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Doty Chapel Baptist Church

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1 Doty Chapel Baptist Church
Welcome to Worship! Grow in God’s Word Sing Praises Seek His Face Fellowship one with another Doty Chapel Baptist Church

2 Trading My Sorrows CCLI License #

3 I’m trading my sorrows I’m trading my shame
I’m trading my sorrows I’m trading my shame I’m laying them down for the joy of the LORD.

4 I’m trading my sickness I’m trading my pain
I’m trading my sickness I’m trading my pain I’m laying them down for the joy of the LORD.

5 Yes LORD, Yes, LORD Yes, Yes LORD. Yes, LORD, Yes, LORD Yes, Yes LORD.
Yes, LORD Yes, LORD Yes, Yes, LORD. Amen

6 I’m pressed, but not crushed persecuted not abandoned
I’m pressed, but not crushed persecuted not abandoned Struck down, but not destroyed I am blessed beyond the curse for His promise will endure.

7 That His joy’s gonna be my strength
That His joy’s gonna be my strength Though the sorrow may last for the night His joy comes with the morning.

8 I’m trading my sorrows I’m trading my shame
I’m trading my sorrows I’m trading my shame I’m laying them down for the joy of the LORD.

9 I’m trading my sickness I’m trading my pain
I’m trading my sickness I’m trading my pain I’m laying them down for the joy of the LORD.

10 Yes LORD, Yes, LORD Yes, Yes LORD. Yes, LORD, Yes, LORD Yes, Yes LORD.
Yes, LORD Yes, LORD Yes, Yes, LORD. Amen

11 Yes LORD, Yes, LORD Yes, Yes LORD. Yes, LORD, Yes, LORD Yes, Yes LORD.
Yes, LORD Yes, LORD Yes, Yes, LORD. Amen


13 Though the sorrow may last for the night
Though the sorrow may last for the night His joy comes with the morning.

14 I’m trading my sorrows I’m trading my shame
I’m trading my sorrows I’m trading my shame I’m laying them down for the joy of the LORD.

15 I’m trading my sickness I’m trading my pain
I’m trading my sickness I’m trading my pain I’m laying them down for the joy of the LORD.

16 La la la la la la la la la la la …….

17 La la la la la la la la la la la …….

18 Sing Like the Saved CCLI License #

19 We're gonna sing like the saved. We're gonna sing like the saved
We're gonna sing like the saved. We're gonna sing like the saved. We're gonna sing like the saved. We're gonna sing like the saved.

20 A joyful noise we will make. A joyful noise we will make
A joyful noise we will make. A joyful noise we will make. A joyful noise we will make. A joyful noise we will make.

21 You put this joy in our hearts. You put this joy in our hearts
You put this joy in our hearts. You put this joy in our hearts. You put this joy in our hearts. You put this joy in our hearts.

22 We're gonna dance like the saved. We're gonna dance like the saved
We're gonna dance like the saved. We're gonna dance like the saved. We're gonna dance like the saved. We're gonna dance like the saved.


24 The Happy Song ©CCLI License #

25 Oh, I could sing unending songs of how you saved my soul.
Well, I could dance a thousand miles because of Your great love.

26 My heart is bursting Lord, to tell of all You’ve done.
Oh how You changed my life and wiped away the past.

27 I wanna shout it out, from every roof top sing.
For now I know that God is for me, not against me

28 Oh, I could sing unending songs of how you saved my soul.
Well, I could dance a thousand miles because of Your great love.

29 My heart is bursting Lord, to tell of all You’ve done.
Oh how You changed my life and wiped away the past.

30 I wanna shout it out, from every roof top sing.
For now I know that God is for me, not against me

31 Oh, I could sing unending songs of how you saved my soul.
Well, I could dance a thousand miles because of Your great love.

32 Everybody’s singin’ now ‘cause we’re so happy.
Everybody’s dancin now ‘cause we’re so happy.

33 If only we could see your face; And see You smiling over us;
And unseen angels celebrate; For joy is in this place.

34 Oh, I could sing unending songs of how you saved my soul.
Well, I could dance a thousand miles because of Your great love.

35 Oh, I could sing unending songs of how you saved my soul.
Well, I could dance a thousand miles because of Your great love.

36 Rise Up and Praise Him CCLI License #

37 Let the heavens rejoice; Let the earth be glad; Let the people of God sing His praise all over the land.

38 Everyone in the valley come and lift your voice.
All those on the mountaintop be glad and shout for joy.

39 Rise up and praise Him. He deserves our love.
Rise up and praise Him Worship the Holy One

40 With all your heart, with all your soul with all your might Rise up and praise Him.


42 Let the heavens rejoice; Let the earth be glad; Let the people of God sing His praise all over the land.

43 Everyone in the valley come and lift your voice.
All those on the mountaintop be glad and shout for joy.

44 Rise up and praise Him. He deserves our love.
Rise up and praise Him Worship the Holy One

45 With all your heart, with all your soul with all your might Rise up and praise Him.


47 Rise up and praise Him. He deserves our love.
Rise up and praise Him Worship the Holy One

48 With all your heart, with all your soul with all your might

49 Rise up and praise Him. He deserves our love.
Rise up and praise Him Worship the Holy One

50 With all your heart, with all your soul with all your might Rise up and praise Him.

51 Rise up and praise Him.


53 It’s By Grace CCLI License #

54 It’s by grace, I have been saved through faith, not of myself; it’s a gift of Almighty God. It’s by grace I’ve been saved.

55 It’s by grace, I have been saved through faith, not of myself; it’s a gift of Almighty God. It’s by grace I’ve been saved.

56 I was dead in my transgressions. I was, I was dead in my sin
I was dead in my transgressions. I was, I was dead in my sin. I was dead until my God made me alive in Christ.

57 It’s by grace, I have been saved through faith, not of myself; it’s a gift of Almighty God. It’s by grace I’ve been saved.

58 I was dead in my transgressions. I was dead in my sin
I was dead in my transgressions I was dead in my sin I was dead until my God made me alive in Christ.

59 Freedom, Christ has set me free. Freedom, it’s by grace I’ve been saved.

60 Freedom, Christ has set me free. Freedom, it’s by grace I’ve been saved.

61 (Freedom) It’s by grace I have been saved

62 (Christ has set me free) through faith, not of myself.

63 (Freedom) is a gift of almighty God. It’s by grace I’ve been saved.

64 (Freedom) It’s by grace I have been saved

65 (Christ has set me free) through faith, not of myself.

66 (Freedom) is a gift of almighty God. It’s by grace I’ve been saved.

67 It’s by grace I’ve been saved. It’s by grace I’ve been saved.


69 I Give My All

70 Every Move I Make CCLI License #

71 Every move I make, I make in You. You make me move, Jesus
Every move I make, I make in You You make me move, Jesus Every breath I take, I breath in You.

72 Every step I take, I take in You. You are my way, Jesus
Every step I take, I take in You You are my way, Jesus Every breath I take, I breath in You.

73 Every move I make, I make in You. You make me move, Jesus
Every move I make, I make in You You make me move, Jesus Every breath I take, I breath in You.

74 Every step I take, I take in You. You are my way, Jesus
Every step I take, I take in You You are my way, Jesus Every breath I take, I breath in You. Whoa

75 Waves of mercy, waves of grace, everywhere I look I see Your face.

76 Your love has captured me. Oh, my God, this love, how can it be?

77 Every move I make, I make in You. You make me move, Jesus
Every move I make, I make in You You make me move, Jesus Every breath I take, I breath in You.

78 Every step I take, I take in You. You are my way, Jesus
Every step I take, I take in You You are my way, Jesus Every breath I take, I breath in You. Whoa

79 La, la, la, la, la, la, la, La, la, la, la, la, la, la…

80 Waves of mercy, waves of grace, everywhere I look I see Your face.

81 Your love has captured me. Oh, my God, this love, how can it be?

82 Every move I make, I make in You. You make me move, Jesus
Every move I make, I make in You You make me move, Jesus Every breath I take, I breath in You.

83 Every step I take, I take in You. You are my way, Jesus
Every step I take, I take in You You are my way, Jesus Every breath I take, I breath in You.

84 La, la, la, la, la, la, la, La, la, la, la, la, la, la…


86 Daniel

87 I want to be like Daniel in the lion’s den waiting for God’s love to save him I wanna to be, I wanna be

88 I want to be like Moses when he raised his hands and all the winds and seas obeyed him.

89 I wanna be, I wanna be I wanna be, I wanna be

90 I want to be like Daniel in the lion’s den waiting for God’s love to save him I wanna to be, I wanna be

91 I want to be like Moses when he raised his hands and all the winds and seas obeyed him.

92 I wanna be, I wanna be I wanna be, I wanna be


94 I want to be like Daniel in the lion’s den waiting for God’s love to save him I wanna to be, I wanna be

95 I want to be like Moses when he raised his hands and all the winds and seas obeyed him.

96 I wanna be, I wanna be

97 I wanna be, I wanna be I wanna be, I wanna be

98 Big House

99 or where you call your home.
I don’t know where you Lay your head, or where you call your home. Stay Out

100 I don’t know where you eat Your meals, or where you talk on the phone.

101 I don’t know if you got a cook, a butler, or a maid.
I don’t know if you got a yard, with a hammock in the shade I don’t know if you got some shelter, say a place to hide.

102 I don’t know if you live with friends, in whom you can confide.
I don’t know if you got a family, say a mom or dad. I don’t know if you feel love at all, but I bet you wish you had.

103 Come and go with me, to may Father’s house.
Come and go with me, to my Father’s house. It’s a big, big house, with lots and lots of room. It’s a big, big table, with lots and lots of room.

104 A big, big yard, where we can play football.
A big, big house, it’s my Father’s house. All I know is a big old house, with rooms for everyone. All I know is lots of land, where we can play and run.

105 All I know is you need love, and I got a family.
All I know is you’re all alone, so why not come with me?

106 He’s My Rock ©CCLI License #

107 He’s my rock my sword my shield.
He’s a hub in the middle of the wheel.

108 He’s the lily of the valley; bright as the morning sun.

109 I don’t care what the people may say.
I’m getting down on my knees to pray.

110 I’m gonna wait right here till my Jesus comes.

111 When I get to Heaven gonna walk with Jesus.
gonna see His face

112 When I get to Heaven gonna talk to Jesus Saved by His wonderful grace.

113 For I am saved (saved) Saved (saved)! Wonderfully saved. Washed in the blood of the Lamb

114 Yes I am saved (saved) Saved (saved)! Wonderfully saved. His child forever I am!

115 My Reward

116 JOY!

117 It’s a great day to celebrate! A great day to celebrate!
Living in the Light of God!

118 Clap !

119 It’s a great day to celebrate! A great day to celebrate!
Living in the Light of God!

120 Clap ! Double Time !

121 It’s a great day to celebrate! A great day to celebrate!
Living in the Light of God!

122 Walk! Like an Egyptian!

123 It’s a great day to celebrate! A great day to celebrate!
Living in the Light of God!

124 Jump!

125 It’s a great day to celebrate! A great day to celebrate!
Living in the Light of God!

126 Surf!

127 It’s a great day to celebrate! A great day to celebrate!
Living in the Light of God!

128 Come, Now is the Time to Worship CCLI License #

129 Come, now is the time to worship
Come, now is the time to worship Come, now is the time to give your heart. Come, just as you are to worship. Come, just as you are before your God, come.

130 Come, now is the time to worship
Come, now is the time to worship Come, now is the time to give your heart. Come, just as you are to worship. Come, just as you are before your God, come.

131 One day every tongue will confess You are God.
One day every knee will bow. Still the greatest treasure remains for those who gladly choose You now.

132 Come, now is the time to worship
Come, now is the time to worship Come, now is the time to give your heart. Come, just as you are to worship. Come, just as you are before your God, come.

133 One day every tongue will confess You are God.
One day every knee will bow. Still the greatest treasure remains for those who gladly choose You now.

134 Come, now is the time to worship
Come, now is the time to worship Come, now is the time to give your heart.

135 Come, just as are to worship. Come, just as you are before your God,

136 Come, now is the time to worship
Come, now is the time to worship Come, now is the time to give your heart. Come, just as you are to worship. Come, just as you are before your God, come.

137 Come, Come


139 Where Do I Go?

140 ©1989 Maranatha! Music ~ Rick Founds ~ CCLI License # 794391
Lord, I Lift Your Name On High ©1989 Maranatha! Music ~ Rick Founds ~ CCLI License #

141 Lord, I lift Your Name on high; Lord, I love to sing Your praises.

142 I’m so glad Your in my life; I’m so glad You came to save us.

143 You came from heaven to earth From the earth to the cross,
to show the way; From the earth to the cross, my debt to pay.

144 From the cross to the grave, from the grave to the sky;
Lord, I lift Your Name on high.

145 Lord, I lift Your Name on high; Lord, I love to sing Your praises.

146 I’m so glad Your in my life; I’m so glad You came to save us.

147 You came from heaven to earth From the earth to the cross,
to show the way; From the earth to the cross, my debt to pay.

148 From the cross to the grave, from the grave to the sky;
Lord, I lift Your Name on high.


150 If We are the Body

151 I Can Only Imagine CCLI License #

152 I can only imagine what it will be like, when I walk by Your side. I can only imagine what my eyes will see, when Your face is before me. I can only imagine.

153 Surrounded by Your glory, what will my heart feel
Surrounded by Your glory, what will my heart feel? Will I dance for you Jesus, or in awe of You be still? Will I stand in Your presence or to my knees will I fall?

154 Will I sing Hallelujah? Will I be able
to speak at all? I can only imagine. I can only imagine

155 I can only imagine when that day comes, and I find myself standing in the Son. I can only imagine when all I will do is forever, forever worship You. I can only imagine. Yeah, I can only imagine.

156 Surrounded by Your glory, what will my heart feel
Surrounded by Your glory, what will my heart feel? Will I dance for you Jesus, or in awe of You be still? Will I stand in Your presence or to my knees will I fall?

157 Will I sing Hallelujah? Will I be able
to speak at all? I can only imagine. Yeah, I can only imagine.

158 Surrounded by Your glory, what will my heart feel
Surrounded by Your glory, what will my heart feel? Will I dance for you Jesus, or in awe of You be still? Will I stand in Your presence or to my knees will I fall?

159 Will I sing Hallelujah? Will I be able
to speak at all? I can only imagine. Yeah, I can only imagine.

160 I can only imagine when all I will do is forever, forever worship You.


162 You Are Holy CCLI License #

163 You are holy. (You are holy) You are mighty (You are mighty)

164 You are worthy (You are worthy) Worthy of praise (Worthy of praise)

165 I will follow (I will follow) I will listen (I will listen)
I will love You (I will love You) all of my days (all of my days)

166 I will sing to and worship the King who is worthy
I will sing to and worship the King who is worthy I will love and adore Him.

167 I will bow down before Him
I will bow down before Him I will sing to and worship the King who is worthy.

168 I will love and adore Him. I will bow down before Him
I will love and adore Him. I will bow down before Him He’s my Prince of Peace, and I will live my life for Him.

169 You are holy. (You are holy) You are mighty (You are mighty)

170 You are worthy (You are worthy) Worthy of praise (Worthy of praise)

171 I will follow (I will follow) I will listen (I will listen)
I will love You (I will love You) all of my days (all of my days)

172 He is Lord of lords. He is King of kings He is Mighty God, Lord of everything.

173 He’s Emmanuel. He’s the Great I Am
He’s Emmanuel He’s the Great I Am He’s my Prince of Peace, who is the Lamb.

174 He’s the Living God. He’s my saving grace. He will reign forever
He’s the Living God He’s my saving grace He will reign forever He is Ancient of Days.

175 He is Alpha, Omega, Beginning and End
He is Alpha, Omega, Beginning and End He’s my Savior, Messiah, Redeemer, and friend. He’s my Prince of Peace, and I will live my life for Him.

176 (I will sing to and worship the King who is worthy)
He is Lord of lords, He is King of kings He is mighty God Lord of everything. (I will sing to and worship the King who is worthy)

177 He’s Emanuel. He’s the Great I Am
He’s Emanuel He’s the Great I Am He’s my Prince of Peace, who is the Lamb (I will love and adore Him I will bow down before Him)

178 (I will sing to and worship the King who is worthy)
He’s the living God He’s my saving grace He will reign forever He is Ancient of Days. (I will sing to and worship the King who is worthy)

179 He is Alpha, Omega, Beginning and End
He is Alpha, Omega, Beginning and End He’s my Savior, Messiah, Redeemer, and friend (I will love and adore Him I will bow down before Him)

180 He’s my Prince of Peace, and I will live my life for Him.

181 (I will sing to and worship the King who is worthy)
He is Lord of lords, He is King of kings He is mighty God Lord of everything. (I will sing to and worship the King who is worthy)

182 He’s Emanuel. He’s the Great I Am
He’s Emanuel He’s the Great I Am He’s my Prince of Peace, who is the Lamb (I will love and adore Him I will bow down before Him)

183 (I will sing to and worship the King who is worthy)
He’s the living God He’s my saving grace He will reign forever He is Ancient of Days. (I will sing to and worship the King who is worthy)

184 He is Alpha, Omega, Beginning and End
He is Alpha, Omega, Beginning and End He’s my Savior, Messiah, Redeemer, and friend (I will love and adore Him I will bow down before Him)

185 He’s my Prince of Peace, and I will live my life for Him.

186 He’s my Prince of Peace, and I will live my life for Him.


188 I Could Sing of Your Love CCLI License #

189 Over the mountains and the sea Your river runs with love for me.
And I will open up my heart and let the Healer set me free.

190 I’m happy to be in the truth. And I will daily lift my hands.
And I will always sing of when Your love came down.

191 I could sing of Your love forever.

192 Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Your love makes me sing.
(Your Love Is Amazing) Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Your love makes me sing. Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Your love makes me sing.

193 Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Your love makes me sing.

194 Your love is amazing, steady and unchanging.
Your love is a mountain, firm beneath my feet.

195 Your love is a mystery, how You gently lift me.
When I am surrounded, Your love carries me.

196 Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Your love makes me sing.

197 Your love is surprising, I can feel it rising.
All the joy that’s growing deep inside of me.

198 Every time I see You, all Your goodness shines through.
And I can feel this God song, rising up in me.

199 Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Your love makes me sing.

200 Your love is amazing, steady and unchanging.
Your love is a mountain, firm beneath my feet.

201 Your love is a mystery, how You gently lifted me.
When I am discouraged, Your love carries me.


203 Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Your love makes me sing.

204 Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Your love makes me sing.

205 Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Your love makes me sing.

206 Make us one, make us one, make us one undivided body.
Make us one, make us one for the sake of your name, make us one.

207 Make us love, make us love for the sake of Your name, make us love.
Make us love, make us love, make us love so the world will know we love you. Make us love, make us love for the sake of Your name, make us love.

208 Make us pure, make us pure, make us pure and righteous , make us holy.
Make us pure, make us pure for the sake of Your name, make us pure.

209 Make us one, make us one, make us one undivided body.
Make us one, make us one for the sake of your name, make us one.

210 For the sake of Your name, Till You come.
For the sake of Your name, Make us one.

211 Chris Tomlin ~ CCLI License # 794391
How Great Is Our God Chris Tomlin ~ CCLI License #

212 The splendor of the King Clothed in majesty
Let all the earth rejoice, all the earth rejoice

213 He wraps himself in light and darkness tries to hide
And trembles at His voice and trembles at His voice

214 How great is our God Sing with me
All will see how great,

215 Beginning and the end beginning and the end
Age to age He stands and time is in His hands Beginning and the end beginning and the end

216 The Godhead three in One Father, Spirit, Son
The Lion and the Lamb the Lion and the Lamb

217 How great is our God Sing with me, How great is our God.
All will see how great, How great is our God

218 Name above all names Worthy of all praise
(How great is our God Sing with me, how great is our God)

219 My heart will sing how great is our God
(All will see how great How great is our God)

220 Name above all names Worthy of all praise
(How great is our God Sing with me, how great is our God)

221 (All will see how great How great is our God)
My heart will sing how great is our God (All will see how great How great is our God)

222 How great is our God Sing with me How great is our God
All will see how great How great is our God

223 How great is our God Sing with me How great is our God
All will see how great How great is our God

224 How great is our God Sing with me How great is our God
All will see how great How great is our God


226 Lord You Are

227 Sing Alleluia

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