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Transformation Pillar V.  What is already in place  Questions  Take-aways  Suggestions  Book: School, Family and Community Partnerships by Joyce.

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1 Transformation Pillar V

2  What is already in place  Questions  Take-aways  Suggestions  Book: School, Family and Community Partnerships by Joyce L. Epstein

3  Church Partnership – The church partnership has a very active membership. The middle school had concerns about their participation.  Open House – Because some parents have children in multi- buildings, the suggestion is to have elementary on separate days from middle and high schools. Prior to the end of the year a notice could be mailed about important pre-school dates. This might be a purpose for using the one-call system. Development of magnets for reminder dates (key dates and school contact numbers).  Building use – Thought of buildings being used better. We should have continual usage of the facilities and it should be advertised.  Individual building Family Involvement activities - See resources

4  How can we get our parents more active? o Scheduling convenience for meetings o Use the JOB Store for volunteer hours o Bring the Compass students to the buildings to volunteer o Building community service hours in the high school experience as a graduation requirement  How often do teachers communicate with parents? o Make as many positive calls as they do negative  What kind of position is being required from the district? o This position would be a communication person with the requirements of being able to contact business for their interaction with the schools.

5  Create an ATP (Action Team for Partnership)  Create and disseminate a survey for school needs  Create alternative schedules for parent meetings  Consistent communication with parents and community  Enhance what is already being done by parents  Encourage the pride representation  Host end of the year events for parents where the students take part in creating the occasion per grade level (elementary are able to share their stats at this time)

6  More parents include in making district/bu8ilding decisions  Avail parent to test taking experiences at the building level  Have the principals hold the community forum with CEO giving brief information prior to the school year (individual open houses  Create an adopt-a-school with the area businesses  Develop a child/parent share day (students bring a parent to school to share class with)

7  Place student in the workplace or community site to do community service beginning at elementary level  Allow a parent/business workshop day (retirement, savings, higher education opportunities)

8  Create a Marketing position.  Implement a parent involved retention/recruitment program.  Create a skeleton program using the book.  ATP- (Action Team Partnership).  Refer to Chapters; 1-3 in book.

9  Apply Action Team and begin implication of team activities  Conduct workshops pertaining to six types of involvement including meeting challenges to reach all families  Parent/business workshop to enhance relationship between business-church- student-family

10  Strengthen partnership in the middle and high schools  Involve families with student transition, next level school  Involve government in the readiness stages of our students at the secondary level

11  Incorporate community service hours in the graduation requirements  Recycle the Cycle of 2014 – 2015 with Mentors  Marketing person can parent/business relationships with job opportunities

12  Realigning the cycle to meet the changing needs  Focusing on the next five year forecast

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