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Welcome If your primary focus is elementary, please sit near the easel paper labeled “elementary” If your primary focus is secondary, please sit near the.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome If your primary focus is elementary, please sit near the easel paper labeled “elementary” If your primary focus is secondary, please sit near the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome If your primary focus is elementary, please sit near the easel paper labeled “elementary” If your primary focus is secondary, please sit near the easel paper labeled “secondary”

2 Creating a Comprehensive Bullying Prevention Infrastructure within the PBIS Framework Beth Herman Educational Consultant, DPI Kim GulbrandsonResearch and Evaluation Coordinator, Wisconsin RtI Center

3 Session Objectives Establish a clear definition of what bullying is Describe what a comprehensive approach to bully prevention looks like Identify resources and tools for determining school/district needs for bullying prevention Develop ideas for providing comprehensive bully prevention and intervention within you multi-level system of support

4 Bullying: A Definition Bullying is unwanted, aggressive behavior among school aged children that involves a real or perceived power imbalance. The behavior is repeated, or has the potential to be repeated, over time.

5 Bullying: A Definition In order to be considered bullying, the behavior must be aggressive and include: An imbalance of power Repetition

6 Bar Chart Activity Bullying or Not? After hearing each scenario, decide whether or not you think it is bullying Then, do the following: – Stand Up – If you think it is bullying – Stand Up Partially – If you are not sure – Stay Seated – If you think it is NOT bullying

7 Components of Effective Bullying Prevention Policy and Procedures Program Selection/Implementation Staff Training Parent Education and Communication – Classroom Instruction/Student Training Reporting Systems Analysis and Continuous Quality Improvement

8 Comprehensive Assessment Scenarios Find a partner or small group of 3-4 Read your scenario Begin completing the Bully Prevention Program Assessment Tool Using the scenario you have been given, begin to complete the assessment

9 Multi-Tiered Framework for Bullying Prevention Continuum of supports for… students who are bullying students being bullied bystanders to bullying

10 Multi-Tiered Framework for Bullying Prevention Consider existing structures and systems Make connections with what you are already doing Use data to determine what you already have and what you need to adjust in existing system

11 Aligning for Effectiveness and Efficiency Key features of Effective PBIS schools Leadership/Leadership Teams Strong Universal Implementation Continuum of Supports Data Based Continuous Improvement Family/Community Engagement Positive Culture Evidence Based Practices Systemic Implementation Bullying Prevention What is in place through PBIS? Teams meet monthly, review data, plan kickoff, boosters, self-assess implementation, etc. 3-5 expectations, all students are taught the expectations, kickoff, etc. Tier 2 and Tier 3 supports are aligned to and supported by Tier 1 Assessment tool, implementation fata, ODR data, attendance, YRBS, Assessment data, suspensions Families, students have input and communication Belief that all students will be successful, staff and students feel safe and supported, diversity is an asset Process is in place to select, deliver, and revise instruction based on outcomes, research, culture District policies, hiring, PD, etc. are aligned to school implementation, policies, etc. are aligned to classroom practices Bullying Prevention Bystander training Specific bullying policies

12 Aligning for Effectiveness and Efficiency Key features of Effective PBIS schools Leadership/Leadership Teams Strong Universal Implementation Continuum of Supports Data Based Continuous Improvement Family/Community Engagement Positive Culture Evidence Based Practices Systemic Implementation Bullying Prevention What is in place through PBIS? Teams meet monthly, review data, plan kickoff, boosters, self-assess implementation, etc. 3-5 expectations, all students are taught the expectations, kickoff, etc. Tier 2 and Tier 3 supports are aligned to and supported by Tier 1 Assessment tool, implementation fata, ODR data, attendance, YRBS, Assessment data, suspensions Families, students have input and communication Belief that all students will be successful, staff and students feel safe and supported, diversity is an asset Process is in place to select, deliver, and revise instruction based on outcomes, research, culture District policies, hiring, PD, etc. are aligned to school implementation, policies, etc. are aligned to classroom practices Bullying Prevention Bystander training Specific bullying policies What’s our data look like? Do we have unmet needs? What are they? Can we address them through what we already have in place? What’s our data look like? Do we have unmet needs? What are they? Can we address them through what we already have in place?

13 Aligning for Effectiveness and Efficiency Key features of Effective PBIS schools Leadership/Leadership Teams Strong Universal Implementation Continuum of Supports Data Based Continuous Improvement Family/Community Engagement Positive Culture Evidence Based Practices Systemic Implementation What is in place through PBIS? Teams meet monthly, review data, plan kickoff, boosters, self-assess implementation, etc. 3-5 expectations, all students are taught the expectations, kickoff, etc. Tier 2 and Tier 3 supports are aligned to and supported by Tier 1 Assessment tool, implementation fata, ODR data, attendance, YRBS, Assessment data, s Families, students have input and communication Belief that all students will be successful, staff and students feel safe and supported, diversity is an asset Process is in place to select, deliver, and revise instruction based on outcomes, research, culture District policies, hiring, PD, etc. are aligned to school implementation, policies, etc. are aligned to classroom practices CRP Are expectations responsive to the culture of all students? VABB, imaging in classroom Disaggregated data (race, disability), risk ratios Engage families in different ways based on needs/norms. Equity policies around discipline What’s the continued need?

14 Multi-Level Systems of Support Which Tier? Anti-bullying Policy that is shared with all stakeholders and includes an evidence based definition Procedures for handling reports of bullying including notification of parents/families Procedures for responding to bullying Staff training that includes sharing definition of bullying and school’s policies and procedures Parent training that explains definition of bullying and the school’s comprehensive approach to bullying Evidence based curriculum for all students that includes social-emotional skill development and bystander behavior Friendship groups Tier 1-green Tier 2-yellow Tier 3-red

15 Tier 1 Elements Are Critical

16 Elements by Tier *See handout

17 FeaturePBISHow can IBullying Prevention WHAT’S IN PLACE?HOW CAN EXISTING STRUCTURES BE USED FOR BULLYING PREVENTION HOW DO STRUCTURES NEED TO BE ADJUSTED TO INCLUDE BULLYING PREVENTION? Leadership TeamMeets Monthly, looks at implementation data, outcome data, plans school-wide teaching based on the data Strong Universal Implementation 3-5 School-wide expectations are developed and taught to all students at beginning of year and re-taught throughout year Include bystander training

18 Think-Pair-Share What team in your school would support bullying prevention? – Needs Assessment – Policy and Procedures – Program Selection – Staff Training – Parent/Family Communication – Data Rules for Identifying Students in Need of Additional Supports

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