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XML modelling Adolf Knoll National Library of the Czech Republic

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Presentation on theme: "XML modelling Adolf Knoll National Library of the Czech Republic"— Presentation transcript:

1 XML modelling Adolf Knoll National Library of the Czech Republic

2 Which elements do we need for description of a postcard?

3 Author Surname – always necessary (if the name cannot be split into „surname“ and „name“, the author will be written into the surname field) Name – it can be missing, but one author can have also more names

4 Publisher Publisher – more publishers can join to publish the postcard PlaceOfPublicantion and NameofPublisher can be missing DateOfPublication must be always expressed

5 Physical description It is required. It consists of 2 elements that are mandatory, too.

6 Visual representation It is required. The image of the recto part is always required, too; there can be 1 or more images to represent the recto part. The image of the verso part is not mandatory, but there can be more images to represent it, too.

7 Entire expanded scheme

8 How to express it as controlling tool? DTD (document type definition) on the basis of the graphic representation also a *.dtd file can be written*.dtd file W3C XML Schema graphically we have created its structure it must be formalized in *.xsd file*.xsd file Both of them can control, which elements are used for description, which attributes they have, which are the relations between them, etc.

9 DTD vs. W3C XML Schema + additional information about placement in the whole structural schema

10 DTD vs. XML file concrete application of the DTD is an XML file in which the elements, attributes, etc., are filled in with datar DTD x.dtd W3C XML Schema x.xsd XML file x.xml



13 However, we wish to work with the files… There is a tool that can tell us what to do with the elements, attributes, entities, etc., from the XML file. Each of them can be assigned specific behaviour XSLT (stylesheet) transformation XML file XSL transformation e.g. HTML

14 Associated stylesheet ………

15 Transformed output sample

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