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New Staff Orientation: Industry Relations Emory School of Medicine Zainab R. Wurie, JD July 15, 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "New Staff Orientation: Industry Relations Emory School of Medicine Zainab R. Wurie, JD July 15, 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 New Staff Orientation: Industry Relations Emory School of Medicine Zainab R. Wurie, JD July 15, 2014

2 Who We Are Office of Industry Relations Helen C. McLaughlin, MBA Director of the Office of Industry Relations Assistant Dean for Administration Office: 404-727-3413 Zainab R. Wurie, JD Associate Director, Contracts Office: 404-727-3407 What We Do Maintain Policies Assist faculty and staff in dealing with Industry and avoiding conflicts of interest

3 ?? Why We Do It ?? To eliminate and/or minimize perception that industry unduly influences professional judgments in research, teaching, or patient care.  Comprehensive – “Compendium” of policies:

4 What is Meant by “Industry”?  Characteristic examples in the School of Medicine:  Biotechnology Companies  Device Manufacturers  For-Profit Educational Companies  Investment Companies  Medical Equipment Manufacturers  Medical Supplies Companies  Pharmaceutical Companies  Software Companies  Sponsored Foundations

5 Permitted Activities & Confidentiality Agreements  Permitted Activities Include:  Advisory Board Services  Certain Consulting Services  Certain Educational Presentations  Be aware that you must abide by the terms of confidentiality agreements.

6 Prohibited Activities  Speaker’s Bureaus  Promotional Activities  Putting name on a ghost-written article  Advising investment firms on research or clinical area  Activities that use Emory resources (facilities, patient data, employees, etc.)

7 Industry Access to Emory Facilities  Industry representatives are not permitted in public or patient care areas.  Visits from sales reps must be by appointment only.  No sales or marketing reps may attend educational or training activities in Emory buildings.  No commercial exhibits are permitted in Emory buildings.

8 Individual Gifts that Cannot be Accepted from Industry  Cannot accept any personal gifts regardless of value, including travel, tickets, meals, pens, pads.  Cannot accept any drug samples.  Cannot accept food or drink for School events, either on- or off-campus.  Cannot accept books or journal subscriptions  Cannot provide Faculty or Resident Travel to National professional society meetings.

9 Gifts to SOM from Industry  Cannot be accepted for:  Specific events or activities  Meetings or training programs  Research for a specific individual  Named activity – “The Merck Fellowship”

10 The Gift Game  Can you accept tote bags from a device company at a national meeting?  Can you accept pharmaceutical samples for indigent patients?  Can our residents accept textbooks from drug companies?  Can companies provide food for departmental grand rounds or conferences?  May a drug company pay for a staff member to attend a scientific meeting?

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