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Image used courtesy of UNDAC Typhoon Haiyan Typhoon Haiyan hit the Philippines on Friday 8 November, with torrential rains and winds of up to 195mph resulting.

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Presentation on theme: "Image used courtesy of UNDAC Typhoon Haiyan Typhoon Haiyan hit the Philippines on Friday 8 November, with torrential rains and winds of up to 195mph resulting."— Presentation transcript:

1 Image used courtesy of UNDAC Typhoon Haiyan Typhoon Haiyan hit the Philippines on Friday 8 November, with torrential rains and winds of up to 195mph resulting in flash flooding and landslides affecting millions of people.

2 The full extent of devastation caused is not yet known. But up to 10,000 people are thought to have died, and a massive 9 million people affected. Please pray to our God of comfort for those who are injured and those who have lost loved ones, houses and businesses. Image used courtesy of UNDAC

3 Tearfund’s partners are in evacuation centres, giving care to survivors who need food, water, shelter and help to find their loved ones. Pray for Tearfund’s partner staff today, and in the coming days as they work to expand their response to this disaster. Image used courtesy of UNDAC

4 Due to the magnitude of this disaster and its impact on infrastructure, some of the worst affected communities are extremely hard to reach. Pray for Tearfund’s partners as well as churches, others agencies and government teams trying to reach them – that they’ll be able to get help to where it’s needed most. Image used courtesy of UNDAC

5 Tearfund/UMN Almighty God, we cry out to you for the people of the Philippines. We pray for those who have lost so much – that they’ll find comfort and hope in you. And we pray for those responding – for speed, wisdom and safety. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

6 Thank you. To support Tearfund’s response to Typhoon Haiyan financially, visit

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