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PADOR Potential Applicant Data On-Line Registration Service.

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1 PADOR Potential Applicant Data On-Line Registration Service


3 P ADOR C ONTEXT Request to simplify the Call for Proposals application process: Until the launching of PADOR, each applicant needs to fill in in the whole application form, including information about organisation itself Until the launching of PADOR, each selected applicant had to send 3 paper copies of supporting documentation, even if these documents had already been submitted as part of another Call for Proposal 3

4 P RINCIPLES (1) Link PADOR to the CfP process It is the most operational point of contact between EC and development implementation organisations Each CfP will state if registration on PADOR is compulsory or not (in guidelines) The EC service in charge of the CfP management is in charge of the analysis of the eligibility of the applicant/partners, based on their proposal and on PADOR data 4

5 P RINCIPLES (2) Separate data related to a given entity (in PADOR), from data related to a project proposal: PADOR contains data related to the entity itself. This data can be registered, accessed and updated on-line, at any point in time. Registration once; valid for all Call for Proposals. Only data submitted prior to application deadline are taken into account during selection process The proposal data is still submitted as part of each Call for Proposal, on paper. The entity is responsible for its data, which it registers and updates. (exception: derogation procedure) 5

6 P RINCIPLES (3) Only organisation which are legal entities -i.e. have statuses establishing their existence and produce their own accounting- can register: Individuals Individuals cannot register. Individual applicants will continue to fill-in the entire application form, for each application Consortiums Consortiums created for a given project should not register (although its different members can) Partners Partners register compulsorily, with the same information to provide as the main applicant Associates Associates can register but not compulsory, with less information to produce 6

7 P RINCIPLES (4) PADOR is a database for organisations, but access made by individuals, through personal access rights defined and managed by the organisation Integration of LEF data for entities already validated by DG BUDG (who already have had a contract with the European Commission) 7

8 S ECURITY AND CONFIDENTIALITY OF PADOR DATA Double protection of your data: 1.Only EC authorized representatives (EuropeAid and Delegations) have access to your data Organisations registered in PADOR do not have access to each others’ data No transfer is operated to national authorities 2.The organisation (director/president/manager of the organisation) manages the permissions to access PADOR for its staff 3 kinds of permissions: Read only (consult the information) Read and update the information Sign, validate the information 8

9 S HARED BENEFITS Save administrative time Reduction of the number of encoding mistakes Unique submission of the data and the documents related to current chapter II and III of the grant application form Respect for the environment (saves paper) Applicants do not need to resubmit their data for each Call for Proposal (CfP) EuropeAid and Delegations have the benefit of a shared database containing data about entities applying for grants Registration performed by applicants themselves 9

10 PADOR D ATA (1) PADOR Data: Related to the Entity Itself The data related to the proposal is still submitted via the application form Data requested is the same as currently requested in the Grant Application form Today, this data is requested in Chapter II of the application form for each applicant, for each Call for Proposal (but is not encoded in a central database) Similarly on Chapter III, for partners 10

11 PADOR D ATA (2) Legal Entity File (LEF) data: Administrative data (Name/Address/Legal status, etc) verified in detail by the European Commission (DG BUDG) when a contract is awarded, prior to any payment On PADOR: possibility to print a LEF document pre-filled with data encoded Profile of Development Actor: Non-profit/profit making, Category (one choice only) Experience by sector (based on OECD list) and geographical areas Target(s): target population Relationship with other organisation(s): parent or satellites 11

12 PADOR D ATA (3) Financial data Staff and Board of Directors data Strategies and methodologies Upload of scanned documents (statutes or equivalent document, financial consolidated data, audit report, when relevant) 12


14 S UPPORTING S LIDES Access to PADOR (1) 14

15 S UPPORTING S LIDES Access to PADOR (2) 15


17 S UPPORTING S LIDES PADOR – Administrative Data 17

18 S UPPORTING S LIDES PADOR – Organization Profile 18

19 S UPPORTING S LIDES PADOR – Organization Profile Listings Value Based Humanistic Neutral Political Religious Category Association Commercial Organizations Cultural Organization Foundation Institute of Research MEDIA Network/Federation Other non state actor Professional and/or Industrial Organization Think Tank Trade Union University/Education Link NO – Independent YES – Controlled Organization YES – Parent Organization YES – Family Organization 19

20 S UPPORTING S LIDES PADOR – Organization Profile Listings (2) Target Groups: All Child soldiers Children (less than 18 yrs old) Community Based Organisation(s) Consumers Disabled Drug consumers Educational organisations (school, universities) Elderly people Illness affected people (Malaria, Tuberculosis, HIV/AIDS) Indigenous peoples Local authorities Migrants Non Governmental Organisations Prisoners Professional category Refugees and displaced Research organisations/Researchers SME/SMI Students Urban slum dwellers Victims of conflicts/catastrophies Women Young people Sectors: Education Health Population Policies/Programmes Water Supply and Sanitation Government and Civil Society Conflict prevention and resolution, peace and security Transport and storage Communications Energy Generation and Supply Banking and Financial Services Business and other services Agriculture Industry Mineral Resources and mining Construction Trade Policy and regulation Tourism General Environmental Protection Developmental Food Aid/Food Security Assistance Humanitarian Aid Emergency Response Reconstruction Relief Disaster prevention and preparedness Support to NGOs Etc. 20

21 S UPPORTING S LIDES PADOR – Sectorial and Geographical Experience 21

22 S UPPORTING S LIDES PADOR – Crossed Information and Financial Health 22

23 S UPPORTING S LIDES PADOR – Financing Sources, Audit Report and Staff 23

24 S UPPORTING S LIDES PADOR – Board of Directors and Strategy & Methodology 24

25 S UPPORTING S LIDES PADOR - Hints Once Registered, Save username and password in a file Continuously update data on PADOR Data accounts as of the deadline for application No later updates will be taken into consideration for the specific application Save Data for changes on every page Sign the Data on every update State only organization name and PADOR ID on application forms 25

26 THANK YOU! 26 PADOR website: PADOR helpdesk:

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