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STRESS HAPPENS. LAUGHTER Children laugh about 400 times a day as compared to adults who laugh 17 times a day. Don't cry like a baby laugh like one! 10.

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Presentation on theme: "STRESS HAPPENS. LAUGHTER Children laugh about 400 times a day as compared to adults who laugh 17 times a day. Don't cry like a baby laugh like one! 10."— Presentation transcript:


2 LAUGHTER Children laugh about 400 times a day as compared to adults who laugh 17 times a day. Don't cry like a baby laugh like one! 10 minutes of laughing is the equivalent to 30 minutes on the rowing machine. Regular practice of laughing reaps the same benefits as yoga, meditation, mindfulness.

3 What is Stress Body’s response to physical and psychological demands from the environment How Does It Come Out Mood, feelings (anxious, worry, scared, irritable, moody, hyper, tired, scattered, overwhelmed) Thoughts (overwhelmed, blaming others, not taking responsibility for one’s feelings or actions) Physical Sensations (sweaty palms, headaches, neck pain, gastrointestinal)

4 Ways to Manage Stress Clarify sources of stress (why am I so stressed out?) Self-care (sleep, eat well, move your body, connect with others) Time Management Coping strategies (movement, a hot shower, listening to music) Seek support  Counseling services, Health services, Primary care physician

5 Sleep Hygiene Tips Regular sleeping times Restrict bed to sleep and sex Read, watch television elsewhere If not asleep within 30 minutes get up and do something else. Room should be cool, dark, quiet, and enough blankets to keep body warm Avoid napping during the day Avoid exercise or caffeine 4-6 hours before going to bed Hot bath 90 minutes before bedtime. Use the time to relax and let go of pressures from the day (candles, aromatherapy) Rossman, Martin. Fall Asleep, Stay Asleep.

6 Relaxation Strategies Mini Relaxations Progressive Muscle Relaxation Journaling Mindfulness Guided Imagery Listen to audio instructions on websites (You Tube) MWCC Counseling Center WebsiteCounseling Center Website

7 Another perspective Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift that is why it is called the present ELEANOR ROOSEVELT

8 What are your options Accept the situation Change the situation Change your perspective Stay angry/sad/depressed

9 “As a single footstep will not make a path on earth, so a single thought will not make a pathway in the mind. To make a deep physical path, we walk again and again. To make a deep mental path, we must think over and over the kind of thoughts we wish to dominate our lives.” HENRY DAVID THOREAU

10 Make It A Great Day Have a great day Make it a great day. What’s the difference?

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