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Monthly Practical Life Homework Each month your child will receive a Practical Life assignment. They are to choose four activities from the list and complete.

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Presentation on theme: "Monthly Practical Life Homework Each month your child will receive a Practical Life assignment. They are to choose four activities from the list and complete."— Presentation transcript:

1 Monthly Practical Life Homework Each month your child will receive a Practical Life assignment. They are to choose four activities from the list and complete them throughout the month. Please return the sign page when the activities have been completed. Practical Life is an essential component of Montessori education. According to North American Montessori Center, practical life activities help develop a high level on concentration, a sense of order, pride in a job well done, and increased independence. These activities also help foster respect for the environment, classmates, and others. They also help improve fine motor skills. I think that you will find these activities enjoyable and beneficial for your child. If you think of a different activity that I have not added to the list, you may write it in and complete that activity. The signed activity sheets are due by the last day of each month. As always, thank you for your help in educating your child. -Mrs. Buckman

2 Practical Life Homework Choose 4 different assignments to complete before your due date. Please choose activities that you do not normally do. The point of this assignment is to learn to do something new, not to just complete chores. Record them above and have a parent sign that they were completed. Name: ________________ Due Date: Assignment #_________ done on ____________ Parent Signature:_____________________ Date:______

3 November Practical Life Homework 1.Answer the phone politely and clearly. Take a message for someone in your family. Make sure you are accurate including the name of the person calling, their phone number and any additional information needed for the message. 2.Send a card to someone you care about. It can be a birthday, get well, thinking of you, or Thanksgiving card. Make sure you address the envelope correctly. 3.Meet with your family and make a fire escape plan for your home. 4.Plan a balanced meal for your family. Help your parents cook the meal you have planned. 5.Clean the bathroom. Learn how to clean the sink, tub, and toilet. 6.Sew a button on or help hem a pair or pants. 7.Clean out the refrigerator. 8.Walk your dog. If you don’t have a dog, walk for exercise. Try to see how quickly you can walk a mile. 9.Help you parents gather ingredients needed to make you favorite dish for Thanksgiving dinner. Make sure all of the items needed to make it are included on your family’s shipping list. 10.Rake the leaves in your yard and prepare them for the trash. Bag them up and take to the curb.

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