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State of Oklahoma Purchase Card Procedures Effective December 14, 2010

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1 State of Oklahoma Purchase Card Procedures Effective December 14, 2010
Issued by Central Purchasing Last update 7/26/12

2 Introduction The State of Oklahoma P-Card is a Visa Purchasing Card issued by the Bank of America (BOA) The BOA P-Card contract is administered by Central Purchasing There are no fees associated with the program The terms of the Statewide Contract allow Higher Education and Political Subdivisions to participate in the program; however they are entitled to implement their own policy governing the use of the card; It is the only credit card authorized by the State of Oklahoma Tip: Add your own speaker notes here.

3 Implementation & Maintenance
To Join the Program: Submit a request on entity letterhead, signed by the Entity’s Chief Administrative Officer, to the State P/Card Administrator via or fax and include the Entity’s P/Card Administrator name and contact information State P/Card Administrator will forward an “Implementation Actions” worksheet advising the next steps

4 Implementation & Maintenance
Changing the Entity’s P/Card Administrator or Back-up: Submit a request on entity letterhead, signed by the Entity’s Chief Administrative Officer, to the State P/Card Administrator via or fax advising of the changes

5 Organization Executive Steering Group State Purchasing Director
State P/Card Administrator State Entity P/Card Administrator State Entity Approving Officials State Entity Approving Officials P/Cardholders P/Cardholders P/Cardholders P/Cardholders

6 Conditions of Participation
State Entities must abide by the terms of these Procedures A “Request for Exception” form can be completed requesting to make a purchase contrary to the Procedures Found on the DCS website at Central Purchasing > P/Card Information > P/Card Forms > Form 030 Forward to the State P/Card Administrator by or fax for approval prior to making the purchase (if declined, cardholder will not be able to make the purchase with the P/Card)

7 Conditions of Participation
State Entity’s P/Card Procedures must be included in Entity’s Internal Purchasing procedures Must designate where P/Card transaction documentation is securely retained Revised Internal Purchasing Procedures must be submitted to Central Purchasing within six (6) months of completing P/Card implementation

8 Conditions of Participation
Audit All transactions are subject to audit by State Auditor and Inspector DCS OSF Detailed transaction documentation supporting P/Card transactions shall be securely retained by the State Entity and made available upon request State Entity P/Card Procedures shall designate where P/Card transaction documentation is securely retained

9 Open Books All transactions are listed on the State of Oklahoma Open Books website, listing Cardholder’s last name, first initial Vendor Amount of transaction Itemized Description if vendor is a “Level 3” vendor

10 Open Books

11 Revenue Sharing Provided to all participants based on
Total Dollar Spend Average Transaction Size Speed of Pay Divided among participants based on agency spend

12 Definitions Cycle – means the period of time between billings; our cycle closing date is the last business day of the month; Low Dollar Acquisition – means an open market acquisition that is fair and reasonable and does not exceed $5,000.00; Merchant Category Code (MCC) – means a standard code the credit card industry uses to categorize merchants based on the type of goods or services provided by the merchant; Merchant Category Code Group (MCCG) – means a defined group of merchant category codes. MCCGs are used to control whether or not P/Cardholders can make purchases from particular types of merchants;

13 Definitions Single Purchase Limit means the maximum spending limit a P/Cardholder is authorized to charge in a single transaction. Cannot split purchases for the purpose of evading: Statutory Single Purchase Limit of $5,000 (not including Central Purchasing Statewide Contracts, Regulated Utilities, Interagency Payments, & Professional Services as defined in 18 O.S. § 803) Limits established for an individual P/Card; A competitive bidding requirement

14 Definitions Split Purchase means dividing a known quantity or failing to consolidate a known quantity of an acquisition for the purpose of evading a competitive bidding requirement; Statewide Contract means a contract issued by DCS Central Purchasing for specific acquisitions for a specified period, with a provision allowing the agencies and Political Subdivisions to place orders as acquisitions are needed; Transaction Documentation means all documents pertaining to a transaction

15 Participants State Entity P/Card Administrator and Back-ups
State Entity Approving Officials and Back-ups Must be one level above P/Cardholder P/Cardholders Includes Lodging Only P/Cardholders Does not include Those assigned to create the P/Card voucher or payment Those designated as Accountants in Works when this is their only role in the P/Card program

16 Employee Status P/Card participants must be a full time or permanent part time employee of a State Agency Cannot be a temporary or contract employee

17 Training All P/Card participants must complete initial training conducted by Central Purchasing; All participants must complete refresher training every five (5) years: Conducted by Central Purchasing; or Conducted by State Entity P/Card Administrator (must provide Central Purchasing with proof of attendance) If P/Cardholder will be making “Lodging” purchases only, training may be conducted by State Entity P/Card Administrator (must provide Central Purchasing with proof of attendance) State Entities new to the P/Card program must attend OSF P/Card Voucher Training

18 Purchase Card Employee Agreement
All participants must read and sign the Purchase Card Employee Agreement If participant holds multiple roles, separate agreements must be completed for each role State Entity P/Card Administrator is responsible for completing and maintaining page 2 of the Agreement State Entity P/Card Administrator retains original and provides P/Card participant with a copy

19 P/Card Management & Reports
State EntityP/Card Administrator is responsible for performance or appropriate delegation of the following duties: Processing and retaining P/Card Program Reports: Monthly Statement; Invoice; RPT 170 Transaction Report TXN Detail w/Level 3 - Gen Purchase Report Other reports are available in Works and urge P/Card Administrators to utilize these as well Processing and retaining P/Card Employee Agreements

20 P/Card Management & Reports
State Entity P/Card Administrator is responsible for performance or appropriate delegation of the following duties: Establishing written P/Card program policies and procedures; Processing authorized requests for P/Cards, maintaining control over active cards, and closing accounts; Establishing and maintaining usage controls and determining cardholder’s need for the P/Card; Auditing of reports and transactions to identify unauthorized use; Auditing a random selection of cardholder’s monthly statements for accuracy Setting Lodging Only P/Cards in “Suspense” status in Works with Credit Limits at $0.00 when not in use

21 P/Card Management & Reports
State Entity P/Card Administrator is responsible for performance or appropriate delegation of the following duties: Retaining detailed transaction documentation supporting P/Card transactions Make available upon request Establish procedures for maintaining necessary data before it is removed from Works Paper Copies Electronic Copies, must meet OSF Information Security Policies, Procedures and Guidelines Oklahoma Archive Commission Rules

22 P/Card Management & Reports
Payment Center Official VISA Site turnUrl=%2fcentre%2fDefault.aspx%3fpaymentcenter&pay mentcenter P/Card Administrators Only Print Company Statement Compare to Works Totals File with Monthly P/Card Records

23 Issuing the P/Card Once training is completed, the
State Entity P/Card Administrator orders the card online Must provide: Monthly credit limit; Single Transaction limit; MCCGs

24 Issuing the P/Card Front of P/Card includes:
Cardholder’s name and agency name “State of Oklahoma” and State Seal State Tax ID Number

25 Issuing the P/Card Once P/Card is ordered, it is
Delivered to the State P/Card Administrator Checked for accuracy Training is verified Forwarded to State Entity P/Card Administrator for distribution Must sign the Employee P/Card Agreement upon receipt of the P/Card

26 Property of the State Corporate Liability card;
Upon termination of employment with the state agency, cardholder must surrender the card to the State Entity P/Card Administrator prior to leaving; State Agency and State P/Card Administrator may also request the cardholder to surrender the card; Upon surrendering of card; State Entity P/Card Administrator shall document page 2 of the Employee P/Card Agreement and destroy the card; State Entity P/Card Administrator shall also deactivate the card in Works and delete the User information

27 Card Replacement Expired Cards Defective Cards
BOA will automatically issue a replacement card prior to expiration Defective Cards State Entity P/Card Administrator can order replacement cards online Cut expired, defective, or canceled cards through magnetic strip and forward to Approving Official who forwards it to the State Entity P/Card Administrator for documentation and destruction

28 Card Security P/Card is limited to person whose name is on the card;
Do not loan your card; Do not use another person’s card; If possible, file card in a secure, locked place when not in use; Must return card to the State Entity P/Card Administrator if leave employment State Entity P/Card Administrator must close out page 2 of the Employee P/Card Agreement

29 Lost, Stolen or Compromised Cards
Immediately report any lost, stolen or compromised cards to BOA at (888) Complete a Lost/Stolen P/Card Notification form found on the DCS website at Central Purchasing > P/Card Information > P/Card Forms > Form 31 Forward the original to your State Entity P/Card Administrator, keep a copy of the form with your Statement, and forward a copy to your Approving Official Remember – the State Agency is responsible for purchases on lost, stolen or compromised P/Cards until BOA is notified

30 Statutory References All purchases shall be made in accordance with State statutes, rules, and these Procedures, which include but may not be limited to: Central Purchasing Act, 74 O.S. § 85.1 et seq. State Travel Reimbursement Act, 74 O.S. § 500 et seq. DCS, Central Purchasing Codified Rules, OAC 580:16 Office of State Finance (OSF) State Travel Procedures State Agency Internal Purchasing and P/Card Procedures Tip: Add your own speaker notes here.

31 Purchasing Requirements
P/Card purchases must comply with statutes, rules, and procedures, as well as: State Use Contracts Mandatory Statewide Contracts Oklahoma Corrections Industries (OCI) Internal Purchasing Procedures Remember required forms OSF Form 115 for IT or Telecommunications Accessibility Inventory requirements

32 Using the P/Card P/Card is issued in your name and shall be used only by you; P/Card can be used at merchants accepting VISA. Merchants may require a minimum purchase amount of $10.00 (does not include Statewide contracts); Purchases can only be made within your Single Transaction Limit and Credit Limit assigned to your card; Cardholder is responsible for reconciling all transactions; P/Card is not intended to avoid or bypass appropriate purchasing or payment procedures; P/Card is not for personal use P/Cardholder shall ensure prices paid are fair and reasonable

33 Methods of Purchase Walk-In; Telephone; Internet
Make certain internet site is a secure location, for example: “s” on the end of https means it is a secure site; or Lockbox will appear on the site

34 P/Card Limits There is no limit on the amount of a P/Card transaction for the following: Statewide Contract purchases Regulated Utilities Interagency Payments Professional Services as defined in 18 O.S. § 803 For any other transaction with a state purchase card, the transaction shall not exceed $5,000

35 P/Card Limits P/Card limits shall be based on need and/or past usage
May set the Single Transaction Limit less than $5,000 May set the Single Transaction Limit greater than $5,000 Statewide Contract purchases Regulated Utilities Interagency Payments Professional Services in accordance with 18 O.S. § 803 Do not set Single Transaction Limit inappropriately high

36 Utility Bills P/Card may be used to pay utilities:
Regulated Utilities: Unlimited Dollar Amount; Print page verifying it’s a regulated utility and file with statement; Non-Regulated Utilities: Yearly total must be less than $5,000; Identification of Regulated vs Non-Regulated Utilities Oklahoma Corporation Commission website – Divisions > Public Utility then select the applicable utility

37 Interagency Payments Interagency is defined according to 74 O.S. § 1003 (Interlocal Cooperation Act) and includes, but not limited to: Political subdivisions Federal Government Public Trusts Interagency payments between State Agencies, Universities, and Colleges: Should be made by voucher, selecting the payment method “WIR” DCAR Newsletter, Vol. 21, No. 7, dated February 18, 2011 (page 3) Agencies can choose to take P-Card payments from other agencies.

38 Advance (Pre-)Payments
P/card purchases are subject to Office of State Finance Procedures Manual, Section 319, Special Procedures, Chapter L., Advance Prepayments Can use p/card for conference registration when: Discount is provided for paying in advance; Can substitute a participant; If event is canceled, cardholder receives a full refund

39 State Sales Tax State of Oklahoma is exempt from Oklahoma State Sales Tax State Entities also have immunity from taxes imposed by Oklahoma municipalities, which includes, but not limited to: City Sales tax; Occupancy tax; Tourism tax; See DCAR Newsletter Vol 20, No. 6, dated 03/11/2010 regarding immunity from local taxes

40 Convenience Fees Convenience Fees are fees that might be charged by vendors for accepting credit cards Strictly regulated by Visa and MasterCard Convenience Fees may be allowed for certain transactions if charged in compliance with Visa rules The following fees are NOT allowed by Visa regulations: Credit Card Fees Processing Fees Surcharges

41 Convenience Fees Convenience fees may be allowed by merchants who offer an alternate payment channel (i.e., mail, telephone, or e- commerce) Merchant must adhere to the following rules: Fee is being charged for a bona fide convenience of using an alternative payment channel outside the merchant’s normal business practice The customer must be given the opportunity to cancel prior to the completion of the transactions

42 Convenience Fees Merchant must adhere to the following rules (Cont’d.): The fee: Must be disclosed to the customer as a charge for the alternative payment channel convenience Is applied only to non face-to-face transactions Must be a flat or fixed amount, regardless of the amount of payment due Is applied to all forms of payment products accepted in the alternative payment channel Is included as part of the total transaction amount Cannot be added to a recurring transaction Is assessed by the merchant that provides the goods or services to the cardholder and not a third party

43 Convenience Fees Visa is very clear about what a convenience fee is and how and when they can be charged. As a result, many vendors that charge fees do so incorrectly and are therefore out of compliance with Visa regulations

44 Convenience Fees Examples of common violations
Charging a tiered or percentage based fee Charging a fee for transaction below or above a certain dollar amount Charging the fee in person, for face-to-face or point of sale transactions Charging only for Visa or credit card transactions. Convenience fees must be applied to all payment methods accepted via that channel Calling the fee a processing fee, credit card fee or surcharge Charging higher prices for credit card purchases versus checks or cash Charging a convenience fee via the internet when that is the vendor’s only “normal business practice”.

45 Convenience Fees Example of an allowable convenience fee:
A utility that charges a convenience fee for paying a bill via the phone or internet versus having to come to an office and drop off a payment. As long as the convenience fee is a flat fee and is charged to all transactions accepted via the phone or internet (such as all card types, electronic checks, etc), it is acceptable on a P/Card transaction

46 Prohibited Purchases Split Purchasing; Entertainment; Per diem food;
Transportation – except airfare and vehicle rental on SW contract; Cash or cash advances; Purchase of goods or services for personal use or not for official State use; Any transaction or series of transactions exceeding your p/card limits; Motor fuel and automotive general maintenance; Automatic Drafts; Gift Certificates except for employee recognition in §

47 Travel Purchases Except for airfare and lodging, all other travel- related expenses are prohibited on the P/Card, such as: Meals, including room service Hotel Telephone or Internet Parking Taxi Cabs Traveler must pay out of pocket for all other travel related expenses Travel Claim may be submitted by the Traveler for reimbursement of travel related purchases prohibited on the P/Card

48 Travel Purchases In the case of inadvertent personal charges, the Traveler shall reimburse the State for any and all personal expenses charged to the P/Card Repayment can be made by Check or cash submitted to the State Entity; or By an adjustment reducing a subsequent travel voucher

49 Travel Purchases Procedures to reimburse the State for personal charges Actual check or cash to the Agency Deposits must be cross-referenced to the P/Card voucher with erroneous charge Voucher comment field must reference deposit number and enter brief description

50 Travel Purchases Procedures to reimburse the State for personal charges Adjustment reducing a subsequent travel voucher Reduction made as a negative amount on subsequent travel voucher to appropriate hotel accounting code Must cross-reference the erroneous P/Card voucher with the subsequent travel voucher being reduced Enter brief description in Comment field on Invoice page on both vouchers On subsequent travel voucher being reduced, enter voucher number of P/Card voucher having the over-payment On P/Card voucher having over-payment, enter voucher number of subsequent travel voucher having the adjustment

51 Travel Purchases Inadvertent personal charges placed on P/Card
Non-repayment shall result in loss of lodging P/Card privileges and other disciplinary or criminal actions The travel agent can put the Frequent Flyer Account number on the itinerary again as they used to.  The responsibility is on the traveler to not use State miles for personal trips and they have to sign the affidavit saying they won’t.  The burden is placed on them.

52 Travel Purchases Airfare and Lodging considered separate transactions
Active State Employees or Officials of the State Non-State Employees (as allowed by STRA) when Performing substantial and necessary services to the State and Directed or approved by appropriate department official Does not apply to Contractors or their agents Must follow the STRA statutes and OSF State Travel Procedures OSF may audit travel documentation Non-compliance may result in loss of P/Card travel privileges and/or additional travel training being required

53 Travel Purchases - Airfare
Reservations made through Agency Travel Coordinator Use a Travel Agent on Statewide Contract (SW100) Unlimited Dollar amount Travel Agent searches airfare and compares the lowest fare found to what is on Statewide Contract SW100B City Pairs and books whichever fare is the lowest meeting the traveler’s needs SW100B City Pairs is Refundable airfare Use statutory exception (74 O.S. § 85.45k(B)) to Travel Agent on Statewide Contract (SW100) $5,000 per employee per transaction

54 Travel Purchases - Airfare
Statutory exceptions (74 O.S. § 85.45k(B)) to using SW Travel Agent: State agency can acquire air travel at less cost Must get a quote from the Travel Agent and keep with transaction documentation Air travel originates outside the state and it is impractical for the agency; Air travel is due to an emergency and time does not permit use of the contract travel agency; Air travel is part of a package arrangement by an organization that schedules a meeting or conference Reason for the exception must be documented in the Allocation description field in Works.

55 Travel Purchases - Lodging
Reservations made by: Agency Travel Coordinator Card is in Travel Coordinator’s name Must complete Lodging Letter and send to hotel Traveler Card is in the Traveler’s name Limit of $5,000 per employee per transaction State Entity P/Card Administrator must set limits to $0.00 and place cards in “Suspense” status when not in use

56 Travel Purchases - Lodging
Reservation made by State Entity Travel Coordinator: Travel Coordinator verifies lodging establishment and price is in compliance with the STRA and OSF State Travel Procedures Designated Hotel GSA established per diem rates Travel Coordinator makes reservation and supplies lodging establishment with letter Found on DCS website Identifies traveler Advises traveler will not have a card Provide traveler with a copy of the letter

57 Travel Purchases - Lodging
Reservation made by State Entity Travel Coordinator (Cont’d) Lodging may be charged in advance Print out cancelation policy Place with the cardholder’s statement Traveler receives itemized receipt Provides receipt to Travel Coordinator Travel Coordinator reconciles statement with transaction documentation Signs and dates statement Forwards statement to their Approving Official for review and signature

58 Travel Purchases - Lodging
Reservation made by Traveler: Card issued to Traveler Prior training is required Obtain approval in writing from the Travel Coordinator verifying lodging establishment and price is in compliance with the STRA and OSF State Travel Procedures Designated Hotel GSA established per diem rates Traveler makes lodging reservation

59 Travel Purchases - Lodging
Reservation made by Traveler (Cont’d) Lodging may be charged in advance Print out cancelation policy Place with the cardholder’s statement Traveler receives itemized receipt from lodging establishment; Traveler reconciles statement with transaction documentation Signs and dates statement Forwards statement to their Approving Official for review and signature

60 Documentation in Works
The Allocation Description field must be populated with a brief description for the following purchases: Statewide Contract – must also include the Statewide Contract Number (specific field for this); Regulated Utility; Professional Service; Interagency Payment; Travel

61 Documentation in Works - Travel
Must list the following information for travel in the Allocation Description field in Works: Airline Purchases Traveler’s Name and Employee ID Number Itinerary or Ticket Number Date of Travel and Purpose of Travel If authorized non-state personnel, include traveler’s name, justification for travel; to and from destination; and dates of travel If reservation is not made through a Travel Agent on Statewide Contract, must list applicable statutory exception

62 Documentation in Works - Travel
Must list the following information for travel in the Description field in the Allocation tab in Works: Lodging Purchases Traveler’s Name and Employee ID Number Number of Nights City and State Purpose of Travel Room Rate: Designated hotel Standard GSA lodging rate Federal high GSA lodging rate

63 Receipts Itemized Receipt must be obtained for all purchases
Vendor Date of Purchase Description Unit price and quantity Transaction total Include with Statement at end of cycle

64 Receiving Documents Goods or services received at time of purchase
Receipt for purchase will serve as the receiving document Must be signed and dated (original signature not required) Goods or services received after time of purchase The document accompanying the goods or services (such as packing slip) serves as the receiving document Itinerary shall serve as the receiving document for airfare (traveler’s signature not required) Include with Statement at end of cycle Signature stamps are not permitted

65 Returns Return item to merchant in manner agreed upon
Merchant issues credit Merchant provides credit receipt documentation Place with end of month transaction documentation for reconciling Include with the payment at end of month Credit may not appear until subsequent statement

66 Disputes Disputes may be reported to BOA who will assist the State in resolving the dispute; Must be initiated within 30 days of the purchase date; Always try to resolve with the vendor first prior to contacting the bank if possible; Include with the payment at the end of the month – if win the dispute, a credit will appear in a subsequent statement.

67 Records Retention Maintain in a central and secure location;
Records include any transaction documentation, such as, statements, receipts, disputes, correspondence, etc.; Includes documentation in paper or electronic form and must meet: OSF Information Security Policies, Procedures & Guidelines Oklahoma Archive Commissions Rules Must be maintained for seven (7) years; If audit or litigation occurs, the records are required to be retained for two (2) years after issues are resolved or until the end of the seven (7) year period, whichever is longer

68 Reconciliation - Cardholder
Cardholder makes purchase of goods or services in compliance with these procedures and retains transaction documentation for reconciling at end of month; Merchant delivers goods and submits transaction to bank; Allocation Description field in Works is updated; Statement is printed from Works; Cardholder reconciles statement with transaction documentation; Cardholder signs, & dates statement, attaches transaction documentation; Cardholder forwards statement and documentation to Approving Official for review

69 Reconciliation – Approving Official
Approving Official reviews Cardholder’s reconciled statement and transaction documentation for: Accuracy; Completeness; Appropriateness of the purchase; Verifying transactions were conducted according to Statutes, Rules and Procedures Issues between Approving Official and Cardholder are to be resolved with the State Entity P/Card Administrator and may be escalated to the State P/Card Administrator, if needed; To indicate concurrence, Approving Official shall sign and date the statement and forward the statement and documentation for payment

70 Encumbering Funds Purchase Order
PO should have sufficient encumbrance to cover all transactions prior to making the transaction (Encumbrance Law § ) Change Orders to amend the encumbrance may be processed as necessary Establish a Purchase Order in PeopleSoft using: Vendor ID Vendor Location – 0002 Item Number – Category Number – (defaults in with Item Number) Set Matching to “No Match” Account Number – Mark as “Amount Only”

71 General Ledger Information
All transactions must be coded with the correct GL information in Works for downloading to PeopleSoft; Can be performed by the Cardholder, Manager, or Accountant; Codes may default into the transaction, but must verify they are correct; Must complete at a minimum: Account Number Fund Type and Class Dept ID Business Unit PO Number and Lines

72 Payment Processing Schedule
P/Card closing period is last business day of the month Billing and closing cycles are posted on the DCS website Central Purchasing > P/Card Information > P/Card Cycle Dates Must meet due dates in order to make payment to BOA by required due date

73 Payment The State makes one combined payment to the bank each month;
Disputes are included in the payment and will receive a credit in a subsequent statement (if win dispute) Late payment or non-payment of P/Card purchases will result in State Entity’s P/Cards being frozen or canceled, and may include additional action to obtain the payment and/or interest accrued

74 Payment Voucher Procedures:
Create the accounts payable voucher for full amount of invoice using the PeopleSoft batch voucher request process for “Procurement Card” Actual payee will be automatically populated on the voucher payment page with the bank’s Vendor ID and Location Review the process error reports online, correct any errors, and rerun the process if necessary Submit the voucher, invoice and batch slip to OSF by the time specified If operating in accordance with the OSF Voucher Imaging Program, only the Voucher Register Batch Slip Notice for the P/Card payment will be submitted

75 Payment Credit Balance
Payment will not be processed for a State Entity with a cumulative credit balance However, the agency must build the voucher and attach the invoice; Retain the voucher, invoice, and batch slip until there are debit vouchers sufficient to offset the credit; Once there are sufficient charges to recoup the credit, the batch slip listing the unpaid vouchers from the prior and current billing cycles should accompany the vouchers with the required invoice documentation

76 Payment PeopleSoft Voucher class
Class is offered by OSF usually each month during the p/card payment cycle; New agencies are required to attend this class

77 Contact Information State P/Card Team: Tammy Howard, CPO Vickie Rivas, CPO

78 Contact Information Bank of America Customer Service and Lost/Stolen Notification (888) Technical Help Desk (800) , option 3 For State Entity P/Card Administrators Debra Sullivan, Account Specialist (800) , Ext or Press Option 2 and ask Team Servicing for “Debbie”

79 Works website nPage

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