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Kids Voting 2010. You will vote for one United States Senator. He/She will serve a 6-year term. Robin Carnahan (Democrat) Roy Blunt (Republican) Jonathan.

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Presentation on theme: "Kids Voting 2010. You will vote for one United States Senator. He/She will serve a 6-year term. Robin Carnahan (Democrat) Roy Blunt (Republican) Jonathan."— Presentation transcript:

1 Kids Voting 2010

2 You will vote for one United States Senator. He/She will serve a 6-year term. Robin Carnahan (Democrat) Roy Blunt (Republican) Jonathan Dine (Libertarian) Jerry Beck (Constitution)

3 What is the role of a U.S. Senator? U.S. Senators are members of the Senate, one of two parts of the United States Congress (The House of Representatives being the other). The citizens of each state elect two Senators to serve 6 years terms. The Senate as a whole has many duties and responsibilities. Some of these include writing and passing laws, approving many presidential appointments, and ratifying treaties with other countries. In addition, individual Senators play many roles. These roles include being official members of the government, representing the people that elected them, and being members of a political party.

4 You will vote for 1 United States Representative in your district. He/She will serve a 2-Year Term. Congressional District 1 - Lacy Clay (Democrat) Congressional District 1 -Robyn Hamlin (Republican) Congressional District 1 - Julie Stone (Libertarian)

5 (Continued) Congressional District 2 - Arthur Lieber (Democrat) Congressional District 2 - Todd Akin (Republican) Congressional District 2 -Steve Mosbacher (Libertarian)

6 (continued) Congressional District 3 - Russ Carnahan (Democrat) Congressional District 3 - Ed Martin (Republican) Congressional District 3 - Steven R Hedrick (Libertarian) Congressional District 3- Nicholas J (Nick) Ivanovich (Constitution)

7 What is the role of a U.S. Representative? A United States Representative is supposed to be the common persons voice in the United States government. The House Of Representatives joins the Senate in forming the legislative arm of our government, that part which writes and passes laws. Because a Representative only serves a two year term, it was thought that they would be more in touch with the average person, as opposed to Senators, who serve a six year term, and are more likely to be older, more affluent, and removed from everyday life.

8 You will vote for 1 State Auditor to serve a 4-year term: Susan Montee (Deomocrat) Tom Schweich (Republican) Charles W Baum (Libertarian)

9 What does a State Auditor do? He or She oversees the spending of tax dollars. Oversees spending of tax dollars. The office is required to perform financial audits on a set schedule. The auditor is also empowered to perform performance audits and investigative audits on his or her own initiative or on the basis of tips given through an anonymous hot line. Audits are done on educational institutions, state agencies, departments, boards or commissions. The auditor also has authority to audit nonprofit organizations that receive state money. Agencies are required to open the books for auditors. But the auditor has no authority to act on his or her findings. In some ways, the best tool is publicity. Completed audits are public records.

10 You will vote for 1 state senator in your district who will serve a 4-year term. If you are in District 24, here are the candidates: Barbara Fraser (Democrat) John T. Lamping (Republican)

11 (continued) If you are in District 26, here are your candidates: George (Boots) Weber (Democrat) Brian Nieves (Republican) Richard E. Newton (Constitution)

12 What is the role of a State Senator? In the U.S., every state sends two senators to Washington to represent their state in the Senate for 6 years. The Senate is the Upper House of Congress, which deals with the making of new laws. The Senators have to do a lot of talking and meeting people so they know what the people in their state are thinking and then have to argue their case on the floor of the Congress. They have to decide whether to support or argue against proposed new laws.

13 You will vote for 1 State Representative in your district to serve a 2-year term. District 79- Mary Nichols (Democrat) District 79 - Dan Johnson (Republican) District 79- William R. Spaits (Constitution) District 82 - Jill Schupp (Democrat) District 84 - Don Gosen (Republican) District 86 - Cole McNary (Republican) District 87 - John J. Diehl Jr (Republican) District 88 - Andrew Koenig (Republican) District 89 - Timothy W. Jones (Republican) District 92 - Sue Allen (Republican) District 93 - Dwight Scharnhorst (Republican) District 94 - Deb Lavender (Democrat) District 94 - Rick Stream (Republican)

14 What does a State Representative do? A state representative helps people and tries to move society forward and also triess to make society a better place for all people to live in. Some of the responsibilities of a state representative are: 1. Vote on laws. 2. Assist people with constituent services. 3. Try to improve the communities they represent. 4. Protect the taxpayers money by making sure tax dollars are spent on education, affordable housing, reasonable transportation, fire and police protection, etc. If communities do not have strong representatives that listen to the voice of the people, you end up with representatives that dictate their own goals and agendas, and represent special interest groups that give them money. A state rep should also have had a strong background in community involvement and advocacy prior to becoming a state representative. This service need not have been on a political level but one should be able to look at their history and see that this is a person that cares for the well-being of others and have made positive contributions and is unselfish.

15 You will choose 1 St. Louis County Executive to serve a 4- year term. Charlie A. Dooley Democrat Bill Corrigan Republican Theo (Ted) Brown, Sr.

16 What does the County Executive Do? A county executive is the head of the executive branch of government in a county. The executive may be an elected or an appointed position. The executive is generally given full responsibility for the total operation of all departments based on general directives provided by the elected county government that hired the executive

17 You will vote for one St. Louis County Prosecuting Attorney to serve a 4-year term. Robert P. McCulloch - (Democrat) Yes, he is the only one on the ballot!

18 What does the Prosecuting Attorney do? A prosecuting attorney is a lawyer who usually works for the government to try criminal cases. His job is to initiate and carry out legal proceedings against a person who has been accused of a crime. On behalf of his national, regional, or local court system, he works to convict criminals or secure other forms of justice. This differs from a defense attorney, who typically has the job of working on behalf of an accused criminal, helping him to avoid conviction or at least seek a lesser penalty.

19 You will vote for 1 St. Louis County Council in your district to serve a 4-year term. District 3: Robert (Bob) Nelson (Democrat) OR Colleen M. Wasinger (Republican) District 7: Greg Quinn (Republican)

20 What does a Council Member do? District or city council provide services that are mostly focused on land use, urban and community development. These services can include local road and pipe networks (water supply and sewage disposal), rubbish collection, street lighting, public libraries, swimming pools and playgrounds.

21 You will also be asked to vote on Constitutional Amendments to the Missouri Constitution. It will look like this: You’ll be asked to check: Yes or…. No On Constitutional Amendment 1 [Proposed by the 95th General Assembly]. Shall the Missouri Constitution be amended to require the office of county assessor to be an elected position in all counties with a charter form of government, except counties with a population between 600,001-699,999? Yes or… No On Constitutional Amendment 2 [Proposed by the 95th General Assembly]. Shall the Missouri Constitution be amended to require that all real property used as a homestead by Missouri citizens who are former prisoners of war and have a total service-connected disability be exempt from property taxes? Yes or… No On Constitutional Amendment 3 [Proposed by Initiative Petition] Shall the Missouri Constitution be amended to prevent the state, counties, and other political subdivisions from imposing any new tax, including a sales tax, on the sale or transfer of homes or any other real estate?

22 You will also be asked about ballot issues such as… City of Creve Coeur - PROPOSITION C - Simple Majority Required Shall the City of Creve Coeur, Missouri, impose an additional sales tax at a rate of one-quarter of one percent? You will be asked to check “Yes” or “No.”

23 Last but not least, the ballot will ask you about the Missouri Supreme Court – Retention of Judges : You will be asked to check “Yes” or “No” to this question: Shall Judge Zel Fischer of the Missouri Supreme Court be retained in office?

24 The Last Slide will ask you to click on… “Confirm” It will make sure that all responses have been calculated. Then, you are done! Results will be posted after the actual election day on, November 2, 2010. Congratulations!

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