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Engineering Department ENEN HiRadMat Proposal 1421: MultiMat HiRadMat Scientific Board Meeting 14.10.2014 A. Bertarelli – CERN EN/MME on behalf of E. Berthomé,

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Presentation on theme: "Engineering Department ENEN HiRadMat Proposal 1421: MultiMat HiRadMat Scientific Board Meeting 14.10.2014 A. Bertarelli – CERN EN/MME on behalf of E. Berthomé,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Engineering Department ENEN HiRadMat Proposal 1421: MultiMat HiRadMat Scientific Board Meeting 14.10.2014 A. Bertarelli – CERN EN/MME on behalf of E. Berthomé, F. Carra, A. Dallocchio, M. Garlaschè, L. Gentini, P. Gradassi, M. Guinchard, E. Quaranta, S. Redaelli, A. Rossi, O. Sacristan 14.10.20141A. Bertarelli – EN-MME

2 Engineering Department ENEN  Context  HiRadMat Run 1 experiments (HRMT-09, HRMT-14)  Limitations of HiRadMat Run 1 Experiments  Overview of Future Collimation Experiments in HiRadMat  MultiMat Experiment Proposal  Schedule and Proposes Actions  Conclusions 2 Outline 14.10.2014A. Bertarelli – EN-MME

3 Engineering Department ENEN  HRMT-09 and HRMT-14 were very successful and useful experiments, which among other, allowed to:  Confirm numerical simulations  Gain confidence in methods and complex experimental set-up  Derive operational limits for installed hardware (namely TCTA and TCTP). 3 Context 14.10.2014A. Bertarelli – EN-MME

4 Engineering Department ENEN HRMT14 Experiment 14.10.2014A. Bertarelli – EN-MME4  Benchmark advanced numerical simulations and material constitutive models through extensive acquisition system.  Characterize in one go six existing and novel materials under development: Inermet180, Molybdenum, Glidcop, Mo-CD, Cu-CD, Mo-Gr. 2 sample types, 12 target stations, 88 samples.  Collect, mostly in real time, experimental data from different acquisition devices (Strain Gauges, Laser Doppler Vibrometer, High Speed video Camera, Temperature and Vacuum probes). High Intensity Samples (Type 2)  Strain measurements on sample outer surface;  Fast speed camera to capture fragment front formation and propagation;  Temperature measurements;  Sound measurements. Medium Intensity Samples (Type 1)  Strain measurements on sample outer surface;  Radial velocity measurements (LDV);  Temperature measurements;  Sound measurements.

5 Engineering Department ENEN HRMT14: Medium Intensity Tests 14.10.2014A. Bertarelli – EN-MME5 Glidcop Sample – Slot#08 72 b (scraped), Total intensity: 4.66e12 p, σ  1.3 mm Glidcop Sample – Slot#08 72 b (scraped), Total intensity: 4.66e12 p, σ  1.3 mm

6 Engineering Department ENEN HRMT14: High Intensity Tests 14.10.2014A. Bertarelli – EN-MME6 Inermet : comparison Autodyn (SPH) between simulation and experiment Beam CaseBunchesp/bunch Total Intensity Beam Sigma Specimen Slot Velocity Simulation601.5e119.0e12 p2.5 mm9316 m/s Experiment721.26e119.0e12 p1.9 mm8 (partly 9)~275 m/s

7 Engineering Department ENEN 7 Context 14.10.2014A. Bertarelli – EN-MME Limitations of HiRatMat Run 1 Experiments: However, a number of intrinsic limitations exist for HRMT-14 and/or HRMT- 09 experiments:  Limited online instrumentation for full collimator test (HRMT-09)  Lack of intermediate options between specimens and full collimator tests  Intrinsically low signal to noise ratio for resistive strain gauges  Low signal for low-Z materials (those better surviving the impact …)  Relatively low resolution / acquisition rate for high speed camera  Pollution by molten material of viewports  LDV acquisition on one single specimen per target station.  Signal attenuation on cables. And most notably:  A number of novel materials not yet tested …

8 Engineering Department ENEN 8 Context 14.10.2014A. Bertarelli – EN-MME Overview of Future HiRadMat Experiments for Collimators As a follow up to HiRadMat run 1, several Collimation-related experiments are proposed to:  Integrally test under full SPS beam (288 b) jaws and collimators of latest generation (TCSPM, TCTPx, TCTW, SLAC Phase II …).  Repeat the test done in 2004/2006 on Carbon/Carbon collimators (TT40), with increased intensity (HL-LHC scenario) and more extensive and dedicated acquisition devices.  Acquire online data about response of full jaws to beam impact.  Test samples of novel/advanced materials for Collimators with little known constitutive equations under highly bright beams (LIU/HL-LHC).  Benchmark not-yet-explored effects such as code coupling, tunnelling etc. Possible future proposal … HRMT-21 Proposal 1421 (MultiMat) This Talk … HRMT-23

9 Engineering Department ENEN 9 MultiMat Experiment Goals  Test samples of novel/advanced materials for present and future Collimators under very bright beams  Acquire online exploitable data particularly for low-Z materials  Confirm/extend constitutive model for high-Z materials.  Benchmark not-yet-explored effects such as code coupling  Experiment proposed by Collimation Team on 21.10.2013 (AdColMat meeting)  Derived from HRMT-14. Up to 12 target stations, each hosting a different material.  Specimen shape and dimensions to be optimized, possibly varying according to material (disks, cylinders, bars …).  Specimens and test-bench extensively relying on online and offline instrumentation (upgraded version of HRMT-14). 14.10.2014A. Bertarelli – EN-MME

10 Engineering Department ENEN MultiMat Experiment Proposal 14.10.2014A. Bertarelli – EN-MME10  Because of its inherently “device-independent” concept, this experiment lends itself to explore material behaviour, benchmark simulations and derive constitutive equations for a large spectrum of materials.  Profit of the experience gathered during Run1 Experiments, particularly HRMT-14, in particular on numerical simulation and  Possibility to create synergy with other projects such as TDI, TCDI, etc.  Proposal to join forces, optimize resources and share costs between BE/ABP, BE/OP, EN/MME, EN/STI, TE/ABT …

11 Engineering Department ENEN 11 MultiMat Experiment Proposal  Test material specimens of simplified shape of interest for LHC collimators, injection and dump absorbers, protection devices, etc.  Beam intensity up to 288 bunches, 2.3e11 p/b, beam size down to 0.5x0.5 mm2 (down to 0.3x0.3 mm 2 if LIU intensity cannot be reached)  Design and instrumentation inspired by HRMT14 experiment. 12 target stations each hosting several specimens. 14.10.2014A. Bertarelli – EN-MME

12 Engineering Department ENEN MultiMat Design Main Features 14.10.2014A. Bertarelli – EN-MME12  Design of the experiment inspired by HRMT14  HiRadMat standard Test Stand table  2 beryllium/C-C windows withstanding up to 288 SPS bunches, sigma 0.3x0.3 mm2  Vacuum Tank (primary vacuum) containing up to 12 target stations.  Each station hosting several specimens (possibly of different shapes) made of one material.  Each stations aligned through 2 DoF actuation system (beam-based alignment). Required position tolerance: ±0.2 mm  Estimated size: 2100x1200x400mm  Estimated weight: 1600kg

13 Engineering Department ENEN MultiMat Materials 14.10.2014A. Bertarelli – EN-MME13  Test samples of novel/advanced materials for present and future Collimators (and other Beam Intercepting Devices) under very bright beams  Acquire online exploitable data particularly for low-Z materials  Confirm/extend constitutive model for high-Z materials.  Benchmark not-yet-explored effects such as code coupling Materials to be tested will likely include:  Molybdenum Carbide - Graphite  Copper - Diamond  Other Ceramic-Graphite composites (under development)  Carbon/Carbon (both 2D and 3D grades)  Graphite  Boron Nitride  Glidcop  Molybdenum  Tungsten heavy alloys (Inermet, W-Re etc.)

14 Engineering Department ENEN Specimen Shape Options 14.10.2014A. Bertarelli – EN-MME14 Specimen shapes and dimensions being optimized, possibly varying according to material (disks, cylinders, bars …) to improve measurements sensitivity. Disc 30mm x 40mmDisc 12mm x 100mm

15 Engineering Department ENEN 15 HRMT-23 DAQ and Electronics 03.10.2014Alessandro Bertarelli – EN-MME-EDS  Instrumentation (MME Mechanical Lab). Main objectives:  Acquire online pressure waves at relevant locations.  Acquire online temperatures on relevant locations.  Detect online high speed vibrations (pressure wave – induced )  Detect online low speed oscillations (typically induced on slender structure by off-center beams)  Visually Record (possible) specimen explosion / fragmentation  Detect offline (possible) internal material damage (e.g. delamination, cracks, tunneling …)  Motorization: controls and hardware compatible with HRMT-14. Updated software interface required. Help by EN/STI/ECE …  Acquisition System: the DAQ hardware and infrastructure should be designed and implemented with a comprehensive view on a larger spectrum of HiRadMat Experiments  Modular DAQ with synergy with and contribution from other experiments and projects.

16 Engineering Department ENEN Modular Acquisition System 14.10.2014A. Bertarelli – EN-MME16  A modular acquisition system is being developed to allow online and offline monitoring of several HiRadMat experiments:  8:1 switch for online acquisition  72 fast channels (strain gages, LDV)  40 PT100  4 Fibre Optic Sensors (FOS)  Flash system for wider range of applications to be used together with high speed cameras  Non-destructive testing (Ultrasounds)

17 Engineering Department ENEN 17 MultiMat Post Irradiation Plan 14.10.2014A. Bertarelli – EN-MME Two possible options currently being investigated:  Acquisition (jointly with other partners, e.g. ISOLDE?), of a Glove Box allowing post irradiation analyses of several experiments (HRMT9, HRMT14, HRMT23 and MultiMat)  Exploiting existing facilities in building 109 equipped to work on contaminated materials (currently checking with RP if possible).

18 Engineering Department ENEN  An experiment to test a large spectrum of materials for Collimators and other BID (TCDI, TDI …), particularly low-Z is proposed.  This experiment would further extend knowledge on existing materials and acquire fresh, essential information on novel materials being developed.  Synergy with and contributions from several projects and groups.  This experiment largely relies on the experience gathered with HRMT-09 and specially HRMT-14, particularly on advanced Numerical Simulations and complex Data Acquisition Systems.  Design of equipment and infrastructure for Acquisition System is on-going and anticipating needs for a number of experiments. Joining efforts and contributions by several stakeholders is necessary.  Post-irradiation analysis being planned in conjunction with other past experiments.  Experiment is tentatively scheduled for early 2015 (after HRMT-23 and TCSPM prototype manufacturing). 18 Conclusions 14.10.2014A. Bertarelli – EN-MME

19 Engineering Department ENEN 14.10.2014A. Bertarelli – EN-MME19 Thank you for your attention! Questions?

20 Engineering Department ENEN HRMT14: High Intensity Tests 14.10.2014A. Bertarelli – EN-MME20 Inermet 180, 72 bunchesMolybdenum, 72 & 144 bunchesGlidcop, 72 bunches (2 x) Copper-Diamond 144 bunches Molybdenum-Copper-Diamond 144 bunches Molybdenum-Graphite (3 grades) 144 bunches

21 Engineering Department ENEN HRMT09 Experiment 14.03.2014Alessandro Bertarelli – EN-MME21 Test 1 (1 LHC bunch @ 7TeV) Test 1 (1 LHC bunch @ 7TeV) Test 2 (Onset of Damage) Test 2 (Onset of Damage) Test 3 (72 SPS bunches) Test 3 (72 SPS bunches) ~8.5 mm 24 bunches 440 GeV  Good matching between tests and simulations (e.g. groove height)  Impressive quantity of tungsten ejected (partly bonded to the opposite jaw, partly fallen on tank bottom or towards entrance and exit flanges)  Vacuum degraded  Tank contaminated

22 Engineering Department ENEN HiRadMat Run 1: conclusions 14.10.2014A. Bertarelli – EN-MME22  Both experiments wholly successful. In particular, all HRMT14 active systems (DAQ, electronics, mechanics) worked properly in spite of the very harsh environment and the technological challenges.  The experiments confirmed the effectiveness of numerical methods and material models to reliably predict beam-induced damages…  Additional potential machine protection issues were highlighted (UHV degradation; contamination of tank, bellows, vacuum chambers; complication of dismounting procedure)  New damage limits proposed for TCTA and TCTP in line with updated accident scenarios (Annecy ’13 MPP Workshop):  Onset of plastic damage : 5x10 9 p  Limit for fragment ejection: 2x10 10 p  Limit of for 5th axis compensation (with fragment ejection): 1x10 11 p  Further interesting results provided by HRMT14:  Mo apparently survived beam impact equivalent to 3 bunches @ 7 TeV (1.3 x 10 11 p/b); W specimens seriously damaged by the same impact.  Novel composites showed promising robustness up to 6 bunches @ 7 TeV (equivalent).

23 Engineering Department ENEN EN-KT Day – 07.10.2014Alessandro Bertarelli - CERN23 Molybdenum-Graphite Properties Core: 1.1 MS/m Core: 1.1 MS/m Mo Coating: 18 MS/m Mo Coating: 18 MS/m Carbide layer: 1.5 MS/m Outstanding RT Thermal Conductivity Excellent dimensional stability up to 2000°C Material can be coated Possibility to tailor composition to adapt to specific needs International Patent Filed! Outstanding RT Thermal Conductivity Excellent dimensional stability up to 2000°C Material can be coated Possibility to tailor composition to adapt to specific needs International Patent Filed!

24 Engineering Department ENEN 14.10.2014A. Bertarelli – EN-MME24 8x SWITCH 72 Fast Channels (Strain gages, LDV) 40 PT100 4 Fiber Optic Sensors (4MHz) 3x PCI-E 18 Channels SSD (3TB) Microphones Online Acquisitions Offline Acquisitions Non-destructive testing (Ultrasounds) MultiMat Modular Acquisition System Multipurpose flash system for high speed camera DAQ

25 Engineering Department ENEN 25 HRMT-23 Advanced instrumentation 03.10.2014Alessandro Bertarelli – EN-MME-EDS  Distributed strain measurements by FOS. To be studied.  Beam perturbation should be limited  No impact on the channel numbers for the DAQ  Fast DAQ (2MHz)

26 Engineering Department ENEN 26 HRMT-23 Advanced Instrumentation 03.10.2014Alessandro Bertarelli – EN-MME-EDS  Ultrasonic non destructive tests. Under study, not yet confirmed.  Ultrasonic mapping along Z axis  Cracks and phase changes in the jaws  Not online… checking between impacts  Probe compatible with 1000kGy and 350°C

27 Engineering Department ENEN 27 MultiMat Sample Shape Optimization 14.10.2014A. Bertarelli – EN-MME D12xL100 Longitudinal displacement at r=6 & L=100 D30xL40 Longitudinal displacement at r=15 & L=40

28 Engineering Department ENEN 28 MultiMat Sample Shape Optimization 14.10.2014A. Bertarelli – EN-MME D30xL40 Longitudinal stress at r=15 & L=20 D12xL100 Longitudinal stress at r=6 & L=50

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