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NFP Leadership Challenges and Industrial Relations Challenges.

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Presentation on theme: "NFP Leadership Challenges and Industrial Relations Challenges."— Presentation transcript:

1 NFP Leadership Challenges and Industrial Relations Challenges

2 Leadership and Uncertainty The only business certainty is uncertainty However…Leaders can always offer… Certainty in their Style… By understanding their own Strengths and the Strengths of people in their Teams and… understanding and constantly improving their own EQ (Emotional Intelligence) and.. Constantly developing the strengths, skills and talents of others..the best legacy an NFP Leader can leave an organisation is creating and preparing … More Leaders Are You a Leader? Undergo the Leadership DNA Confidential Assessment – NFP Success (02) 9659 2602

3 NFP Leadership Traits Strategic Thinkers Deliverers Relationship Builders Influencers

4 Industrial Relations Challenges – NFP Sector Higher Incidence of Issues such as… Bullying Claims Unfair Dismissal Claims Harassment Claims Employee Grievances…. Why?

5 Industrial Relations Challenges – NFP Sector NFP Sector growing too fast – puts pressure on work environments, stress tolerances of individuals, people coming and going, lack of continuity….and unsuitable work environments, burning people out, constant pressure to do more with less….lack of HR and IR expertise in Sector… How do we solve…

6 Industrial Relations Solutions – NFP Sector Involve staff in office upgrades, Don’t sacrifice meeting space to office space, always maintain a healthy meeting to office space ratio Monitor unplanned absence data Communicate… Offer challenges and more responsibilities to people (even though at times they will reject the opportunities) Look for creative affordable and no-cost ways to develop people, ask them to contribute to finding those solutions Ask staff for problem solving ideas e.g. to the problem of the month

7 Industrial Relations Solutions – NFP Sector Don’ t absorb complaints, ask complaint givers to turn their complaint into a solution Carefully manage change (and take advice) Take Industrial Relations Advice when hit with a claim (but from a HR Professional in the first instance not a lawyer otherwise you will go head first into a confrontation) Hire the Best People with the Best Attitude, Train the Skills Later Share Info with people at every opportunity, what is discussed in the Boardroom apart from confidential issues should be discussed e.g. Board Minutes Establish a formal “team meetings” policy where organisational performance information gets shared and ideas to improve are discussed Don’t assess your Leadership Skills too hard when things go wrong, just learn and move on, people are beautiful but..unpredictable Be consistent

8 Leadership Develeopment There are no perfect leaders Some great leaders e.g. Gandhi and Churchill are so different As long as you know what your current leadership strengths you have great chance of improving your Leadership pedigree and becoming a better leader…it is never ending journey Take the leadership strengths assessment sometime… NFP Success (02) 9659 2602

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