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Recruiting Future Mathematics and Science Teachers Sandra Abell, Co-Director, MU.

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Presentation on theme: "Recruiting Future Mathematics and Science Teachers Sandra Abell, Co-Director, MU."— Presentation transcript:

1 Recruiting Future Mathematics and Science Teachers Sandra Abell, Co-Director, MU

2 Missouri Center for Mathematics and Science Teacher Education--Background

3 Preparation & Support Recruitment Connection Retention Quality Mathematics & Science Teachers Center Goals Goals

4 Center Recruitment Strategies MU Journalism student project. Advertisements in Missouri newspapers March, 2004.newspapers Chillicothe Constitution-Tribune Columbia Daily Tribune Jefferson City Post-Tribune Joplin Globe Moberly Monitor-Index Sedalia Democrat Southeast Missourian Whiteman Spirit Advertisement in Mizzou Alumni Magazine and Maneater.Maneater Recruiting at graduate school and career fairs. Brochures to 4,500 mathematics and science teachers. Billboards on I-70 and Hwy 54. Billboards Alternative Certification Stipends. Website.

5 Center Recruiting Results (since March 1, 2004) Website: 103 inquiries 29 potential career changerscareer changers 2 college students 51 teachers 21 other

6 Potential Career Changers—Where they heard about us first Billboard: 3 Newspapers: Jefferson City Post-Tribune: 4 Joplin Globe: 2 Southeast Missourian: 2 MU Alumni Magazine: 6 Unknown: 12

7 Center Recruiting Results (since March 1, 2004) Where the requests came from: Missouri--NE: 4; NW: 4, KC: 9; SW: 11; SE: 6; SL: 20; Mid- MO: 26 Other states—Arkansas, California, Georgia, Iowa, Kansas, Tennessee, Texas, Washington

8 Comments “My degree is in Business Administration and I am interested in teaching. Can I obtain a masters in education without having an undergraduate degree in education? Is it possible to start teaching without my certification? If so, what would be required?” “I am interested in the possibility of a career change. I would fit into the category of science and math. I have a degree in Biomedical Engineering. I am currently a practicing physician in Joplin. I would appreciate receiving more information.” “I am planning to return to MO from TX soon. I would like to find out about alt cert programs in the state for teaching. Could you send me information regarding what colleges offer and what the criteria are for obtaining certification?” (Medical technologist who saw I-70 billboard is now in MAT program at CMSU.)

9 Alt Cert Recruitment: Audience-Specific Strategies Homecomers Advisors Career fairs Student organizations Career changers School district human resource directors Newspaper ads Alumni ads and mailings Troops to Teachers Billboards and movie theatre ads

10 Recruiting for MU Alt Cert Programs Target: 30 students per cohort, 15 science/15 mathematics Cohort #1 (Table 1)Table 1 Cohort #2 (Table 2)Table 2

11 Table 1. Cohort #1: Inquiries and Applicants Source of Program Information # Inquiries# Applicants Advisor/Faculty2211 Internet184 Administrator--Partner School83 Friend/Family53 Newspaper Article3 Career Fair2 Placement Director11 Unknown10 TOTAL6922 back

12 Table 2. Cohort 2: Inquiries and Applicants Source of Program Information# Inquiries# Applicants Internet439 Career Fair393 MU Advisor/Faculty/Staff3117 Administrator at Partner School102 Friend/Family78 Student in Cohort 162 Alumni mailing62 Placement Director — outside MU 41 Newspaper Advertisement31 Veterans ’ Representative 2 Newspaper article1 Unknown51 TOTAL15746 back

13 Alt Cert Recruiting Results Target: 30 students per cohort, 15 science and 15 mathematics education Cohort #1 Results: 19 students, 8 science and 11 mathematics education Cohort #2 Results: 30 students, 17 science and 13 mathematics education

14 Statewide Data—Program Graduates* Middle Mathematics Secondary Mathematics Middle Science Secondary Science Traditional Programs 2003-2004 2004-2005 Alternative Certification Programs 2003-2004 2004-2005 TOTALS *Based on data from ___ institutions.

15 Discussion What recruitment strategies do you use to attract students to your traditional program? Alternative certification program? What strategies have you found to be most successful? Your Help is Needed Did you turn in data about graduates? Is the website information about your institution correct?website

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