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DSA Review Seminar: e-activity in Scotland’s colleges Friday 18 May 2007 SFEU, Stirling Moira Glencorse, West Lothian College.

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Presentation on theme: "DSA Review Seminar: e-activity in Scotland’s colleges Friday 18 May 2007 SFEU, Stirling Moira Glencorse, West Lothian College."— Presentation transcript:

1 DSA Review Seminar: e-activity in Scotland’s colleges Friday 18 May 2007 SFEU, Stirling Moira Glencorse, West Lothian College

2 Taking DSA forward in West Lothian College Agreed areas to be audited Nominated staff attended first workshop Follow-on workshop back in college Completed audit workbook & questionnaire Identified improvements in college processes Actions

3 Staff/areas participating in Audit: Manager of The Hub/SDC Tutor, HNC/D Computing Workplace Assessor, Management VQs Tutor, HNC/D Business/VLE Developer Service Leader, Core Skills ICT Manager Director of Curriculum

4 Issues explored before commencing Audit: What is e-learning/e-activity? Do we have “e-learners”? Do our strategies, policies, procedures and processes make explicit reference to e-learning? Do we want to make use of the option to add college-defined “criteria”?

5 Key Messages: Good progress in using e-learning approaches in the areas selected for audit Greater progress in e-activity where it is “demand-led” College-wide all learners benefit from e- activity at all stages of their learning experience - from initial enquiry to exit

6 Key messages (continued) Our current college strategies, operating plans and actions do promote and support the embedding of e-learning into mainstream activity Policies, procedures and guidance notes are relevant to all learners and are applicable to those who engage in e-enhanced learning Some processes, eg evaluation, should be seeking explicit feedback on the effectiveness of e-activities

7 Main Points for Action: The College and Programme Teams to use outcomes of the audit to inform self-evaluation Review of college policies and procedures – to check if “e” issues need to be clarified Seek explicit feedback from learners and staff on effectiveness of e-activities Audit of learning and teaching packs for extent and range and planned e-activities Evidence of minimum 10% of e-activity required for Internal Programme Approval Sharing good practice and staff development Follow-up audit in 2008 using DSA tool

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