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Real-time and productivity for Travel exchanges Tue. 03/02/2015 - Webinar Discovering XFT.

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Presentation on theme: "Real-time and productivity for Travel exchanges Tue. 03/02/2015 - Webinar Discovering XFT."— Presentation transcript:

1 Real-time and productivity for Travel exchanges Tue. 03/02/2015 - Webinar Discovering XFT

2 XFT to ease business exchanges An answer to the market needs Different priorities over time XFT History – evolving with the market 2004 2014 Selling Selling better Productivity Standardization

3 At first : Undestand each other, and sell… The rise of e-commerce Creation of the language and selling messages An initiative of the market actors XFT History – evolving with the market Selling 2003 - 2004 The same language for different processes

4 Beyond selling transaction… Price and availability cache (populate T.A. systems) New search transactions Promotions … XFT History – evolving with the market 2005 - 2006 Selling better

5 XFT after the sales… Dematerialisation (invoices…) Automation (documents, cancellation…) XFT History – evolving with the market 2007 - 2008 Productivity This part is not as much used as the selling process. Manual processing remains…

6 Enrich and make it standard The XFT Catalog, structured data, exchanges… More products can be sold in XFT, more features used… Standardizing use cases (sales and management) To ease XFT generation and consumption XFT History – evolving with the market 2009 - 2014 Standardization

7 Language vs. Standard A language… … for different usecases  Evolutive et retrocompatible  Flexible and easy to apprehend A standard is by definition more « binding »  Ex : in France, the ½ twin price Thesaurus Concepts Rules/conventions

8 Achieve with members of each part… Distributors Providers Tech. providers GDS Institution

9 How we work Everyone has a say ! Priorities Planning Monitoring Collaboration Follow-up Solutions Meetings Debates Training Yearly General assembly Quarterly Exec. Committee Calls, conf calls, or committees every month Public events, congresses, training sessions…

10 The standard TO usecases in XFT All the process is covered! Today, we’ll just look at the minimal process More standard formats are available! Products Price / Availability Validation Sale Productivity Post-booking E-invoicing

11 Beyond standard usecases Capitalize on a single language Same files and transactions for your own channels Than for any distributor Connected directly, or through platforms Your system B2C Website B2B Website Your system Concentration Platform Distributor

12 Step 1 : Publish products for distribution Objectives : Appear quickly in the website results list… … with minimal info. and « call to action » price Display quickly the complete product page With starting price per departure date/location couple Step 1 – Asynchronous file

13 Step 1 : Publish products for distribution Means : The XFT Catalog for your products: Editorial content, keywords, categories… Structured data and full itinerary, add-ons Your XFT PAC (price and availability cache) Including occupation and selling rules Step 1 – Asynchronous file

14 Step 2 : Validate the selected offer, and sell it Objectives : Real-time price and availability validation… For a precise journey, but indicating alternatives Allow the distributor to book in realtime, Create the mid-office booking Step 2 – Here begins real time…

15 Step 2 : Validate the selected offer, and sell it Means : « Get_QuotedAvailability » transaction Perhaps several consecutives ones (as the client can select flight, room type, add-on…) « Create_Booking » or Option Confirm the sale and give the reference Step 2 – Here begins real time…

16 Step 3 : Provide the travel booking at any time Objectives : At least allow the distributor to retrieve the booking In real time, as a booking evolves over time Complete format, without history, documents only… More real-time operations are possible, Confirm, ask cancellation fee, cancel… Step 2 – Here begins real time…

17 Step 2 : Validate the selected offer, and sell it Means : « Get_Booking » transaction All it takes is a reference Other mid-office transactions… Step 2 – Here begins real time…

18 Beyond standard usecases Many more exchanges already available Other standard formats Tax compliant e-invoicing, mid-office transactions… Some non-standard formats, prototyped or implemented Advanced/Specific real time product search Notifications… There’s more…

19 Beyond standard usecases Keep in mind its evolutivity and adaptability Different pricing format It has already been used to build pricing engines Different processes, data, products… It has been used (non standard) for Insurance, bedbank meta- search, flight search and PNR management (with transformation of the GDS format)

20 International eXchanges What’s next ?  Identify interested actors Providers and distributors looking for a common format ?  That’s how XFT standard formats were born Tech. providers, associations, institutions ?  That’s what is happening in Fr. for evolutions, recommandations, new usecases…

21 International eXchanges What’s next ?  Gather everyone, and express the need Study format and processes in more details Identify italian market specificities to be supported Define the initial functional perimeter to implement …

22 International eXchanges How can XFT help, what can it provide ?  High level documentation, support and training  Detailled technical documentation  Implementation support (prototyping, validation…)  Networking and ease of access to french market  Support in connectivity project management

23 Beyond standard usecases Any questions so far ? Products Catalog Price / Availability Validate Create booking Manage booking Invoice… There’s more…

24 Thank you for your time

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