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Perspective on Colorado’s Economy and State Budget Office of State Planning and Budgeting Laura Blomquist Economist June 5, 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Perspective on Colorado’s Economy and State Budget Office of State Planning and Budgeting Laura Blomquist Economist June 5, 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Perspective on Colorado’s Economy and State Budget Office of State Planning and Budgeting Laura Blomquist Economist June 5, 2015

2 Agenda State of Colorado’s Economic Health TABOR FY 2015-16 and FY 2016-17 Budgets 2

3 U.S and Colorado Jobs (2000 to 2015) 3

4 Growth in Jobs by Colorado Region, January 2010 through November 2014 4 Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Includes the Colorado Department of Labor and Employment's estimates of forthcoming revisions to jobs data. The estimates are based on Quarterly Census of Employment and Wage data to more accurately reflect the number of jobs in than has been estimated based on surveys of employers.

5 A TABOR Simile TABOR Limit TABOR Refund General Fund Cash Funds Income and Sales taxes Fees

6 Hospital Provider Fee, Severance Tax, and other TABOR Revenue and Referendum C Source: OSPB March 2015 Forecast

7 FY 2014-15 to FY 2015-16 Budget Changes Major General Fund Expenditure Changes FY 2014-15 Initial Appropriation vs. FY 2015-16 Initial Appropriation FY 2014-15 Original Appropriation FY 2015-16 Appropriation Difference from FY 2014-15 Original App. to FY 2015-16 App. Department of Health Care Policy and Financing 2,264,471,263 2,505,692,642 241,221,379 Department of Education 3,357,895,804 3,567,225,364 209,329,560 Department of Higher Education 761,983,052 856,759,158 94,776,106 Department of Corrections 720,429,597 766,755,184 46,325,587 Governor - Lt. Governor - State Planning and Budgeting 34,366,530 41,197,668 6,831,138 Overhead Increases / Employee Costs 49,673,386 Transfer to Capital Construction Fund 225,500,000 247,659,939 22,159,939 TABOR Refund - 340,200,000 Transfers to Highway Users Tax Fund - 103,100,000 STATEWIDE 1,113,617,095

8 8 Medicaid Caseload Categories and Costs

9 Colorado State General Fund Revenue FY 2000-01 through FY 2015-16 Budget

10 State Education Fund Money, Spending, and Reserves Under Governor’s Budget Request FY 2011-12 through FY 2015-16 ($ in Millions)



13 General Fund Overview with November 3, 2014 Budget Request ($ in Millions)

14 For More Information… Visit 14

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