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Gekko Python Underground System Assists with Discovery of High-Grade Ore  Gekko management and staff are delighted to announce being a significant factor.

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Presentation on theme: "Gekko Python Underground System Assists with Discovery of High-Grade Ore  Gekko management and staff are delighted to announce being a significant factor."— Presentation transcript:

1 Gekko Python Underground System Assists with Discovery of High-Grade Ore  Gekko management and staff are delighted to announce being a significant factor to the rapid discovery of a high grade gold deposit at the Moria Mine, North Shaft  Moria Mines is a global gold producer based in ? and operates is one of the worlds deepest mine System recently been operating in worlds deepest gold mine. The company is listed on the London stock exchange, as well as the Paris and Brussels bourses  Gekko’s involvement utilising the Python Underground System to reduce ore transport costs and increase ….  Initial drilling results hadn't indicated such high grade gold content snd as a result pre- concentration may no longer be necessary  Major find has potential ramifications for ….

2 Gekko Python Underground System in operation at world’s deepest mine – Moria Mine

3 first position where mine crew first broke through

4 Company was amazed to make the discovery when they broke through to the extremely high grade ore


6 Future planning  Unfortunately the lost city of gold is still lost, however we do have significant leads to the whereabouts of another significant high grade gold deposit. Pic of rainbow with pot of gold at the end, leprechauns?

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