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Regions 1 & 4 Planning and Development Councils in Partnership with Cumberland Plateau Company Where a Broadband Future is Today’s Reality.

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Presentation on theme: "Regions 1 & 4 Planning and Development Councils in Partnership with Cumberland Plateau Company Where a Broadband Future is Today’s Reality."— Presentation transcript:

1 Regions 1 & 4 Planning and Development Councils in Partnership with Cumberland Plateau Company Where a Broadband Future is Today’s Reality

2 Need for Broadband Connectivity in Rural Areas HISTORICALLY: Mostly underserved in terms of competitive high-speed Broadband services. Incumbents, ILECs and CATV, provide: –Limited Broadband service options –Varying costs within very restricted and inconsistent geographic areas When infrastructure is provided: –Constructed on a timetable determined by corporate –Market size –Not local needs Access to incumbent’s cable infrastructure is: –Not available –At capacity Profit motives and technical limitations have kept competing service providers from sharing access to the incumbent’s cable plant.

3 Need for Broadband Connectivity in Rural Areas TECHNICALLY: Existing copper and hybrid-fiber-coax (HFC) plants are not suited for providing: –Reliability –Bandwidth required by next-generation services Virtual Private Networking Point-to-Point connectivity Application Service Provisioning Gigabit speed services Real-time gaming

4 Why Install a Fiber-Optic Broadband Network? Encourage economic development from a regional perspective –Recruitment of new industry and service-based companies –Retain existing commercial and industrial customers –Provide one network that passes through political subdivisions in both Region 1&4 Planning and Development Councils –Introduce high-quality local telecommunications services –Provide cutting-edge technology –Access to competitively priced bandwidth with the same rates regardless of service area –Local control Unique Capabilities –Existing customer relationships –Local presence and name recognition –Ability to provide a full menu of data, voice and video services –Services breakthrough ability –Quality of service

5 Who Will Benefit? Local, state and federal governmental agencies Local school systems Colleges and universities Libraries Health-care facilities Telemedicine initiatives Financial institutions Public safety Commercial and Industrial Telecommuters

6 Fiber Network User Feedback Speed and bandwidth Increased reliability of fiber compared to other forms of access Service pricing Customer service and support Make operations easier Increases efficiency Saves time High speed capabilities incorporated into daily operations –Large document transfer –Real-time communications with customers and suppliers –On-line transactions –Research

7 The Network Characteristics: All fiber-optic network Fully protected Diversely routed Carrier-class optical ring Not limited in bandwidth capacity –Utilize different wavelengths Flexible platform for the creation, transport and delivery of next-generation broadband-based IP services Environmental protected

8 The Network Requirements: Diversity Redundancy Multiple and diverse Internet connections Scalability –Incremental bandwidth increases –Self-provisioning Mileage insensitive Flat rate inter-city transport cost Easily customized to business requirements Designed and built to support business needs

9 The Network Architecture: Transport network –Wide Area Network (WAN) –Carrier-class optical ring –Initial transport capacity 100Gbps (400Gbps total capacity) –Packet transport network will consist of a state-of-the-art IP/MPLS core Access network –Fiber-to-the-User (FTTU) –Passive Optical Network (PON) 2.4Gbps downstream/1.2Gbps upstream PON enables very efficient and relatively low cost deployment of FTTU PON allows for a single fiber to be split passively up to 32 times and uses WDM to carry three wavelengths for data transmit/receive and video broadcast. PONs are ideal for serving general data, voice and video access requirements to commercial, industrial and residential customers –Private ethernet

10 Service Offerings Internet access –Asynchronous/Synchronous Point-to-Point/Point-to Multi-Point Connectivity –Simplified multi-facility connectivity –Local, regional and global –Form relationships with regional and national carriers –Marketed as alternative to T1/FR network –Target market includes banks, law firms, clinics, social services, governmental entities and multi-site C&I facilities Web hosting Server co-location Secure firewall

11 Service Offerings VLAN VPN for remote office/telecommuting Wireless backhaul Fiber leasing IP telephony

12 What Cumberland Plateau Co. Can Offer? Design, engineering and inspection Bills of Material Make-ready applications for aerial attachments Railroad and highway permitting Material and labor RFPs Broadband grant writing expertise Marketing Sales training Management Personnel hiring and training Bandwidth procurement Business Plan Experience that will reduce construction, start-up, operational and maintenance costs



15 Discussion Points and Questions Forming a Cooperative with Regions 1&4 Planning and Development Councils and CPC Public/Private partnerships Funding Revenue stream Product pricing Timeframes Wireless Operations and maintenance Last-mile connections Network management

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