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AMS confidential & proprietary International Business and Technology Consultants 1 XML as a Document Exchange Format Tom Loukas AMS Center for Advanced.

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Presentation on theme: "AMS confidential & proprietary International Business and Technology Consultants 1 XML as a Document Exchange Format Tom Loukas AMS Center for Advanced."— Presentation transcript:

1 AMS confidential & proprietary International Business and Technology Consultants 1 XML as a Document Exchange Format Tom Loukas AMS Center for Advanced Technologies September 26th, 2001

2 AMS confidential & proprietary 2 Why XML? To exchange data you must speak a common language XML is well on its way to becoming that language — Flexible self-describing language — Worldwide sanctioning bodies — Supported by most major software vendors — Already adopted by many industries

3 AMS confidential & proprietary 3 What is XML? Extensible Markup Language Structured language using tags to describe data elements with a document Designed to facilitate data exchange over the internet Version 1.0 of spec released in 1998 by World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) Many additions to spec since then

4 AMS confidential & proprietary 4 Some Design Goals for XML Straightforward use over the Internet Support a wide variety of applications Ease of programmatic processing XML documents should be human-legible and reasonably clear XML documents shall be easy to create

5 AMS confidential & proprietary 5 Sample XML Document Alice Smith 123 Maple Street Mill Valley CA 90952 Lawnmower 1 148.95 Element tags Attributes Data

6 AMS confidential & proprietary 6 Sample XML Document (continued) Baby Monitor 1 39.98 1999-05-21 Element tags Attributes Data

7 AMS confidential & proprietary 7 XML Document Definition - DTD Part of XML version 1.0 Used to specify structure of an XML document — Element names, element structure, attribute names, valid value lists Can be embedded within the XML document or specified via a location reference (e.g. a URL) Uses non-XML syntax and lacks ability to specify data types

8 Sample XML DTD <!DOCTYPE purchaseOrder [

9 AMS confidential & proprietary 9 XML Document Definition - Schema Created to address failings of original DTD specification Support for data typing Enables more rigorous validation Uses XML syntax Finally became part of official spec in May 2001

10 AMS confidential & proprietary 10 Sample XML Schema

11 AMS confidential & proprietary 11 Sample XML Schema (continued) Definition of the USAddress complex type </xsd:sequence

12 AMS confidential & proprietary 12 Sample XML Schema (continued) Definition of the USAddress complex type <xsd:element name="item" minOccurs="0” maxOccurs="unbounded">

13 AMS confidential & proprietary 13 Sample XML Schema (continued) …more child elements of the “item” element ….. <xsd:element name="shipDate" type="xsd:date" minOccurs="0"/> </xsd:complexType </xsd:sequence

14 AMS confidential & proprietary 14 Manipulating XML Documents Parsing — DOM (Document Object Model) Parsers — SAX (Simple API for XML) Parsers Translating — XSLT processors — XML Mapping tools — Custom code Editing — Text editors — Third party tools (e.g. XML Spy) Storage and retrieval — Store as large text or binary object in an RDBMS — Map XML elements to columns of relational tables — Use specialized XML data store (e.g eXelon)

15 AMS confidential & proprietary 15 Major Uses of XML  Data and document exchanges (A2A, B2B, G2B, G2G)  As a metadata format  XLANG for process definitions (Microsoft)  XMI for metadata exchange  Separating content from presentation  Emerging Web Services Paradigm — Business functions accessible over the web via widely used protocols — Developing Standards – SOAP: Invoking web services – WSDL: Describing web services – Others: UDDI, WSFL, ….

16 AMS confidential & proprietary 16 Sample Web Service invocation using SOAP and HTTP POST /StockQuote HTTP/1.1 Host: Content-Type: text/xml; charset="utf-8" Content-Length: nnnn SOAPAction: "Some-URI" DIS

17 AMS confidential & proprietary 17 Sample Web Service response HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: text/xml; charset="utf-8" Content-Length: nnnn 34.5

18 AMS confidential & proprietary 18 Benefits of XML  Industry support  IBM, Microsoft, Oracle, …..  Ariba, Commerceone, webMethods,...  SAP, Baan, Siebel, Peoplesoft, AMS, ….  Human readable  Self describing  New elements can be added readily

19 AMS confidential & proprietary 19 The Other Side of the Coin  Parsing overhead  Tag data and text format result in increased network utilization

20 AMS confidential & proprietary 20 XML Standards and Initiatives  XML specification itself - W3C  Industry-specific XML vocabularies  FpML Financial Products Markup Language  Vendor driven XML standards  cXML and xCBL  Open standards initiatives  ebXML  Government XML initiatives 

21 AMS confidential & proprietary 21 Establishing XML standards for data exchange  Document types  Document structure and content  Document processing flow and rules

22 AMS confidential & proprietary 22 Document processing flow and rules Organization AOrganization B Transmit order Acknowledge receipt of order Provide estimated ship date Acknowledge receipt of ship date info Indicate order shipped Acknowledge receipt of shipping confirmation Payment notification Acknowledge payment notification

23 AMS confidential & proprietary 23 Other processing considerations Transport protocols and security Error handling procedures

24 AMS confidential & proprietary 24 Standards Administration Some things to consider: Who will participate in developing and maintaining the standards? Where will the standard specifications reside? (schemas, process definitions, etc) What process will be used for approval consensus? How will change requests be administered? Others …...

25 AMS confidential & proprietary 25 Thank you

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