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Presented by Kate Stolpman and Thom Jones

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1 Presented by Kate Stolpman and Thom Jones
SSIS Fiscal Update Presented by Kate Stolpman and Thom Jones

2 Welcome Welcome Kate is the Project Manager for SSIS Fiscal
Thom is a Designer and Developer for SSIS Fiscal Theresa Hill, Greg Doyle, Jayson Carrigan, Guy Glirbas and Scott Sorenson Not Here. Thanks to our part-time functional analysts: Sue Nelson (Carver), Janet Nilsen (St. Louis), Sheila Ellingboe (Kandiyohi), Jackie Crowson and Joanna Schmidt (Olmsted)

3 SSIS Fiscal Agenda Schedule / Progress Report / Information
Phase 1 Functions for Fiscal COA Vender/Provider Programs and Services Changes To Worker Phase 2 Functions for Fiscal Payments Service Arrangements COA Maximums IV-E Abstract State Reports (SEAGR, CMHRS, TCM/FP, CSR) Demo

4 Schedule Version 3.8: Anticipated Statewide Release Date – Fall of 2004 Placement Redesign DOC Points Electronic Case Transfer Programs and Services Redesign* Licensing Interface Charting and Analysis – Phase 2, State Outcome Indicators Child Well-being Tool Children’s Mental Health Screening Indicator Chart of Accounts * Vendor/Provider * IV-E/MAXIS Interface, Completion of Phase 2 & Phase 3 Business Organization Changes Items related to SSIS Fiscal release Version 4.0 (SSIS Fiscal): Pilot scheduled for July 2005, Anticipated Statewide Release Date January 1, 2006 Payments Chart of Accounts Maximums Claiming Service Arrangements IV-E Report Other State Reports Reports for county fiscal management

5 SSIS Fiscal Progress Payments Claiming Reporting
COA programmed, beginning testing Vendor/Provider – Bus Org changes being programmed, working on interfaces, cleanup process is beginning Programs and Services behind the screens changes – programming begun COA Maximum design completed, programming begun Payments - use cases mostly done, interface discussions Service Arrangements – use cases done Claiming Reviewing each type of claim Talking with MMIS for interface for claiming, Eligibility, Prior Authorization IV-E – Working with Financial Management, MAXIS, Licensing on interfaces for rates, license status, eligibility and reimbursability Reporting Design workgroup has met and reviewed state reports use cases – SEAGR, CMHRS, TCM/FP CSR (3150.2) Asking for input on internal county fiscal reports that counties need, want

6 Information: Fiscal Flyer
How Many Have Seen It? If we add coupons will you read it? Good Articles and Information on the Status of SSIS Fiscal

7 Follow SSIS Fiscal development on CountyLink
1. 2. Click on County and Tribal Workers to access CountyLink. 3. Click on SSIS in the left navigation column. Bookmark this site. 4. Select SSIS Fiscal to find design documents, newsletters, meeting minutes…

8 SSIS Fiscal Site Map SSIS Fiscal Project Background
High Level Design Documents Payments Workgroup Design Documents Meeting Minutes Claiming Workgroup Reporting Workgroup SSIS Fiscal Flyer Eight newsletter issues Special Meetings Non-IFS County meeting handouts Custom County meeting minutes

9 Questions?

10 SSIS Fiscal GUI Overview
SSIS Fiscal Interface Philosophy Coexistence with SSIS Worker Differences from SSIS Worker Main Window of SSIS Fiscal Typical Search/Preview Window Data Windows

11 SSIS Fiscal Interface Philosophy
Easy Access to Fiscal Tasks Keyboard Navigation for Speedy Entry Alternative Interface to the SSIS Worker Treeview for Navigation Separate Desktop Application from SSIS Worker

12 Coexistence with SSIS Worker
Shared Framework Shared Database and Business Rules Shared Architectural Foundation Familiar Style for Dual Users Examples of Shared Windows in Worker and Fiscal SSIS Fiscal Windows in SSIS Worker Service Arrangement & Payment SSIS Worker Windows in SSIS Fiscal Client & Business Organizations (Bus Org

13 Differences from SSIS Worker
Task Driven User enters data on different levels based on the task they are trying to accomplish. Contrast to Worker which is Case driven. Navigation Without the Tree View XP Control Bread Crumbing

14 Main Window of SSIS Fiscal
Outlook bar approach Quick Entry to Task Task Groupings Easy to add Can be hidden Familiar User Interface User Friendly

15 Typical Search/Preview Window
Filtering and Searching for Items View Details Quick Access to Tasks

16 Data Windows Quickly Add and Delete Records Easy Jumps To Related data
Bread Crumb Trails

17 Data Window

18 Questions?

19 General COA Module Information
Chart of Accounts Codes are made up of Chart of Accounts Elements (Examples: Fund-Department-Program-Service-Object-Org). Counties must define the size of each Chart of Account Element field if not using the default. Programs and Services on COA are not required to be BRASS programs and services. Brass Programs and Services have been separated from COA in SSIS. The COA Programs and Services can be BRASS or can be county defined. The BRASS program and service will be entered/selected separately on Service Arrangements and Payment Requests. SSIS Fiscal will allow an Initial load of COA Elements and Codes.

20 Edit COA Element Screen

21 COA Codes

22 COA Initial Load Process
Setup the element types, element lengths, and element order in County Preferences. Create a tab delimited file with the elements you wish to load into SSIS. Create a tab delimited file with the COA codes you wish to load into SSIS. Review tab delimited files in a spreadsheet and make any changes necessary. (Optional) Run Update Program for Elements and fix any errors that may occur. Run the Update Program for the Codes and fix any errors that occur.

23 Questions?

24 Vendor / Provider Cleanup and Import

25 Environment County accounting system is the Master Copy of Vender information. Data imported into SSIS cannot be changed in SSIS. Changes must flow from the accounting system. Additional Information can be added to SSIS. During import, a log will be produced showing the results of import attempts (both successes and failures).

26 Environment For import to work, proper matching of accounting system vendors with SSIS Bus Orgs is critical. The transfer of information from the accounting system to SSIS is based on the vendor ID.

27 What could go wrong? Show stoppers:
If the same vendor number is used for two different entities in the two systems. E.G. Vendor 7018 is ‘ABC Video Rental’ in accounting system, but is ‘Smith Family Foster Home’ in SSIS.

28 What else could go wrong?
If a vendor number is in use in SSIS but not in the county accounting system. That entity may be in the accounting system with a different vendor number, or the vendor may not exist in the county accounting system.

29 What else could go wrong?
If a vendor number is in use two or more times in SSIS. During the data transfer the update mechanism will not know which Bus Org record should be updated.

30 Cleanup In order to resolve these issues, SSIS will work with the counties to identify and resolve data inconsistencies. Some cleanup reports will be distributed prior to Version 3.8 Vendor cleanup functions will be available in Version 3.8

31 Unused Vendor

32 Invalid Names

33 Changes to SSIS Worker Placement Redesign Address Change
Split Placement and Location DOC Points Calculation Address Change Unparsed the Address Easier to import Vender Address Information Vendor is type of Business Organization

34 Questions?

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