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BW 16 March 2015 Brainstorm what is meant by the human condition. Have 10 ideas in a circle map.

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Presentation on theme: "BW 16 March 2015 Brainstorm what is meant by the human condition. Have 10 ideas in a circle map."— Presentation transcript:

1 BW 16 March 2015 Brainstorm what is meant by the human condition. Have 10 ideas in a circle map.

2 Objective & Purpose In a circle map, define the term modernism. Gain context for our unit on modern poetry and modern literature—All Quiet on the Western Front.

3 Modernism Not modern like new! It is an intellectual, historical, and cultural movement. End of the 19 th century-middle of the 20 th century. Pablo Picasso’s “Girl Before a Mirror” (1932)

4 Modernism Developed out of the culture in Europe during the late 1800’s (Victorian era) Developed out of the cultural change in America: the Industrial revolution. Everything was new, different, and on the cutting edge. Salvador Dali’s “The Persistence of Memory” (1931)

5 Modernism WW1: angst, lack of understanding, and revolution. In respect to English Literature, Ezra Pound said it best: “Make it new.” Frank Lloyd Wright Falling Water (1935)

6 Modernism In respect to poetry: – It is taking from all the different cultures in the world and turning them into what is now termed free verse poetry. – It is reinventing traditional forms Jackson Pollock (1952)

7 Modernism In respect to poetry: – No rhyme – No real form – It is the weird and the difficult Barnett Newman’s Who’s Afraid of Red, Yellow, and Blue? (1966)

8 Modernism In respect to literature: – New forms of story telling developed… – Stream of conscious writing – Multiple story tellers – Experimentation with perspective…from a bug’s POV…a mentally handicapped child… Robert Rauschenberg “Untitled” (1963)

9 Modernism American Literature--Modernism (1914-1946)

10 Post-Modernism Happening right now A breaking away entirely No structure The tearing down of all forms and beliefs No absolute truth – No good or evil – No man or woman – No truth in language Renee Magritte’s “The Treachery of images”

11 Vocabulary #1 All Quiet on the Western Front Quiz Friday Directions: Give your own definition or synonym. Draw an image to represent the word. 1.Ostracized (11) verb. excluded from a group; made outsiders 2.Implored (15) verb. begged for earnestly 3.Obliterate (20) verb. to remove from memory; to destroy 4.Disconcerted (5) adj. a feeling of discomfort 5.Trifling (8) adj. unimportant or frivolous

12 Vocabulary #1 All Quiet on the Western Front Quiz Friday Directions: Give your own definition or synonym. Draw an image to represent the word. 1.Ostracized (11) verb. excluded from a group; made outsiders 2.Implored (15) verb. begged for earnestly 3.Obliterate (20) verb. to remove from memory; to destroy 4.Disconcerted (5) adj. a feeling of discomfort 5.Trifling (8) adj. unimportant or frivolous 6.Melancholy (20) adj. dejected; sad 7.Indifferent (22) adj. marked by a lack of interest or concern for something 8.Uncanny (40) adj. seeming to have a supernatural character; mysterious 9.Remonstrance (49) noun. a presentation of grievances or complaints 10.Patronizingly (36) adv. condescendingly

13 Modern Poetry Project Literary Analysis & Author’s Technique PTC Purpose Task Context

14 Homework Form a theme. Think of an experience that gave you insight into the human condition, and write about this; or, think of an imaginary or fictional experience that gives insight into the human condition; write about this. 1 page write up.

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