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Shrub Bogs Elan Simon Parsons. Terms to know Shrubby  Woody plants, low height Peat  Collected organic soil  Characteristic of wetlands.

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Presentation on theme: "Shrub Bogs Elan Simon Parsons. Terms to know Shrubby  Woody plants, low height Peat  Collected organic soil  Characteristic of wetlands."— Presentation transcript:

1 Shrub Bogs Elan Simon Parsons

2 Terms to know Shrubby  Woody plants, low height Peat  Collected organic soil  Characteristic of wetlands


4 Shrub Bog: Usually formed from wetlands experiencing disturbance Synonyms: titi swamp, scrub-shrub, shrub swamp, bay Dense, low-growing, shrubby understory on mucky soil, with or without an unclosed canopy of pines or bay trees, covered by a foot or less of standing water. Commonly dominated by titi or black titi in north Florida If present, sparse herb layer Found on swamp borders, other poorly-drained areas, “bays” FWC

5 Distribution North Carolina to Okefenokee Swamp (GA-FL)  “ Pocosins” West to Mississippi; throughout Florida  ~1/2 conservation/management lands, 36% private Exemplary Sites: Apalachicola National Forest(Wakulla) Aucilla Wildlife Management Area (Jefferson/Taylor) Bradwell Bay Wilderness Area (Wakulla) Pinhook Swamp (Baker/Columbia) FWC

6 Resources and Conditions Standing water (<1 ft) Soils mucky, organic with sand or loamy sand underneath  Soil series: Rutledge, Donovan, Surrency, Lynn Haven depressional Cover found largely in 1-5m shrubs, potential canopy of pines (pond, slash, loblolly)

7 Characteristic Vegetation Titi (Cyrilla racemiflora) Black titi ( Cliftonia monophylla ) Fetterbush ( Lyonia lucida ) Large gallberry ( Ilex coriacea ) Gallberry ( Ilex glabra ) Wax myrtle ( Myrica cerifera ) Sweet pepperbush ( Clethra alnifolia ) Laurel greenbrier ( Smilax laurifolia ) Sphagnum moss ( Sphagnum spp.) May include: red chokeberry ( Photinia pyrifolia ) Virginia willow ( Itea virginica ) swamp doghobble ( Leucothoe racemosa ) myrtle dahoon ( Ilex cassine var. myrtifolia ) pond pine ( Pinus serotina ) slash pine ( Pinus elliottii ) loblolly pine (Pinus taeda) loblolly bay ( Gordonia lasianthus ) sweetbay ( Magnolia virginiana ) pond cypress ( Taxodium ascendens ) tenangle pipewart ( Eriocaulon decangulare ) pitcher plants (Sarracenia spp.)


9 Rare Vegetation Primrose-flowered butterwort ( Pinguicula primuliflora ) Panhandle lily ( Lilium iridollae ) Hummingbird flower (Macranthera flammea) White-top pitcherplant ( Sarracenia leucophylla) Dwitch-alder ( Fothergilla gardenii ) Bog spicebush ( Lindera subcoriacea ) Chapman’s rhododendron ( Rhododendron chapmanii )  In titi-dominated shrub bogs in central Florida

10 Wildlife Florida bog frog ( Rana okaloosae ) Pine barrens treefrog ( Hyla andersonii ) Florida black bear ( Ursus americanus floridanus ) Florida panther ( Puma concolor coryi) Little blue heron ( Egretta caerulea) Snail kite ( Rostrhamus sociabilis plumbeus) Least bittern ( Ixobrychus exilis) Eastern indigo snake ( Drymarchon couperi) Spotted turtle ( Clemmys guttata) Mud sunfish ( Acantharchus pomotis)

11 Processes Fire  Burns during drought  10-20 years  Without, may creep into wet prairies and wet flatwoods  Apalachicola National Forest

12 Status G4  Secure  May be rare in certain areas S3  Rare and local, or restricted range, or vulnerable to extinction

13 Management Considerations Logging, planting of pine can favor spread Fire during growing season can protect nearby wet flatwoods, wet prairies Threats to shrub bogs not easily identified  Range highly increased from historic precedent

14 Associated Communities Compared to: BaygallLacks closed canopy of bay trees Wet flatwoodsFew to no slash/longleaf pines, no saw palmetto, has peat layer Basin, dome, floodplain swampsNo canopy of hydrophytic (water- loving) trees like pond cypress Wet prairie or seepage slopeNot dominated by grassy species

15 Ask Questions Here!

16 Sources Florida Natural Areas Inventory. 2010. Shrub Swamp. Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission.

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