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Alternative Approaches. Complimentary and Alternative medicine (CAM) Alternative to conventional medicine Approach  Holistic  Considers psychological.

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Presentation on theme: "Alternative Approaches. Complimentary and Alternative medicine (CAM) Alternative to conventional medicine Approach  Holistic  Considers psychological."— Presentation transcript:

1 Alternative Approaches


3 Complimentary and Alternative medicine (CAM) Alternative to conventional medicine Approach  Holistic  Considers psychological and physical factors

4 Types of alternative medicine Naturopathy Chiropractic Acupuncture Guided imagery Yoga Tai Chi Hypnosis Biofeedback

5 Naturopathy Nature has the power to heal Focuses on: Vitamins, Herbs, Exercise, Hydrotherapy, Yoga, Meditation  “Natural” items, as opposed to drugs

6 Alternate practices

7 Chiropractic Covered by insurance Useful for back and neck pain My Dad’s experience My hip experience

8 Mind-body medicine

9 Transcendental Meditation My experience at U.W. medical school Focus attention and breathing Repeating sound or phrase - “Om”  Prevents distracting thoughts

10 Guided imagery Calm, peaceful image  Ocean  Mountain lake Imaging diverts attention from painful (or anxiety producing) experience

11 Yoga Designed to:  Balance the Mind, Body and Spirit  Concentrate energy in the body (postures)  Concentrate relaxation attention ( controlled breathing)

12 Tai chi Moderate intensity, low impact, aerobic exercise People I saw in China

13 Biofeedback Uses immediate biological information  Controls muscle tension  Heart rate Electromyograph (EMG)  Muscle tension  Low back pain and headaches

14 Hypnoses Most used by health psychologists to control acute (not chronic) pain Other uses  Smoking  Weight loss Hypnotic trance, VS relaxation, expectancy and suggestion to reduce pain

15 Acupuncture Produces biochemical changes in the brain consistent with pain relief. Useful for low back pain (similar effect to anti-inflammatory drugs.

16 Effectiveness of alternative treatments Treatments are considered “alternative” because:  Insufficient evidence exists for their effectiveness using randomized, double blind placebo controlled studies Low back pain  Success with  Massage  Acupuncture  Chiropractic


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