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EXtensible Markup Language (XML) IEEM 5352 E-Enterprise Integration.

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Presentation on theme: "EXtensible Markup Language (XML) IEEM 5352 E-Enterprise Integration."— Presentation transcript:

1 eXtensible Markup Language (XML) IEEM 5352 E-Enterprise Integration

2 What is XML? XML: eXtensible Markup Language (XML) defines an universal standard for electronically exchanging data for the Internet and Web applications and is supported by major IT vendors. Topics covered include: –Authoring XML element and documents –XML schema and Document Type Definition (DTD) –XSL (eXtensible Style Language) for transforming XML to HTML –Tools for authoring and browsing XML to document XML 是在網際網路及 Web 上定義資料標準格式之語言。 XML 是將傳統的 SGML 加以簡化, 但是又比 HTML 有彈性, 使用者可自行定義標籤 (Tags), 用來傳輸有結構性的資 料是 HTML 之後方興未艾的 Web 標準。在電子商務上, 尤 其企業間 (B2B) 電子商務交易,XML 將式資料交換企業 整合的重要技術與標準。

3 XML can take large chunks of information and consolidate them into an XML document - meaningful pieces that provide structure and organization to the information.

4 Basic building block of an XML document is the element defined by tags.

5 Root element -> Nested elements -> Hierarchical structure.

6 XML Documents An well formed XML document can be read and understood by an XML parser. DTD (Document Type Definition) determines the structure and elements of an XML document. XML parsers read XML documents and extract the data for access by another program.

7 XML-Enabled Standards RosettaNet is a consortium of product vendors and end users that defines a framework for data and process interchange with e-business -XML document and standard process flows. XEDI is published specification describing how to map traditional EDI to XML and back again. BizTalk is an industry consortium founded by Microsoft to define a standard XML grammar for XML-based messaging and metadata.

8 XML-Enabled Standards (cont.) XFRML is an XML standard for reporting financial information over the Internet. XML-Schema is a working group of the W3C that is looking to describe a better mechanism for determining the structure of an XML document. XML Query is another W3C working group looking to create a common set of operations and language syntax for accessing persisted XML data. XSLT provides a standard XML document transformation mechanism using a stylesheet as a common processing engine.

9 XML Tools XML Notepad (XML Editing Tool) – (.NET Frameworks 2.0) – =72d6aa49-787d-4118-ba5f-4f30fe913628&displaylang=en (XML Notepad) =72d6aa49-787d-4118-ba5f-4f30fe913628&displaylang=en XML Parser –Edit/Create Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) – yId=2cf40ae6-368c-4b6b-a185- 2dfa92fb7993&displayLang=en (Microsoft XML Parser) yId=2cf40ae6-368c-4b6b-a185- 2dfa92fb7993&displayLang=en

10 XML Example File (prods.xml) 722 PENTIUM 100 1000 721 PENTIUM 11 300 5000 720 PENTIUM 111 450 15000

11 Rules for Well-Formed XML Mandatory Closing Tag –The set of tags are unlimited but all container tags must have end tag, e.g., …. Example: kj9876_34 1/12/98 MTB1 MTO1 AC987

12 Rules for Well-Formed XML (cont.) Proper Element Nesting –All tags must be nested correctly. Like HTML, XML can intermix tag, but tags may not overlap each other. Legal XML 721 PENTIUM 11 300 5000 Illegal XML PENTIUM 11 300 5000

13 Rules for Well-Formed XML (cont. 2) Double-quote value delimiters –All attribute values must be enclosed in single or double quotation marks. Legal: – Illegal: – are different

14 Rules for Well-Formed XML (cont. 3) Single tag element –Singleton tag (called empty element or tags without content) must be written in an abbreviated form using special XML syntax. Legal: – is equivalent to

15 XML with an internal DTD New York Strawberry Daryl.286 Baltimore Alomar Roberto.287 DTD (Baseball.dtd) +: 1 or more *: 0, 1 or more


17 DTD/ XML Schema XML document content Structure Document with Special Format (HTML/CSS) XSLDisplay Processing for Display or Conversion XML 之網頁呈現 XML Parser

18 Database XML Converter XML PARSER Client Application Client Application SERVER CLIENTNETWORK

19 XML SCHEMA XML SCHEMA (XML-DATA) –Much richer and more extensible way –Describe the rule for the content of a document and use XML itself as a grammar –It was submitted to the W3C as the XML- DATA submission

20 A schema is defined using a particular XML syntax XML SCHEMA Multiple

21 XML Web Server eXtensible Stylesheet Language (XSL) XML XSL HTML (Browser) XML and XSL Internet

22 XSL Example File test price:

23 Business to Customer Bookstore Customer Search Web Server Bookstore Database publisher Publisher Order books Order this book Index all book Book List Publish XML

24 References Http:// Extensible Markup Language (XML) 1.1 (Second Edition) – 20060816 20060816 Extensible Stylesheet Language (XSL) Version 1.1 – XSL Transformation (XSLT) –

25 XML Notepad

26 Example

27 Catalog ID Catalog name Catalog expiration date Catalog issue date Categories 1A10/1 #1, #2, …. 2B10/2 Category ID Category name Products 1T-shirt#1, #2 2Dress#3 Product ID Product name SizeColorPriceCategory 1Flower T-shirt MBlue250#1 2Bear T- shirt SRed250#1 3Circle dress LBlack400#2 1 A 1 T-shirt ……. …..

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