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Policy and Procedure Inspector Christian Ellis. Policy Statement About Policy It is best practice to have up to date, clear and standardised policies.

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Presentation on theme: "Policy and Procedure Inspector Christian Ellis. Policy Statement About Policy It is best practice to have up to date, clear and standardised policies."— Presentation transcript:

1 Policy and Procedure Inspector Christian Ellis

2 Policy Statement About Policy It is best practice to have up to date, clear and standardised policies and procedures available to officers and staff to support their activities, ensure goal compliance and minimise risk.

3 Purpose of Policy & Procedure Planning cycle will identify Policing Priorities that will be translated to Policy. Manage risk by providing written protocols Identify owners of policy



6 Pyramid Breakdown STRATEGY Is a high level plan of action that will enable the force to achieve its strategic objectives. POLICY Is a high level statement of principle that sets out the FORCE position on a issue.

7 Pyramid Breakdown PROCEDURE Will define in more detail the sequence in which actions will be delivered, what constitutes action, who will undertake the action, in what circumstances and which documents are associated with the policy GUIDANCE Covers what good/best practise is

8 Why Policies and Procedures? Clearly identifies owners of area Manages and minimises risk Compliance with Law Standardised approach Allows for review and development

9 Contents of training 1.Development of Procedure (scoping document) 2.Consultation 3.Approval 4.Communication and cascade 5.Maintenance 6.Compliance and monitoring

10 Please take 5 minutes to discuss and report back area’s you have or should have policies and procedures in?

11 Examples of Policies in UK Escorting Abnornal Loads Use of Force Career Breaks Promotion Uniform Allocation Overtime Acting up duties Bomb threats Business Interests Child Protection Community Speed Watch Critical Incidents We have 200+

12 1.Scoping Do you need a procedure/policy for subject? Sponsored by top tier of organisation from the Executive. Owned and developed by district commander or service unit manager.

13 Scoping continued Policy/Procedure Framework catergorised: 1.Governance – organisational development, planning, decision making, financial management and business compliance. (owned by Deputy Chief) 2.People- workforce, people, training and development (owned by Deputy Chief) 3.Operational- response,neighbourhood, specialist operations, inteligence and investigation.

14 Scoping continued Policy/Procedure development should be recommend by service unit manger because it is required to: Ensure the effective delivery of policing plan objectives, performance targets, operational services or strategic projects. Comply with changes to legislation/regulation Respond to Inspections or audit Mitigate risks SAVES TIME, IF YOU DO NOT NEED IT DON’T DO IT

15 Take 5 minutes and give me some examples of area’s of work that you do not need a policy?

16 Scoping Document Headings 1.Policy Name: Missing from Homes 2.Policy Framework: Operational 3.Policy Owner: Supt Smith 4.Reason for new policy: Explain why it is necessary.(change in the law) 5.Description:what will the policy cover and who will it impact upon. 6.Risk: the risks if not implemented

17 Scoping Document Headings 7.Outline costs: indentified costs/resources required for implementation 8.Existing policies affected by this policy. 9.User Impact: who and what will it effect 10.Chief Officer approving creation.


19 2. Consultation Start the development of the Policy but have continual consultation throughout: Officers Staff Working groups Technical experts Members of the public Independent Advisory Group Policy owners it may impact upon

20 Consultation continued Once Policy/Procedure written then formal consultation is required with: Staff Associations Service Unit Managers 28 days to return feedback with further consulation if required to make any amendamants.

21 Questions to Ask During Consultation Is the policy needed in this area? Does the policy achieve its aim? What improvements can be made to the policy? What impact do you think this policy will have?

22 Equality Impact Assesment Full Input Soon

23 3. Approval The Policy/Procedure is then taken to the next Strategic Development Group. Outcomes: 1.Approved 2.Approved in principle with specific changes 3.Approved in outline with further work and resubmission to SDG. 4.Not Approved 5.Sent to Chief Officers for ratification

24 5. Communication and cascade New starters briefed on policy and procedure Add to intranet Added to “message to all” Extra training/briefing to effected groups Consideration for external publication (record reasons)

25 5. Maintenance The owner of the Policy/Procedure must ensure it complies with: Legislation Equality Impact Assesment Freedom of Information Human Rights Health and Safety Risk Management

26 Maintenance continued Reviewed and updated every 2 years(min) Formal review to planning team Central database of review times Signifiacant alterations should be treated like a new policy.

27 6. Compliance and monitoring It is expected individuals act within policy All Officers/Staff briefed Specific Policies may require officers and staff to sign they have read and understood policy

28 Policy Template Headings On the front page. (Tick Box) 1.Compliance with Legislation 2.Equality Impact Assessment 3.Freedom of Information 4.Human Rights compliance 5.Health and Safety 6.Risk Management

29 Policy Template Headings 1.Policy Statement 2.Purpose 3.Underpinning Procedures 4.Appendices. (Forms required for policy) 5.Compliance and monitoring 6.Version Control


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