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Axel Pawlik. LACNIC VI, March 2004, Montevideo. An RIR in 2010 History, Continuity and Future presented by: Axel Pawlik.

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Presentation on theme: "Axel Pawlik. LACNIC VI, March 2004, Montevideo. An RIR in 2010 History, Continuity and Future presented by: Axel Pawlik."— Presentation transcript:

1 Axel Pawlik. LACNIC VI, March 2004, Montevideo. An RIR in 2010 History, Continuity and Future presented by: Axel Pawlik

2 Axel Pawlik. LACNIC VI, March 2004, Montevideo. 2 Overview More Than Just Numbers –The Making of the RIPE NCC –The Mission –Activities Still, Some Numbers What the Future Holds

3 Axel Pawlik. LACNIC VI, March 2004, Montevideo. 3 Mission The mission of the RIPE NCC is to perform activities for the benefit of the membership, primarily activities that the members need to organise as a group, although they may be competing with each other in other areas. While an activity may result in services being provided to an individual member, performing the activity as a whole must benefit the RIPE NCC membership as a group.

4 Axel Pawlik. LACNIC VI, March 2004, Montevideo. 4 What are those Activities? ripe-35, R. Blokzijl, 5 May 1991 –Maintain a database of European IP networks and their management information. –Placement of name servers and backup servers in Europe, and beyond. –Gather traffic statistics and network performance data. –RIPE Activity Support –What is missing there? –No Registration Services…! ripe-57 introduces Delegated Internet Registry, May 1992

5 Axel Pawlik. LACNIC VI, March 2004, Montevideo. 5 In General… Co-ordination and provision of services for its members & RIPE community –Membership Services –Co-ordination Services –Information Services Operation of one of four Regional Internet Registries (RIRs) –Responsible stewardship of Internet Resources –ARIN, APNIC, LACNIC, RIPE NCC –Emerging: AfriNIC

6 Axel Pawlik. LACNIC VI, March 2004, Montevideo. 6 What is the RIPE NCC? Bottom up industry self-regulatory structure –Open and transparent –Neutral and impartial Not for profit membership association –under Dutch law –Since 1997 (but active since 1992) –Funded by members, thus autonomous –Membership open to all interested parties –Membership elects Executive Board –Membership guides activities & budget –Membership approves fees (Charging Scheme) Policies developed by industry at large –Through open policy processes during RIPE Meetings and on mailing lists.

7 Axel Pawlik. LACNIC VI, March 2004, Montevideo. 7 Overview More Than Just Numbers –The Making of the RIPE NCC –The Mission –Activities Still, Some Numbers What the Future Holds

8 Axel Pawlik. LACNIC VI, March 2004, Montevideo. 8 New Numbers Absolute numbers small, but allocations growing! Some providers implement policy to have all equipment dual stack… Meanwhile in the IPv4 department…

9 Axel Pawlik. LACNIC VI, March 2004, Montevideo. 9 IPv4 Address Space Report (Geoff Huston) This report is generated automatically on a daily basis, and reflects the application of best fit models to historical data relating to the growth in the address space advertised in the BGP routing table. The underlying assumptions made in this predictive model is that the previous drivers in address consumption will continue to determine future concumption rates, and that growth in consumption rates will continue to operate in a fashion where the growth rate is constant rather than increasing or decreasing. Complete Exhaustion of all available IPv4 Address Space: January 2042 Exhaustion of the IPv4 Unallocated Address Pool April 2026 Summary: Dont make all those Hostmasters redundant, just yet. We will need them… Old Numbers

10 Axel Pawlik. LACNIC VI, March 2004, Montevideo. 10 Myth Debunking IPv4 address exhaustion is not imminent. Regional Address Registries are not obstructing IPv6 deployment No Digital Divide between address-rich and address- poor Countries –Newcomers can still get addresses Regional Address Registries do not advocate NAT Visit the source for address statistics / policies. Take part in policy making process. We offer workshop for any interested party.

11 Axel Pawlik. LACNIC VI, March 2004, Montevideo. 11 What the Future Holds Todays Activities Continued –IPv4, IPv6, ASN allocation –Database operations –RIPE meeting support –k Rootserver operations –ENUM Tier 0 Registry –Routing Information Service –Test Traffic Measurements –Courses Services will be developed further, based on users needs

12 Axel Pawlik. LACNIC VI, March 2004, Montevideo. 12 Emerging Services Information Services CRISP DNSMON k Rootserver Anycasting New Courses, New Teaching Technology

13 Axel Pawlik. LACNIC VI, March 2004, Montevideo. 13 Shadows of the Future Reclamation of unused resources Certification Authority –Certificates of resource usage –Certified Routing Intensified information about Internet resources and operations of key infrastructure

14 Axel Pawlik. LACNIC VI, March 2004, Montevideo. 14 Mission The mission of the RIPE NCC is to perform activities for the benefit of the membership, primarily activities that the members need to organise as a group, although they may be competing with each other in other areas. While an activity may result in services being provided to an individual member, performing the activity as a whole must benefit the RIPE NCC membership as a group.

15 Axel Pawlik. LACNIC VI, March 2004, Montevideo. 15 New Activities Ability to react to… –Changing environment –New requirements of members and other stakeholders Will be started only –…after thorough needs analysis –…with clear project plan, deliverables, budget & timeline

16 Axel Pawlik. LACNIC VI, March 2004, Montevideo. Questions

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