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Class introduction, procedures. Physical Science.

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Presentation on theme: "Class introduction, procedures. Physical Science."— Presentation transcript:

1 Class introduction, procedures

2 Physical Science

3 Where do I sit?

4 Who’s the guy in the front of the room?

5 Mr. Baker 21 years teaching Math and Science 3 rd year at Cab Calloway Teach all 9 th grade Physical Science classes Also teach a Physics course for Juniors and Seniors Taught Forensic science at another school

6 What is this class about?

7 Understanding the world through scientific reasoning

8 Main Sections of the class Chemistry (microscopic scale) Earth/Space science (cosmic scale) Physics (our scale and all scales)

9 Look at syllabus for more detail

10 Academic Goals Prepare you for future science classes in High School/College Prepare you to do well on standardized tests Connect science to your world

11 You will gather knowledge by: Conversation-lecture Lab exercises Demonstrations Projects We build Roller coasters, Make cars that run by rubber bands and mousetraps, Create rockets, and turn pennies into gold

12 Multiple intelligences People learn best by different combinations of methods Auditory Visual Kinesthetic (haptic)…

13 To make the class work You need to follow some fundamental rules

14 Student expectations Follow the rules Exert your best effort, be willing to try Help others, seek help when you need it Always be looking for connections between what discussed in this class to what happens outside this lab, especially in your arts and interests

15 Help is available from me After school,, lunch Ask in advance Show up

16 Teacher expectations On time Have required materials (comp book, pencil…) Best Effort Respectful attitude towards me and your peers

17 Electronic Communications and/or listening devices OFF and out of sight during my class (that means sound) (Boogie Nights) Will be confiscated, a class, a day, a week, permanently

18 Websites, email (2008) Email: Class website

19 Websites, email (2009) Email: There will class website that you can connect through the district’s site

20 Things you need A 4 function calculator or better A composition book (several over the school year) A file folder or binder for loose paper, handouts… A cover for the textbook

21 Textbook selection and handout Write your name on inside front cover Pick a book in nice condition Cover the book by Wednesday

22 Lab Safety Contract Read, show parents/guardian You and parent/guardian sign Hand in by Wednesday

23 What happens if you do not? You will not get a chance to perform a little bit of alchemy in the first chemistry lab.

24 Send me an email Include on it: 1.Your first and last name 2.Your parent or guardians name 3.Name of operating system 4.Do you have Microsoft Word, Powerpoint installed on your computer? 5.Definition of the word alchemy If you have no email, contact me before you leave class today

25 First Homework assignment Sign Lab Safety Contract Send email Get composition book and folder/binder

26 What happens the rest of week? Book handout Pretest Lab Safety, Tools of the trade Scavenger hunt and discussion A demonstration of ‘Alchemy’ turning pennies into gold

27 How class is run Expect a mix of Notes, Labs and Projects Homework will be given periodically and online Class and Section Pretests

28 Notes, lab and behavior Notes and lab information will be online before discussed in class. Download them yourself to save time writing Behavior that is and is not tolerated

29 Taking Notes Act of writing, helps you remember and learn Organization Main Topic, colors, neatness Be willing to add to what is up on the board Comp books will also include your own comments, summations, explanation of mistakes

30 Grades See handout for details Total points system Roughly 3 tests per MP Homework quizzes, Lab write-ups, Projects, and other assignments (Tests and Projects scores dominate)

31 Grade values A and B have normal scales C is between 84.999 to 75.00 % D is between 74.999 to 70.00% F is anything lower

32 Unexcused absences Cut, skip a assignment or test, you will receive a zero No note, out of luck

33 HAC and Freaking Out about grades Please note that there will be a time delay between you handing assignments in and me getting the grade up online The grade at the beginning of each term is not truly indicative of your success until it has at least one test grade

34 Make up work Little assignments, labs ASAP on your own time Tests, projects within 3 days of returning, only if it was an excused absence The more late an assignment is the less value it is worth

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