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Published byEmmeline Evans Modified over 9 years ago
Distributing Services Through Physical And Electronic Channels
杜佳倩 指導老師:任維廉 教授
Studying in Master, Logistics and Transportation management
Self-Introduction Chia-Chien Tu(Joyce) National Chiao Tung University Bachelor of Business Administration in Transportation and Technology Young Entrepreneurs of the Future : Member(TW) Innovatech : Assistant engineer(TW) High school cram school -Teacher (TW) Now->National Chiao Tung University Studying in Master, Logistics and Transportation management
Learning Objectives Examine the role that distribution plays in services Determine challenges faced by people-processing, possession-processing, and information based services Implications of delivery through physical and electronic channels Understand the role of intermediaries Determine the drivers of globalization of services 這章有以下幾點學習重點 1.知道通路在服務業中是如何運作 2.知道以人為主,以物為主,以資訊為主的服務所面臨的挑戰 3.企業將服務透過實體傳遞與電子化傳遞所代表的意涵 4.了解中間商的角色 5.知道服務業走向全球化服務通路的驅力
Agenda Distribution in a Services Context
Determining Type of Contact: Options for Service Delivery Place and Time Decisions Delivering Services in Cyberspace Role of Intermediaries -Franchising (6)Challenge of Distribution in Large Domestic Markets (7)Distributing Services Internationally 依照上面的學習目標,本章節分為這七項重點,並在之後的投影片會一一詳述
(1)Distribution in a Services Context
The three interrelated elements of distribution are:
(1)Where. (2)When. (3)How The three interrelated elements of distribution are: Information and promotion flow: to get the customer to buy the service Negotiation flow: reaching an agreement on service features and configuration Product flow 將服務傳遞給顧客的時候,我們會想到(1)要在哪裡服務客人(2)應該選擇什麼時候服務客人(3)要如何服務客人 大部分人想到通路,就會想到把物品轉給零售商或是其他中間人再賣給最終使用者.但在服務背景下是沒有實體物品可以轉移的.因此,服務業中的通路是怎麼運作的呢?典型的銷售循環裡面有三個相互關聯的元素: 1.資訊與促銷流:就是提供服務的相關資訊和促銷的手法,目的是吸引顧客購買 2.談判流:針對服務的特色,型態,訂出買賣合約,目的是販售服務的使用權 3.產品流:以人為主或以物為主的服務通常需要實體設備傳遞,但是以資訊為主的服務就是靠電子通路了,像是娛樂等等 舉例來說,遠距教學,資訊與促銷流就是你會看到有之前的考生拍攝影片,說這網站的教學品質和師資優良,而談判流就是業者訂出,例如兩萬塊可以補國英數三科,來販賣他的服務,產品流就是這個遠距教學了
Service product Information Payment Consultation Billing Order-taking
Core Payment Consultation Billing Order-taking 通路跟核心服務或附屬性服務息息相關,其中較大不同的是,核心服務通常需要實體場所才能傳遞,像是如果你要看百老匯劇場表演就一定得跑到美國,但是附屬性服務就可以靠資訊型態傳遞,像是你可以透過線上或是郵件買票一樣 服務產品的八個花瓣,至少有五個是可以透過資訊傳遞,斜體字的五個,像是你可以透過線上諮詢表演時間地點(information),或是線上付款(payment,billing)等等 但其實下面三個也是可以透過資訊傳遞,像是hospitality,業者可以透過線上紀錄顧客偏好,safekeeping則是你可以透過網路知道目前你之前受損送回原廠的貨物送到哪,目前維修狀況如何 Exceptions Hospitality Safekeeping
(2)Determining Type of Contact: Options for Service Delivery
Type of Interaction between Customer and Service Organization
Single Site Multiple Sites Theatre Barbershop Bus service Fast-food chain Customer goes to service organization House painting Mobile car wash Mail delivery Service organization comes to customer 在決定何時何地如何替顧客服務時,我們需要思考,我們服務的本質,會不會影響到顧客是否需要接觸服務人員的選擇?是顧客要到服務場所,還是服務人員要到顧客所在地?我們應該維持單一通路,還是提供不同地點的通路呢? 1.當顧客需要到服務場所時,方便性變得非常重要,以運輸來說,例如公車站,在做規劃時就要以是否離乘客住家或是工作地點近來做考量配合 2.有些服務是業者到顧客所在地提供服務,尤其是當接受服務的主體無法或難以移動的時候,像是全國電子的到府服務,不過,服務業多半還是比較喜歡到企業客戶所在地而不是一般顧客住家,因為企業客戶的購買量通常比較大,但是如果一般顧客住家願意付比較高的價格,這仍然是一個利基市場,像是請獸醫到家裡來看寵物 3.遠距交易就是消費者可能不用面對面看到服務人員就能完成交易.由於以資訊為主的服務可以用電訊傳到世界各個角落,因此實體物流業者就必須和科技競爭,像是運送一本書,你可以選擇郵寄,或是用電子檔寄出 Credit card company Local TV station Broadcast network Telephone company Customer and service organization transact remotely (mail or electronic communications)
Preference Use of different channels to deliver the same service
For complex and high-perceived risk services, people rely on personal channels Individuals with greater confidence and knowledge about a service/channel use impersonal and self-service channels Customers with social motives use personal channels Convenience is a key driver of channel choice 同樣的服務,是可以藉由不同的通路傳遞,像是銀行業,可以透過網際網路,或是在各分行替顧客服務. 而顧客在選擇服務時也會有偏好,對於風險較高的服務,顧客會傾向由人員服務,像是你可以接受網路申辦信用卡,但是如果是辦貸款,就會比較偏向到銀行辦理. 當顧客對一項服務了解程度越高,就會偏向自助性服務,像是領錢,你就會願意用ATM 若是顧客重視社會互動,就會選擇和服務人員接觸 對大部分的人來說,便利性是決定你選擇通路的主要原因,可以省去時間與精力,但不一定是金錢
(3)Place and Time Decisions
Locating in multipurpose facility
Where? Operational requirements determine the location. Eg airport Geographic constraint economies of scale Eg multispecialty hospital Location constraints Small service factories to maximize geographic coverage Eg banks in supermarkets Ministores Closer to customers residential/workplace Petrol pumps with retail chains Locating in multipurpose facility 決定服務場所跟後場地點的考量因素不太一樣,前者是考量顧客便利與偏好,後者則是看成本與勞力,雖然顧客在意便利,但是為了符合需求,有時顧客也願意到更遠的地方來滿足需求 1.雖然方便顧客很重要,但是對於一些服務業來說,營運上有所限制,像是機場的設置,由於噪音的因素,要找到適合的地點建造機場是有難度的.地理位置的限制方面,像是海灘渡假村就一定要在海邊.經濟規模的部分,舉例來說就是提供不同醫療服務的醫院,當你有重症像是要開刀,你無法到一般門診,一定要到大醫院,特別是一些特殊治療,一定要到大醫院才有足夠的設備與資源 2.迷你店舖就是把每個服務場所都設計成小規模,讓企業涵蓋範圍擴大,像是ATM,他可以在大賣場,學校裡面設置 3.再來就是設置多功能場所,他設在靠近顧客生活或是工作的地方,一個明顯的例子就是之前交流道口的加油站,還有附設零售商店,讓你可以加油,又可以買食物
When? Tradition: Schedules were restricted
Service availability limited to daytime, hours a week Today For flexible, responsive service operations: 24/7 service, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, all around the world 時間呢?以前大部分工業化國家的服務與零售業都是按照一個禮拜40-50小時的營業時間,這樣造成了上班族在周末才有時間去購物,而電影院或酒吧等等的營業時間則在顧客休息時間,也就是周末或晚上營業 但現在的社會,各地服務公司都是把營業時間拉長到1周七天,一天24小時,其改變原因可能是,例如現在都有自動化的自助服務設備,像是ATM,越來越普遍,或是一些雙薪家庭或單身貴族,需要在工作以外的時間也接受服務,一旦有一家這樣做,別家不得不跟進
(4)Delivering Services in Cyberspace
Technological Innovations
(1)Development of “smart” mobile telephones and PDAs, and presence of Wi-Fi (2)Voice-recognition technology (3)Websites (4)Smart cards 近幾年,許多企業利用網路創造新的服務內容,顧客就可以在家裡或工作地點透過電子通路獲得服務,創新如下 1.因為智慧型裝置,讓顧客無論在哪裡都可以連上網 2.語音辨識系統讓顧客可以透過電話或麥克風,來獲得服務相關訊息 3.網站提供資訊,甚至提供結帳等等的服務 4.智慧卡,舉例來說像是郵局最近推出的提款信用卡,裡面有包含顧客的資料,也可以當作電子錢包,悠遊卡也算是智慧卡的一種
Factors that encourage you to use virtual stores
(1)Convenience (2)Ease of search (3)Broader selection (4)Potential for better prices (5)24-hour service with prompt delivery 什麼樣的因素會讓你想用虛擬商店呢?用網路買衣服來舉例吧! 當你想買一件衣服,但是你可能沒有時間去逛街,用網路商店就非常”方便”,運用搜尋引擎,你可以很”快速找到”你想要的衣服類型的商家,他有”非常多選擇”,而且網路上的價錢似乎有機會比實體店面”便宜”,畢竟不用店租,無論你是早上起床逛網拍,或是睡不著,”隨時”都可以下單訂衣服,而且很多商家打出的名號就是可以快速送達
(2)Alert customers to opportunities/problems
Recent Developments link Websites, customer management (CRM) systems, and mobile telephony Integrating mobile devices into the service delivery infrastructure can be used as means to: (1)Access services (2)Alert customers to opportunities/problems (3)Update information in real time 近年興起和網路相關的技術就是顧客關係管理系統,他和行動通訊裝置整合,應用在下面三點: 1.增加服務的可接近性 2.在適當時間傳遞正確資訊 3.即時更新資訊
(5)Role of Intermediaries
+ = As created by originating firm As enhanced by distributor
As experienced by customer + Core = Core product Supplementary services Total experience and benefits 許多服務業發現,將部份工作外包可以提升成本效率,圖中的服務提供者負責傳遞核心產品與資訊,諮詢,額外服務的三項附屬服務,剩下的附屬服務則由中間商提供,舉個例子,像是網路買衣服,可能服務提供者是提供衣服的商家,而中間商可能是物流業者,或是便利商店,他們會代收帳款,並將貨物轉交給顧客 外包作業對原服務提供者的挑戰在於 1.在整個流程中,要擔任督導的角色 2.確保中間商提供的每個服務要素都能符合整體的服務概念 Challenges for original supplier Act as guardian of overall process Ensure that each element offered by intermediaries fits overall service concept
Franchising Popular way to expand delivery of effective service concept Study shows significant attrition rate among franchisors in the early years of a new franchise system One-third of all systems fail within first 4 years Three-fourths of all franchisors cease to exist after 12 years 再來介紹一下加盟,加盟是目前相當受歡迎的經營方式,因為他不需要投資大量資本就可以把服務概念擴展,而且加盟經銷商通常有提供高品質服務的意願 有研究顯示,在前四年約有1/3的加盟商倒閉,而多達3/4的加盟企業會在接下來的12年當中結束營業,這份研究歸納的加盟企業成功因素為 1.品牌很容易被辨認 2.對加盟業者不要做太多支援但必須保持長期合作關係 3.每一個加盟點盡量減少總部人員的進駐
Effective quality control is important yet difficult
Some loss of control over delivery system and, thereby, over how customers experience actual service Effective quality control is important yet difficult Conflict between franchisees may arise especially as they gain experience Alternative: license another supplier to act on the original supplier’s behalf to deliver core product 當然,加盟不只有優點,還是有缺點存在 原本的公司會失去服務傳遞中的控制權,也就是失去與顧客在實際服務中接觸的經驗,服務品質控管也是一件困難的事情,再來是加盟業者學到經驗後,或許便不想再付費給提供加盟機會的企業,因為他們覺得,即使沒有企業的限制,他們也可以營運得很好 不同於加盟的另一個方式是授權,授權的部分,希望由老師補充,和加盟相似但是有些許不同
(6)Challenge of Distribution in Large Domestic Markets
Marketing services (i.e., physical logistics) face challenges due to:
Distances involved Existence of multiple time zones Multiculturalism (especially, immigrants and indigenous people) Differences in laws and tax rates Large U.S. companies counter this by: Targeting specific market segments Seeking out narrow market niches 行銷服務,例如實體物流,面對的挑戰源自於: 1.服務地點牽涉了地理上的距離遠近 2.像是美國這樣大塊土地,存在多重時區 3.同樣以美國為例,以前歷史都學過,美國是文化大熔爐,因此有多種文化,又有許多移民人口,所以有多元文化的挑戰 4.再來是不同州的法律與稅率不盡相同,要如何克服也是問題 大型美國的公司就因此將市場做切割,由市場區隔來簡化他的行銷,尋找利基市場
(7)Distributing Services Internationally
People processing services
People processing services require direct contact with customers (1)Export service concept Acting alone or in partnership with local suppliers (2)Import customers Inviting customers from overseas to firm’s home country (3)Transport customers to new locations Passenger transportation (air, sea, rail, road) 處理人的服務必須直接與顧客接觸,在國際化有下面三種特性 1.輸出服務的觀念,是獨立作業或與當地業者合作,在另一個國家建立服務工廠,像是連鎖餐廳,飯店等等 2.輸入顧客的概念,是吸引顧客由海外至服務提供者的母國所在地,像是你可能會為了滑雪而跑到韓國或日本 3.將顧客運送至新的地點,以運輸為例,運輸服務可能會為了在旅客到新地點而開闢新航線
Possession processing involves services to customer’s physical possessions
Information-based services include mental processing services and information processing services (1)Export the service to a local service factory (2)Import customers (3)Export the information via telecom 處理物的服務,是針對顧客的實體物品提供服務,像是我之前在德國買的項鍊,在回到台灣後損壞,公司替我送回德國總部維修 以資訊為基礎的服務,進入國際化的方式有三種 1.將服務輸出至當地的服務據點,像是好萊塢電影可在全球的戲院上映 2.輸入顧客,像是我們可能會跑到美國或歐洲的大學就讀,接受教育 3.透過電信輸出資訊到當地,顧客可以自己在當地透過網路下載原產地的產品資訊,或許像是MIT線上課程也算是這種方式
Passage of free-trade legislation is important facilitator of transnational operations
Despite efforts of WTO and GATT, operating in international markets still difficult 自由貿易規範的通過是跨國營運的重大關鍵,儘管世界貿易組織(WTO)及關稅暨貿易總協定(GATT)已做了許多努力,國際市場營運仍遭受不少阻礙,像是限制取得相關工作許可,或是當地會課徵高額稅率等等
Common customer needs across countries
Transnational strategy involves integration of strategy formulation and its implementation across all countries in which company elects to do business Market Drivers Common customer needs across countries Corporate customers seek to standardize and simplify suppliers used in different countries 跨國策略牽涉到公司選擇於在世界各國營運的執行策略,下面有五種力量影響服務業全球化趨勢與整合策略 市場趨力,是由於顧客希望得到世界各地各供應商提供的服務,且顧客會要求不同國家的供應商提供標準化且簡易的服務,像是DHL或FEDEX處理分散在世界各地的運送和倉儲
Competitors from overseas; interdependence of countries
Government Drivers Favorable trade policies, compatible technical standards, common marketing regulations Competition Drivers Competitors from overseas; interdependence of countries Firms may be obliged to follow competitors into new markets to protect own positions elsewhere 政府驅力,是指政府制定有利的貿易政策,行銷規範等等 競爭驅力,競爭者會來自不同國家,企業可能被迫跟隨競爭者進入新的市場,以保護其所擁有的市場地位,尤其是當競爭者的擴張方式是併購或是授權,競爭會更激烈
Advances in information technology Cost Drivers Economies of scale
Technology Drivers Advances in information technology Cost Drivers Economies of scale Lower operating costs 科技驅力,非常直觀,資訊科技的進步會使市場連結更緊密 成本驅力,企業以跨國做營運基礎,可以擁有規模經濟的效益,配合資源與後勤,再加上低成本的通訊運輸費用,會促使企業更容易進入全球市場
Globalization drivers Possession processing
People processing Possession processing Information based Competition Simultaneity of production and consumption limits leverage of foreign competitive advantage, but management systems can be globalized Technology drives globalization of competitors with technical edge Highly vulnerable to global dominance by competitors with monopoly or competitive advantage in information Market People differ economically and culturally, so needs for service and ability to pay may vary Level of economic development impacts demand for services to individually owned goods Demand for many services is derived to a significant degree from economic and educational levels 接下來兩頁是上述五種驅力改變時,對於這三種服務的影響,而內容部分可以請老師再補充說明
Globalization Drivers Possession processing
People processing Possession processing Information based Technology Use of IT for delivery of supplementary services may be a function of ownership and familiarity with technology Need for technology- based service delivery systems depends on possessions requiring service and the cost trade-offs in labour substitution Ability to deliver core services through remote terminals may be a function of investment in computerization, etc. Cost Variable labour rates may impact on pricing in labour-sensitive services Variable labour rates may favor low-cost locations Major cost elements can be centralized and minor cost elements localized Government Social policies (e.g., health) vary widely and may affect labour cost, etc. Policies may decrease/increase cost and encourage/ discourage certain activities Policies may impact demand and supply and distort pricing
Conclusion Distribution relates to both core and supplementary services and embraces three interrelated elements Channel options include: (1)Customers visit the service site (2)Service providers go to their customers (3)Service transaction is conducted remotely Place and time decisions include where services should be delivered, when it should be delivered 那來做一下總結 通路與核心服務、附屬服務息息相關,且包含三個具有相互關係的元素,資訊與促銷流,談判流,與產品流 交易管道選擇包括:1.顧客親臨服務場所2.服務提供者至顧客處3.遠距服務交易 地點與時間的決策包括實體商店應設在何處、何時傳遞服務
Conclusion Delivery in cyberspace is facilitated by technology; e-commerce allows 24-hour delivery, saving time and effort Intermediaries play roles in distributing services Service processes affect international market entry via the drivers: Market ,Competition ,Technology ,Cost ,Government 企業運用科技與電子商務在網際網路上傳遞服務,可以使24小時配送更容易達成,省時又不必花費太多心力 中間商扮演傳遞服務的角色,加盟對廠商而言有利,但也有害 服務全球化與傳遞源自於不同的驅力:市場,競爭,科技,成本,政府 處理人的服務,處理物的服務,資訊為基礎的服務會受到五大驅力不同程度的影響
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