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Region 1 & 2 IR Workshop October 28, 2013.  The Water Quality Framework is a new way of thinking about how EPA’s data and information systems can be.

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Presentation on theme: "Region 1 & 2 IR Workshop October 28, 2013.  The Water Quality Framework is a new way of thinking about how EPA’s data and information systems can be."— Presentation transcript:

1 Region 1 & 2 IR Workshop October 28, 2013

2  The Water Quality Framework is a new way of thinking about how EPA’s data and information systems can be better integrated to more effectively support water quality managers.  Goal: to streamline water quality assessment and reporting while providing a more complete picture of the nation’s water quality. 2

3  Framework is built upon the existing OWOW data systems: ◦ Water Quality Monitoring: STORET/WQX ◦ Assessment/Restoration: ATTAINS ◦ Actions: GRTS ◦ Geospatial Fabric: NHDPlus The Framework will evaluate how these systems can support one another, while providing users access to information in a seamless way that doesn’t require them to know which system contains which data. 3

4  It is not a new SYSTEM ◦ We’re not talking about merging all these systems together into one ◦ The Framework will use a services based approach to provide the mechanisms for linking these systems together  Integrating data systems is the easy part, integrating the underlying programs is much harder 4

5  Assessment/Restoration Plans ◦ Redesign of the way states provide assessment information and how the public accesses that data  Water Quality Measures ◦ Evaluate new approaches for measuring progress  Monitoring ◦ Support an improved assessment process ◦ Provide means to support the sharing of continuous monitoring data  Public web presence ◦ Redesign public web interfaces to provide a complete picture on water quality 5

6  Actions ◦ Following the successful demonstration of integration from Phase 1, we will then look at ways to integrate on-the-ground actions to water quality monitoring and assessments  319 Non-point source program  NPDES permits  State Revolving Fund  USDA Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP)  And many other potential activities 6

7  Recommendations from recent Retrospective Review of the 305(b)/303(d) Program: o Identify tools to automate the processing and interpreting of ambient water quality data; o Transition to a complete electronic 305(b) and 303(d) reporting and electronic signatures for 303(d) approvals; and o Align the data systems with programmatic processes to track water quality improvement.  ATTAINS will be the first system to undergo modifications as part of the Water Quality Framework 7

8  EPA is creating 4 state/EPA workgroups to evaluate various aspects of the system: ◦ Data Elements and Schema  Will define the core data elements and XML schema for exchanging IR Data (defines ‘What’ data will be exchanged) ◦ Data Exchange Methodology  Defines ‘how’ the data will be exchanged as well as the design of the system ◦ Performance Measures Evaluation  Evaluate current performance measures (SP-10, 11, 12) and make recommendations for adjustments ◦ Improved Assessment Methods  Evaluate methods for developing automated screening tools for water quality assessments.  EPA will establish a governance structure in coordination with ACWA and the states. 8

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11  FY 2013: ◦ Kick-off Roadmap co-lead EPA and ACWA/states  Initiate 4 workgroups: Data Elements, Program Measures, Data Flow, Assessment Methods ◦ Conduct ATTAINS/STORET Options analysis  FY 2014: ◦ Complete workgroup findings reports ◦ 2014 IR Cycle  FY 2015: ◦ Develop ATTAINS Release 1 for 2016 IR cycle  FY 2016: ◦ 2016 IR Cycle - First group of states submit data using Release 1  FY2017: ◦ Develop ATTAINS Release 2 for 2018 IR cycle ◦ Conduct intensive training and state support to migrate  FY2018: ◦ 2018 IR Cycle - All states submitting data via redesigned ATTAINS 11

12  The current Strategic plan measures for water quality improvement: ◦ Individual impaired waters fully restored ◦ Individual waterbody impairments restored ◦ Using a watershed approach to make incremental progress in priority watersheds 12

13 Approximately 2.6 million catchments Average size is 1.1 sq. mile Significant range in size, but 99% of catchments are smaller than 14.55 sq. miles 13 Catchments as of June 14, 2012

14 14 Receive GIS data from StatesTranslate to Catchments

15  Simplifies tracking of site-specific outcomes ◦ Restoration progress for individual impaired waters and priority watersheds ◦ Protection of healthy waters ◦ Improvements co-located with implementation of TMDLs, 319 grants, etc.  Improves tracking output measures (i.e., TMDL measure, 319 measure)  Resolves challenges tracking current measures ◦ Reduces amount of manual tracking of TMDL progress ◦ Addresses issues of overlapping assessment units and variable size of assessment units ◦ Facilitates cycle-to-cycle tracking  More transparent and results can be tracked back to an official ‘system-of-record’  Allows for better cross-program integration  Faster and cheaper data processing costs for both States and EPA 15

16 16 2010 303(d)/305(b) Integrated Report 2012 303(d)/305(b) Integrated Report Category Watershed Area Supporting122 sq. km Impaired131 sq. km With TMDL or Alt. Plan 64 sq. km Not Assessed343 sq. km Total Size596 sq. km Category Watershed Area Supporting149 sq. km Improved 27 sq. km Partially Improved 15 sq. km Impaired67 sq. km With TMDL or Alt. Plan 37 sq. km Not Assessed343 sq. km Total Size596 sq. km

17 Proposed Metric for 303(d) Program: Extent of priority areas identified by each State that are addressed by EPA-approved TMDLs or alternative restoration approaches for impaired waters that will achieve water quality standards. These areas may also include protection approaches for unimpaired waters to maintain water quality standards. ◦ Expressed as percentage of watershed area (by state and aggregated nationally) out of the total watershed areas of priority waters. ◦ Priority areas are defined by each State in close coordination with the EPA Regions and the public. ◦ Alternative restoration approach is a plan and/or a set of actions pursued in near-term (other than a TMDL) that in their totality are designed to attain water quality standards. ◦ Protection approach is a plan and/or a set of actions pursued in the near- term that are designed to maintain or improve unimpaired waters in attaining water quality standards. ◦ Targets are set annually as well as long-term for 2022. 17

18  New pilot measure that uses state statistical surveys to demonstrate progress in improving water quality  Statewide Statistical Survey Pilot Measure is: ◦ Number of states protecting or improving water quality conditions, as demonstrated by:  On average, water quality is improving or at least not degrading (there is no statistically significant decrease in mean water quality);  The percentage of waters in good condition is increasing or remaining constant;  The percentage of waters in poor condition is decreasing or remaining constant.  In 2014, EPA is asking states to provide state statistical survey data through the ATTAINS Web Data Entry tool 18

19  Support an improved assessment process ◦ Looking for ways to make the monitoring data more discoverable ◦ EPA will work with the States to evaluate methods that can be used to automate the screening of water quality monitoring data against water quality criteria  Provide means to support the sharing of continuous monitoring data 19

20  Redesign the ATTAINS public web site to present a more complete picture on water quality: ◦ Integrate National and State-scale surveys with local priority area assessments ◦ Provide access to the underlying monitoring data used to perform the assessments ◦ Build upon the success of ‘How’s my Waterway’  Phase 2 of the Framework will provide access to the ‘Actions’ 20

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22 2014 Engage State Partners in Workgroups Evaluate New Performance Measures Options Make improvements to the methods used to process GIS data 2015 Develop revised ATTAINS system Engage States to participate in ATTAINS redesign as a pilot effort Evaluate options for sharing continuous monitoring data 2016 Release of the new ATTAINS System (Release 1) Work with State partners to submit data via ATTAINS for 2016 reporting cycle Use new approaches for measuring progress Revise ATTAINS public web site 22

23 Questions? 23

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