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2015-2016  Link Crew is a high school transition program that welcomes freshmen and makes them feel comfortable throughout.

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Presentation on theme: "2015-2016  Link Crew is a high school transition program that welcomes freshmen and makes them feel comfortable throughout."— Presentation transcript:

1 2015-2016

2  Link Crew is a high school transition program that welcomes freshmen and makes them feel comfortable throughout the first year of their high school experience.

3  Built on the belief that students can help students succeed, Boomerang Project’s proven high school transition program trains mentors from your junior and senior classes to be Link Crew Leaders.

4  As positive role models, Link Crew Leaders are mentors and student leaders who guide the freshmen to discover what it takes to be successful during the transition to high school and help facilitate freshman success.

5  More and more studies show that if students have a positive experience their first year in high school, their chance for success increases dramatically.

6  Link Crew provides the structure for freshmen to receive support and guidance from juniors and seniors who have been through the challenges that high school poses, and understand that the transition to a larger school can sometimes be overwhelming.

7 Link Crew is a year long transition program with four components that contribute to its success:

8  Link Leaders and freshmen start building the mentor relationship and freshmen receive information about how to be successful in high school.

9  Link Leaders support freshman academic success and character development through structured classroom visits.

10  Link Leaders and freshmen connect outside the classroom at social events to increase student engagement, and promote positive school climate.

11  Link Leaders connect with their freshmen on a more individual basis.

12  Link Crew's goal is to provide schools with a structure in which students make real connections to others, thus increasing school safety and reducing incidences of bullying with anti-bullying education.

13  Through this program, freshmen learn that people at school care about them and their success and leaders experience increased self esteem as well as overall character development.

14  Link Crew is the high school transition program that will increase attendance, decrease discipline referrals and improve academic performance at your school.

15  Because freshmen are the largest at risk population at your school.

16 More students fail 9th grade than any other grade. (National High School Center, 2007)

17  Promotion rates between 9th and 10th grade are significantly lower than rates between all other grades (Wheelock & Miao, 2005).

18  Most high school dropouts fail at least 25% of their ninth grade courses, while 8% of high school completers experienced the same difficulty (Letgers & Kerr, 2001)

19 Low attendance during the first 30 days of the 9th grade year is a stronger indicator that a student will drop out than any other 8th grade predictor, including test scores, other academic achievement, and age (Jerald, 2006)

20  What would happen if older students at your school were given the resources, the skill and the permission to change this…  AND the support to do it?

21  In schools in which transition programs are fully operational, researchers saw a dropout rate of 8%, while schools without transition programs averaged 24% (Reents, 2002).

22  Link Crew’s main goal is to successfully transition freshmen by addressing the three fundamental transition needs that every student has:  Safety  Information  Connection

23  In many high schools, the focus is on keeping students safe by keeping bad things from entering the school environment. As a result, money and resources are invested in security to seal off the campus.

24  Those inside our high schools, however, know that the far greater issue for students is keeping them safe from the negative forces within the school walls and halls. Bullying, rumors, isolation, and harassment are far more likely to pose safety risks on the average campus than external violence.

25  Link Crew allows students to have a trusted source of safety from their first moments on their school campus.

26  To make a successful transition, we need the what, where, how, and when to aid us on our journey. In schools, this translates into students needing to know what classes they have to take, where those classes are, what rules are important, what opportunities are available, and where they have to be when.

27  For most schools, the challenge comes in getting this information to the students in an accurate and timely manner. Many schools gather large groups of new students and parents together and talk at them. They also post the information everywhere they think parents or students might look: newsletters, websites, and bulletin boards.

28  Link Crew focuses the information dissemination process through the student to student connection both one on one and in small groups. This makes it far more likely that critical information is received and remembered.

29  Even when students feel safe and informed, they may not successfully transition into a new school if they do not develop a sense of connection. In every transition in our lives we need to feel a sense of connection to the new situation. This is true whether we are connecting to a new job, a new child, or a new reality in our own lives.

30  The more connected students are to their new school, the better they will do in all the measures that are important in tracking their success: grades, test scores, attendance, and discipline. All these measures are positively affected when students are connected.

31 Schools try to promote this crucial component of transition by offering co- curricular activities, athletics, and special events in the hopes that kids will connect. Unlike the two other components to a successful transition, this one is left to chance. Even the most robust co-curricular programs only involve a percentage of the students.

32  Link Crew creates a structure that connects every incoming freshman with a caring upperclassman from their first day through the end of their freshman year.

33  Basha High School wants to implement a year-long program this year.

34  We need regular officers to implement traditional duties. ◦ President ◦ Vice President ◦ Secretary ◦ Treasurer ◦ Graphic Design To see what the duties are log on to the Basha Website under Programs: Link Crew

35  We also need 6-8 individuals who want to provide tolerance and kindness education to students at our school to promote an anti- bullying culture at our school. This would tie in NICELY for students who want to use this for an anti-bullying Senior Project. Duties would include coming up with a video, powerpoint, or prezi and presenting in conference all year long. You can check with Mrs. Bateson or Fernandez to see about community service hours for NHS.

36  Some AVID/NHS students to do the same kind of presentation but their topic would target how to be successful and get involved at school. Time management strategies, studying strategies, test-taking strategies, and so on along with encouragement on how to get freshmen involved on campus. These students would present to freshmen, where the previous group would present to grades 10, 11, and 12.

37  We would like to incorporate these presentations into Senior Projects and NHS hours wherever possible as well. Seniors will be given priority since their senior projects are due this year. Juniors are welcome to apply as well.

38  Send an email attachment that includes a picture, your name, the position you are applying for, and a couple of paragraphs.  Paragraphs should include why you are the best person for the job and what you plan to do for and with the club next year.  Officers will be expected to be proactive and run the club!

39  Send an email indicating what you would like to do for the school and how you would implement your ideas. Include whether or not it would tie into a senior project and/or community service hours.

40  Questions?

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