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Testing, Integration, Validation, and/or XML Erik DeBenedictis Sandia National Labs Sandia is a multiprogram laboratory operated by Sandia Corporation,

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Presentation on theme: "Testing, Integration, Validation, and/or XML Erik DeBenedictis Sandia National Labs Sandia is a multiprogram laboratory operated by Sandia Corporation,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Testing, Integration, Validation, and/or XML Erik DeBenedictis Sandia National Labs Sandia is a multiprogram laboratory operated by Sandia Corporation, a Lockheed Martin Company, for the United States Department of Energy under contract DE-AC04-94AL85000. T-I-V-X Group Report

2 Objectives Stated Purpose –Testing, integration, validation –Something has to exist before you can test it –Not ready Adopted Purpose –If XML is used, the schema can be validated before it is implemented –Up and running Action to Date –Group leader (me) participates in PM & RM working groups and contributes to XML discussion for both –Validated XML posted to T-I-V-X notebook

3 Role of XML Schema Excerpt from MPIMPI Specification written in English –Consistency dependent on humans –Not machine readable SciDAC SSS Possibility –English + –XML Schema

4 What is an XML Schema? XML for a Letter –.xml file Schema for Letters in XML –.xsd file Dear Mr. Robert Smith. Your order of 1 Baby Monitor shipped from our warehouse on 1999-05-21.....

5 What is an XML Schema? XML for a Letter –.xml file Dear Mr. Robert Smith. Your order of 1 Baby Monitor shipped from our warehouse on 1999-05-21.....

6 What is an XML Schema? Schema for Letters in XML –.xsd file

7 Multiple Roles for XML Schema SCIDAC SSS Standards Document Resource Manager Process Manager Other Servers Other XML PM XML Global XML RM XML English Text XML English Text XML English Text

8 Organizing XML Global Definitions –Unix command line Executable Args –Network address Internet hostname Port or service name MPP addressing schemes –Authentication credentials –Etc. Server-Specific Definitions –Job manager –Process manager –Etc.

9 XML Software Infrastructure Parsing –Free parsers available in all popular languages –Two functions: Stream parsers parse on the fly and “callback” to the main program when complete constructs are available Document parsers parse whole documents at once Validating –A few free validators are available in many popular langauges I use Xerces C++ Tools –XML “authoring” tools are available Best ones cost $

10 XML Namespaces Proposed Names –Global Definitions urn:scidac-org:sss:global –Process Manager urn:scidac-org:sss:pm –Scheduler urn:scidac-org:sss:sched –Accounting Module urn:scidac-org:sss:acct –Acknowledgement to Eric Roman Topics for the Group –Are these names OK? –What other namespaces are needed and what should the names be?

11 How Far to Take XML? Issue: How Far to Take XML? –Exemplary Issue: Net Addresses Opaque: value=“” Opaque with Structure: family=“2” port=“234” addr=“1023” Fully Structured: –Other Families? MPP (ASCI Red) Myricom Points of Wisdom –XML schema technology only goes so far Lusk/Desai’s PM XML –Over constraining the XML may limit flexibility Group Decisions –Pertinent members of each group need to decide on the level of detail in the XML schema for each issue

12 Global Definitions Proposed Names –Stdio-type –Exec-type –Env-type –Args-type –Address-type –Intracommunicator-type –Intercommunicator-type –Host-type –CWD-type Topics for the Group –These types were NOT systematically derived and there has been no group discussion –However, the choice of these types will form the “glue” that will bind the processes into a coherent whole –Let’s discuss…

13 Style Consistency What Delimiter Should be Used for XML Attributes? – Group to Decide: –Single quote –Double quote –Doesn’t matter Advantage to a Decision –Consistency

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