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10 May 2008.1 The Role and the Significance of Supervision through the Experience of the Central Bank of Montenegro M.A. Velibor Milošević Deputy General.

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Presentation on theme: "10 May 2008.1 The Role and the Significance of Supervision through the Experience of the Central Bank of Montenegro M.A. Velibor Milošević Deputy General."— Presentation transcript:

1 10 May 2008.1 The Role and the Significance of Supervision through the Experience of the Central Bank of Montenegro M.A. Velibor Milošević Deputy General Director for Bank Supervision

2 10 May 2008.2 Activities of Supervision in the period 2003-2007 The strengthening of own efficiency and the development of the concept of supervision on risk basis, The regulating of risk management at the banks and the fortification of capital adequacy on the basis of the most modern standards, The implementation of good practices and regulatory established standards of management of all risks, The policy of bank licensing which contributes to the strengthening of security and the growth of credits, The restructuring of the banking sector and its privatization through tender selling, with the most significant criteria of quality of the investor, The efficient acting towards non solid banks through the introduction of interim administrations, bankruptcy and liquidation.

3 10 May 2008.3 Supervisory Activities in the period 2003 - 2007

4 10 May 2008.4 Growth in Assets, Loans, Deposits and Capital in the period 2003 – 2007 (mil. )

5 10 May 2008.5 Growth in Assets, Loans, Deposits and Capital in the period 2003 – 2007 (%)

6 10 May 2008.6 Share of Assets, Credits, Deposits and Capital in GDP in the period 2003 – 2007 (%)

7 10 May 2008.7 Bank`s Ownership Structure in the period 2003-2007 (%)

8 10 May 2008.8 Solvency Ratio in the period 2003-2007 (%)

9 10 May 2008.9

10 10 Micro-credit financial institutions In Montenegro, on date 31.12.2007. business operations are performed by: 5 MFI with approximately 120 employees, 54 mil. assets, 53 mil. approved loans (97% assets), 16 mil. total capital, 2,5 mil. attained profit.

11 10 May 2008.11 Challenges of Supervision in the following period The compliance of the regulation with the changes of the system and the changes which are being directed by the EU, with the direct participation in the work of the working groups and bodies of the EU, The maintaining of the qualitative growth and the development of the banking system in the function of strengthening of its stability, The maintaining and the additional improvement of the institutional capacity that does not lag behind the capacities of the banks which are being examined, The tighter connection with other regulatory bodies, The efficient acting towards non solid institutions, and The strengthening of the financial discipline.

12 10 May 2008.12 Thank you!

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