of motivation/time/commitment (22)  Lack of knowledge/understanding about the union and its importance (18)  Turnout – it is hard for young members to attend meetings and events (11)  Opposition/resistance/exclusion by and from older leaders and members (11)  Apathy/complacency (7)  Few young employees (6)  Fear of management, job loss (6)  Negative views about unions (3)

13 What challenges do you face?  “Next wavers feel like outsiders and they don’t want to fight to be allowed to participate.”  There is “an entrenched group of veteran leaders.”  “As an Old Fart, tough to figure out how much leadership to provide vs. letting them figure it out on their own.”  “The younger generation does not understand the sacrifices” we have made.

14 Suggestions regarding Next Wave? 1.Have another national conference. 2.Support local and council-based Next Wave activity. 3.Encourage state based conferences. 4.Toolkit: link to education on Unions 101 and financial standards; more videos; more templates that can be modified and used locally (posters, fliers); list of resource people.

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