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Gregg Tabernacle A.M.E. Church 1812 E. 37 th St., KCMO 64109 Mailing Address: PO BOX 5913, KCMO 64171-0913 Rev. Dr. Eraina M. Ross-Aseme, Pastor Ms. Martha.

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Presentation on theme: "Gregg Tabernacle A.M.E. Church 1812 E. 37 th St., KCMO 64109 Mailing Address: PO BOX 5913, KCMO 64171-0913 Rev. Dr. Eraina M. Ross-Aseme, Pastor Ms. Martha."— Presentation transcript:

1 Gregg Tabernacle A.M.E. Church 1812 E. 37 th St., KCMO 64109 Mailing Address: PO BOX 5913, KCMO 64171-0913 Rev. Dr. Eraina M. Ross-Aseme, Pastor Ms. Martha Miller, Chairperson

2  Recognizing that everything we have belongs to God, Psalm 24:1  Systematic way to reduce indebtedness for Gregg Tabernacle  Three Levels: 1 st Level-Vision of the Chair; 2 nd Level reoccurring obligations; 3 rd Level-Long- Term obligation

3  Rev. Dr. Eraina M. Ross-Aseme was assigned as Pastor to Gregg Tabernacle A.M.E. Church, KCMO on September 15, 2013.  Pastor Aseme introduced AABP at Gregg Tabernacle A.M.E. Church, KCMO 1 st Church Conference, October 12, 2013.

4  By committing at least $40 a month along with your tithes & offering on envelope; write Adopt A Bill on it  Visit with Martha Miller who is the Chairperson  Sign a pledge form  An Authentic Certificate will be given to you for joining, the Adopt A Bill Program Club

5  YES, YES, YES  Give Contact Information to Chairperson  Mailing address is: POBOX 5913, KCMO 64171-0913  Email address:  Web address:  Facebook: Tabernacle-African-Methodist-Episcopal- Church

6  Inside Gregg Tabernacle A.M.E. Church’s Program Guide  Class Leader or a Steward  An Usher  Sunday School teacher  By Mail or Call 816-921-6300; leave a message

7 Prayer of Faith Dear God, I humbly acknowledge that everything I have comes from and belongs to you, and I come to you filled with gratitude and thanksgiving. Lord, I desire to serve you and to invest in your work through Gregg Tabernacle African Methodist Episcopal Church. I ask for your wisdom and courage as I seek to determine your will for my life as it relates to the sharing of my gifts and resources, time and talents. Please accept my gift and multiply it to fulfill your plans for the Church through the missional ministries of Gregg Tabernacle African Methodist Episcopal Church. In Jesus’ name. Amen. _______________________________________ ________________________________________ SIGNATURE PRINT NAME ______________________________________________ AMOUNT DATE

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