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G 3 Basics Grant Development, Grant Compliance, and Grant Accounting.

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Presentation on theme: "G 3 Basics Grant Development, Grant Compliance, and Grant Accounting."— Presentation transcript:

1 G 3 Basics Grant Development, Grant Compliance, and Grant Accounting

2 Contacts  Grant Development  Teresa Gonzalez, Grant Development Officer  Maricela G. Silva, Grant Development Officer  Grant Compliance  Samantha B. Uriegas, Grants/Contracts Compliance Officer  David M. Passero, Grants/Contracts Compliance Manager  Nohemi Marroquin, Grants/Contracts Compliance Specialist  Grant Accounting-Business Office Grants  Dalinda Gamboa, Accounting Group Manager  Norma Reyna, Accountant  Jacinta Garcia, Accounting Specialist  Esmeralda Palomo, Accounting Specialist

3 Duties and Responsibilities

4 Grant Acronyms  RFP  RFA  NOGA  PI  GM  FM  T&E  PAR

5 Grant Acronyms  RFP (Request for Proposal)  RFA (Request for Application)  NOGA (Notice of Grant Award)  PI (Principal Investigator)  GM (Grant Manager)  FM (Financial Manager)  T&E (Time and Effort)  PAR (Personnel Activity Report)

6 Grant Start-Up Forms  Request to Set-Up a New Grant Fund  Request of a Grant Budget Form  Banner Finance Access Form

7 CREATING A GRANT (Form BO-4201)  Fund – Left blank (Business Office will assign fund code)  Organization – Grant Compliance: R14300, Carl Perkins Grant Compliance: R14200, R60010 The Institute for Advanced Manufacturing  Program - refer to Banner Program Hierarchy Report  Financial Manager – person responsible for ensuring compliance and approving requisitions, invoices, administrative costs, etc.  Principal Investigator – person managing the grant Form MUST be completed in full


9 CREATING A GRANT BUDGET (Form BO-4200)  Grant Fund – Left blank (Business Office will assign fund code)  Organization – G rant Compliance: R14300, Carl Perkins Grant Compliance: R14200, R60010 The Institute for Advanced Manufacturing  Program - refer to Banner Program Hierarchy Report  Revenue Budget – t otal budget in corresponding category (federal, state, local, private)  Expenditure Budget – summarized by budget pool (610000 salary, 620000 benefits, 710000 operating, 730000 travel, 740000 capital and 750000 scholarships) Form MUST be completed in full including ALL required signatures


11 REQUESTING ACCESS TO GRANT FUND  Form BO – 7200 MUST be completed in full and submitted to the Business Office Grants are fun!!!


13 Grant Initiation Meeting  Who are involved?  Grant Compliance  Business Office-Grants  Other departments requested  Grant Manager  What is discussed?  Grant Deliverables  Grant Budget  Program Report and Fiscal Report Deadlines

14 Chart of Account Reports  Fund - 21…, 22…, 23…, 24…  Organization - R14200, R14300  Account - 61…, 71…, 72…, 73…, 74…  Program - 44.., 80..

15 Grants Banner System (Non-Student Specific Grants) Financial Manager Inquiry Forms  FRIGITD - Grant Inception To Date Same as FGIBDST– Organization Budget Status (Form in Finance Module)  FRIGTRD - Grant Transaction Detail Form Same as FGITRND- Detail Transaction Activity (Form in Finance Module)



18 FOIDOCH REQ, PO, INV R00…., P00…, I0….


20 Important Requisition Information  Department/Vendor Information/Quotes  Fund/Org/Account/Program  Item Description and Quantity  Document Text –  Name of the Grant  What is the funding for  Who will it serve  What is the time frame of the activity

21 GRANT REQUISITION APPROVAL PROCESS Authorized personnel completes on-line requisition Financial Manager will approve/disapprove requisition Business Office-Grants will approve/disapprove requisition Requisition will follow Purchasing processes Purchasing Personnel will approve/disapprove requisition

22 GRANT TRAVEL APPROVAL PROCESS  Grant Travel forms and approval follow STC’s general procedures  Remember:  Federal Limits  State limits 2015 Per Diem Rates (US General Services Administration) -

23 Travel Forms  In-State per diem  STC approved rates  Out-of-State per diem  GSA Regulations  $0.56 mileage  No Tips  No State Tax

24 Time and Effort Documentation  6 month Personnel Certification  Monthly Personnel Activity Report

25 Audits  In a fiscal year, the Business Office-Grants may go through several audits (monitoring visits, desk reviews, site visits, audits, etc.).  Prior audits have been performed by:  Texas Workforce Commission  Workforce Solutions  Department of Education  Department of Labor  Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board  Private Agencies

26 Questions???

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