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Class Policies and Procedures Mr. Reed’s Science and Social Studies Classes 2014-2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Class Policies and Procedures Mr. Reed’s Science and Social Studies Classes 2014-2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Class Policies and Procedures Mr. Reed’s Science and Social Studies Classes 2014-2015

2 Class Expectations  As your teacher, I expect you to:  Always follow our school rules  Always be respectful  What does that mean?  How can we be respectful?  Always give your best effort  ALWAYS give me an answer, even if it’s a wrong one!  Saying “IDK” doesn’t help me to help you, but a wrong answer does!

3 Class Policies  Come to class prepared  Being unprepared is irresponsible!  All you have to bring is your binder  Pens/Pencils should always be in your binder!  Stay seated unless told otherwise  TRASH: Keep it at your desk. You will have a chance to throw it away at the end of class.  PENCILS: They break. Swap yours for a fresh one at the BACK of class.

4 Class Policies (Cont’d)  Dry erase boards:  Hands off!  Teacher’s Desk Area  The teacher’s desk is off limits unless you are SPECIFICALLY told otherwise.  Bothering my desk earns you a LLR.  Phone:  If the phone rings, I will answer it and NO ONE else. Answering my phone earns you a LLR  You are not allowed to make calls from my desk under any circumstance.

5 Can I bring my phone, Mr. Reed?  Uh, no.  Cellphones, electronics:  Not allowed. I will take them when I see them.

6 I’m hungry. Can I have something to eat, Mr. Reed?  Food:  Not allowed, unless you are told otherwise.  The mice and roaches enjoy it, though.

7 Can I PLEAAASE move my desk?  Sorry, but no.  I arrange my desks for a reason. Please do not move them.

8 What do I do when I come to class, Mr. Reed?  Enter quietly  Get a textbook off of the carousel.  Have a seat, begin working on the bellringer.  During this time, I will take attendance and prepare to go over the bellringer.

9 What does class look like, Mr. Reed?  Bellringer: 5-10 Minutes  Whole group instruction: 20 minutes  Centers/Stations:  15 minutes at each of 3 stations  45 minutes total  Closure: 5 to 7 minutes before the end of class we will wind down, pick up and dispose of trash, return books to the carousel, complete an exit ticket, and prepare for the next class  Pencil sharpening permitted

10 How do I ask questions, Mr. Reed?  Please, raise your hand. I will call on you.  DON’T raise your hand and shout “OOH! OOH! OOH!”  Don’t be afraid of asking questions.  Respect that we are all at different points in our learning and we all learn in different ways.  Still scared? That’s fine! Write it down and ask me at another time (such as during centers) and I will answer it.

11 How do I turn in papers, Mr. Reed?  I collect papers in one of two ways:  1: I ask you to pass the papers forward.  Do not keep working, time is up!  Pass them forward, I will collect the stack from the person at the front of the row  2: I ask you to put them in a tray/bucket  Do not keep working, time is up!  Put it in the tray/bucket and have a seat.  Take the quickest route to the tray/bucket!

12 How do I take a test or quiz in your room, Mr. Reed?  1: You study and prepare the moment I announce a test.  2: When the test is out, do not talk. If I hear talking, you will receive a 0 and have to make up the test another day.

13 Can I go to the bathroom, Mr. Reed?  We have scheduled bathroom breaks. You need to go at the beginning of the day and during 3 rd Block. That’s it.  Please, go and take care of business quickly and efficiently.  The bathroom is the worst place to socialize. It’s icky 

14 I like your plants, Mr. Reed!  I will have plants in the classroom soon.  Please, enjoy looking at them.  I will take care of watering them, but thanks for asking.  Please, don’t touch them. They are delicate, and if everyone touches them, they will die.

15 I like your pet!  I will have a classroom aquarium soon also.  Please, enjoy looking at the fish.  Don’t tap on the glass, it scares them 

16 Closure  These policies and procedures can and probably will change.  I will inform you when I make changes.  Overall, I want you to be a better student more than I want to punish you. If you make a mistake, recognize it, and move past it.

17 Any questions?

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