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“Building sustainable capabilities across all phases of Emergency Management in Kansas through selfless service” KDEM EMPG 2012 OVERVIEW 13 September 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "“Building sustainable capabilities across all phases of Emergency Management in Kansas through selfless service” KDEM EMPG 2012 OVERVIEW 13 September 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 “Building sustainable capabilities across all phases of Emergency Management in Kansas through selfless service” KDEM EMPG 2012 OVERVIEW 13 September 2011

2 I. Introduction & Opening Remarks (Trends, Buzzwords and Money) II. Planning III. Training IV. Exercises V. Questions VI. Closing Remarks FOR OFFICAL USE ONLY “Building sustainable capabilities across all phases of Emergency Management in Kansas through selfless service”

3 Advancing “Whole Community” Security and Emergency Management. As the country experiences threats of terrorist attacks (foreign and domestic) and natural disasters, communities are challenged to develop collective, local abilities to withstand the potential impacts of these events, respond quickly, and recover in a way that sustains or improves the community’s overall well- being. Achieving this collective capacity calls for innovative approaches across the community, including emergency management to build up existing practices, institutions, and organizations that help make local communities successful, and that can leverage this infrastructure if and when an incident occurs. FOR OFFICAL USE ONLY “Building sustainable capabilities across all phases of Emergency Management in Kansas through selfless service”

4  Format for open dialogue  Brainstorming opportunity  No “Finger Pointing”  Highlight unresolved issues  Provide roadmap for informed planning revisions FOR OFFICAL USE ONLY “Building sustainable capabilities across all phases of Emergency Management in Kansas through selfless service”

5  Professionalize Emergency Management  Reduced resources  Accountability  Measurements  Performance  Capabilities FOR OFFICAL USE ONLY “Building sustainable capabilities across all phases of Emergency Management in Kansas through selfless service”

6  Exercises  Conduct Training Exercise Planning Workshop (TEPW) by December 31, 2011  Conduct 1 exercise per quarter  Conduct 1 full scale or EOC exercise every 3 years FOR OFFICAL USE ONLY

7  Meet KAR 56-2-2  Complete & report on NIMS objectives  Planning  Attend at least one KDEM hosted planning meeting (April-December)  Training  Maintain CEM/KCEM  None unless new guidance requires it FOR OFFICAL USE ONLY

8 Revised 2011 Kansas Planning Standards State ESF Partners Participation State ESF Partners invite local level ESFs Training using the Plan Integration System FOR OFFICAL USE ONLY “Building sustainable capabilities across all phases of Emergency Management in Kansas through selfless service”

9 Each county will train using their own EOP Able to update during the workshop April-December 2012 Sub-region training FOR OFFICAL USE ONLY “Building sustainable capabilities across all phases of Emergency Management in Kansas through selfless service”

10  Required for all “NEW” Emergency Managers and “PAID” Emergency Management Support Staff, NLT 30 September 2012…  National Incident Management System (NIMS) Training: IS 100; IS 200; IS 700; and IS 800  FEMA Professional Development Series: IS 139; IS 230.a; IS 235.a; IS 240.a; IS 241.a; IS 242.a; and IS 244.a FOR OFFICAL USE ONLY “Building sustainable capabilities across all phases of Emergency Management in Kansas through selfless service”

11  All current Emergency Managers and “PAID” Emergency Management Support Staff, must have required training completed and submitted to KDEM by 30 December 2011… FOR OFFICAL USE ONLY “Building sustainable capabilities across all phases of Emergency Management in Kansas through selfless service”

12  For 2011  Guidance will be sent out later this week  Webinars will be held to review requirements  NIMSCast reporting must be completed 12/21/2011  For 2012  NIMS Monitoring guidance  NIMS Monitoring visits FOR OFFICAL USE ONLY

13 Types……. Discussion-Based Exercises: are normally used as a starting point in the building-block approach of escalating exercise complexity. Discussion-based exercises include seminars, workshops, tabletop exercises (TTXs), and games. These types of exercises typically highlight existing plans, policies, interagency/inter-jurisdictional agreements, and procedures. Operations-Based Exercises : exercises represent the next level of the exercise cycle. They are used to validate the plans, policies, agreements, and procedures solidified in discussion-based exercises. Operations-based exercises include drills, functional exercises (FEs), and full-scale exercises (FSEs). FOR OFFICAL USE ONLY “Building sustainable capabilities across all phases of Emergency Management in Kansas through selfless service”

14 Discussion Based: Seminars: informal discussions, unconstrained by real- time portrayal of events and led by a presenter. They are generally employed to orient participants to, or provide an overview of, authorities, strategies, plans, policies, procedures, protocols, response resources, and/or concepts and ideas Workshops: differ from seminars in two important respects: participant interaction is increased, and the focus is on achieving or building a product (such as a draft plan or policy). FOR OFFICAL USE ONLY “Building sustainable capabilities across all phases of Emergency Management in Kansas through selfless service”

15 Discussion Based continued: Tabletop Exercises: TTXs involve key personnel discussing hypothetical scenarios in an informal setting. This type of exercise can be used to assess plans, policies, and procedures or to assess the systems needed to guide the prevention of, response to, and recovery from a defined incident. Games: A game is a simulation of operations that often involves two or more teams and uses rules, data, and procedures to depict an actual or assumed real-life situation. FOR OFFICAL USE ONLY “Building sustainable capabilities across all phases of Emergency Management in Kansas through selfless service”

16 Operations Based: Drill: a coordinated, supervised activity usually employed to validate a single, specific operation or function in a single agency or organizational entity. Functional Exercises: Are designed to validate and evaluate individual capabilities, multiple functions, activities within a function, or interdependent groups of functions. FOR OFFICAL USE ONLY “Building sustainable capabilities across all phases of Emergency Management in Kansas through selfless service”

17 Operations Based continued: Full-Scale Exercises: is the most complex type of exercise. FSEs are multi-agency, multi-jurisdictional, multi- organizational exercises that validate many facets of preparedness. They focus on implementing and analyzing the plans, policies, procedures, and cooperative agreements developed in discussion- based exercises and honed in previous, smaller, operations-based exercises. FOR OFFICAL USE ONLY “Building sustainable capabilities across all phases of Emergency Management in Kansas through selfless service”

18  Appointed in writing Exercise Program Manager, with HSEEP certificate  Participation in 3 exercises of any type between Jan 01 and December 30, reported to KDEM by 30 December on the abbreviated reporting form  TEPW conducted between October 1 and December 30 FOR OFFICAL USE ONLY “Building sustainable capabilities across all phases of Emergency Management in Kansas through selfless service”

19  4 exercise, 1 per quarter, of any type  A FSE or EOC based exercise once every 3 years  TEPW conducted between July and December  Quarterly report  April 10  July 10  October 10  January 10 FOR OFFICAL USE ONLY “Building sustainable capabilities across all phases of Emergency Management in Kansas through selfless service”

20 Optional for: Seminars Workshops Games Drills 90 days for TTX 180 days for FE 240 days for FSE FOR OFFICAL USE ONLY “Building sustainable capabilities across all phases of Emergency Management in Kansas through selfless service”

21  Required for any exercise directly using EMPG, HLS or HMEP money  90 days for any of the optional exercises in which support is requested All exercises directly utilizing previous mentioned grant funding will be posted on the NEXS FOR OFFICAL USE ONLY “Building sustainable capabilities across all phases of Emergency Management in Kansas through selfless service”

22  Seminar / Game: Sign-In Sheets Agenda Copy of Presentation  Workshop: Sign-In Sheets Agenda Copy of Plan, Policy or Procedure FOR OFFICAL USE ONLY “Building sustainable capabilities across all phases of Emergency Management in Kansas through selfless service”

23  TTX / Drill / FE / FSE: Sign-In Sheets After Action Report Improvement Plan All documentation due NLT 90 days upon exercise completion to be posted on HSEEP Portal FOR OFFICAL USE ONLY “Building sustainable capabilities across all phases of Emergency Management in Kansas through selfless service”

24 QUESTIONS? FOR OFFICAL USE ONLY “Building sustainable capabilities across all phases of Emergency Management in Kansas through selfless service”

25 Thank You for all you do to make your community and state a safer place!!! FOR OFFICAL USE ONLY “Building sustainable capabilities across all phases of Emergency Management in Kansas through selfless service”

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