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Business support for SMEs CCIRB’s initiatives Presented by Anemari Marcusanu Business Information Analyst Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Romania and.

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Presentation on theme: "Business support for SMEs CCIRB’s initiatives Presented by Anemari Marcusanu Business Information Analyst Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Romania and."— Presentation transcript:

1 Business support for SMEs CCIRB’s initiatives Presented by Anemari Marcusanu Business Information Analyst Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Romania and Bucharest E-Commerce Romanian Association Bucharest 26 June 2003

2 2 Romanian SMEs face a double transition, to : - market economy - Information Society

3 3 CCIRB supporting SMEs in the transition to the Information Society General objective : The awareness and training of the entrepreneurs, also of SMEs aiming to cope with the globalisation challenge, by using the opportunities provided by the Information Society Particular target : To contribute to develop electronic means in doing business that enables to increase the entrepreneurs' competitivity and efficiency The role of CCIRB - to become an important actor for Internet and e-business promotion, as a new means " of business"; - facilitate the understanding the necessity to use the Internet by supplying information and training for SMEs; - to become a supplier of services needed to set up a safe and trustworthy environment to do business on Internet (digital certificate issues, trust info etc.).

4 4 Main policy and achievements within CCIRB Own Internet server : - - 50 sites - 1,2 million hits/month Intranet - within CCIRB - at the CCIs system level using digital signature Projects initiated for supplying business information and services through Internet - over 10 databases and portals (including - information network for the Balkan CCIs; - a bilateral Romanian Turkish portal ) Involvement in global projects for facilitating e-commerce Launching of e-learning system Services providing SMEs through Internet : - publicity (profiles, inquiries, offers) - posting the SMEs’ opportunities on global virtual markets(GBX) - advertising (by including banners) - housing e-mail addresses and web pages - web pages design - enlisting on search engines - consultancy

5 5 Projects: EBR-ON: European Business Register – Open Network – an IST programme CB-BUSINESS – Cross Border Business Intermediation through Electronic Seamless Services – IST Programme Info Europe Partnership – Phare Programme CERPECO – Regional Center for Continuous Improvement of the Entrepreneurs – Phare Programme Future participation in other projects: ROMNET – initiated by IMT Bucharest Test- Beds for e-Business – IST Programme BeSeen – INTERREGIIB – CADSES Programme – Business and academic Electronic Collaborative Platform for South- Eastern Europe

6 6 The Romanian Association for e-commerce Set up in January 2001 at the initiative of CCIRB The mission : to facilitate, develop and promote the e-commerce in Romania Target groups - e-commerce legal experts; - e-commerce services providers; - e-commerce users. Activities: -Training courses in e-commerce legislation, how to optimize the companie’s presentation web-site -conferences on e-commerce topics - public hearings on the new laws concerning e-commerce

7 7 Targets of ARCE promote e-commerce use; make aware the entrepreneurs of e-commerce tools; foster the ethical use of new technologies; facilitate and promote the e-commerce through regional and international actions and initiatives; represent the interest of Romanian participants in e- commerce both on European and global level;

8 8 Events - 2003

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