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TAA Report & Update Lobster 2013 Biennial Northeast Regional Sea Grant Meeting Curtis Mahnken Nov 19, 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "TAA Report & Update Lobster 2013 Biennial Northeast Regional Sea Grant Meeting Curtis Mahnken Nov 19, 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 TAA Report & Update Lobster 2013 Biennial Northeast Regional Sea Grant Meeting Curtis Mahnken Nov 19, 2013

2 TAA Report & Update Provide results –Training results –Evaluation results Insights Implications for future training

3 TAA for Farmers Purpose To help agricultural producers & fishermen adjust to foreign import competition in a global market

4 TAA for Farmers TAA is a job retraining program with a cash incentive TAA for Farmers is a training program with a cash incentive

5 TAA for Farmers USDA Agencies –Foreign Ag Service (FAS): lead agency –Farm Service Agency (FSA): accepts applications, makes payments –National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA): delivers technical assistance –Economic Research Service (ERS): helps review commodity petitions

6 TAA for Farmers-Training Coordination

7 Commodity Eligibility For a commodity to be eligible –The commodity must have experienced greater than a 15% decline in the: national average price or quantity of production or value of production in the most recent marketing year compared to the previous three marketing years; –And imports must have “Contributed Importantly” to this decline

8 Commodity Eligibility Eligible commodities –2010 Shrimp Catfish Asparagus –2011 Lobster Wild blueberries Shrimp

9 Lobster Applications State AppliedApproved Connecticut76 Maine2,687 Massachusetts1,002 New Hampshire144 Rhode Island124 Grand Total4,033

10 Initial Orientation Educators had 90 days from end of the application period to deliver the Initial Orientation Program overview, including workshops available to applicants Available in-person and online 3,834 completed (95%)

11 Initial Training

12 Intensive Training Applicants needed to complete at least 12 hours of training Complete in-person or online Six Lobster specific workshops offered Eight national workshops offered

13 Lobster Specific Workshops Energy Consumption and Fishing Efficiency for Lobstermen Product Quality and Handling (Lobster) Alternative Enterprises (Lobster) Lobster Market Overview Changing Business Models for Lobstermen Lobster Marketing Opportunities

14 National Workshops Strategic Positioning for Farmers & Fishermen Financial Planning for Fishing Families Direct Marketing Transition Planning for Your Business Developing Your Business Plan Putting Your Business on the Digital Map

15 Intensive Training 3,220 applicants completed at least 12 hours (84%) 283 completed 15 or more hours Most hours completed by Lobster applicant: 29 (12 different applicants) View the workshops at


17 Initial Business Plan Short, six question plan to assess how applicant plans to incorporate workshops into their business Eligible for first cash payment: $971 3,203 completed (99%)

18 Long Term Business Plan Applicant assigned to a Business Planning Consultant to coach through process Used AgPlan for developing Eligible for 2 nd payment: $1,942 2,966 completed long term business plans-93%

19 Evaluating TAA Applicants were evaluated: –Prior to training –After Initial Orientation –After each completed workshop –After completing Initial Business Plan –After completing Long Term Business Plan –One year after completing LTBP

20 RESULTS Lobster TAA Evaluation

21 Intensive Training





26 As a result of the TAA training & cash, will you take actions to:

27 Intensive Training

28 Business Planning




32 Did you make any changes?

33 What was the ONE main way you used the training/cash Training 17.7%-Made needed changes in business operations 15.6%-Made business more efficient 11.9%-Made changes in business to expand 10.7%-Other Cash 18.1%-Made needed changes in business operations 16.7%-Made changes in business to expand 15.4%-Other 9.5%-Made business more efficient

34 Was the training/cash you received from the TAA program worth the effort?

35 INSIGHTS Lobster TAA Evaluation

36 Online Training





41 Business Planning

42 IMPLICATIONS Lobster TAA Evaluation

43 More training?



46 Would you participate again?

47 Quotes I was somewhat reluctant in the beginning not knowing what to expect, but I found it to be a source of valuable information that me and my husband can both utilize and plan to utilize in the future.

48 Quotes This program turned out to be way more helpful than I thought. You guys really put some serious effort and work into it. This wasn't some government program slapped together by some kid just out of college. This really opened my eyes, and the skills I learned have given me some hope. I didn't have ideas before on how to be more profitable. Now I do. Thanks.

49 Quotes I think it's a great start but fishermen and TAA need to follow up and grow this type of training for it to work. I realize it's a two way street with my statement I only hope fishermen follow up with what is in front of them with this type of program

50 Quotes I think it was a very good program, and I believe the timing is right because we were facing some very challenging issues in the fishing industry. People are frustrated and I think this has given people a chance to improve their business or go into another business.

51 Concluding thoughts 3,220 lobster applicants trained 2,966 long term business plans completed Training was well received –85% found at least moderately favorable a year after completing their business plan Amount of cash payment did have an affect, though not as large as anticipated

52 Concluding thoughts There is a desire for more training Applicants preferred to access training online as opposed to traditional methods Overall-hybrid method of delivery achieved highly regarded results amongst participants

53 Lobster Commodity Development Team UCONN –Tessa Getchis –Anoushka Concepcion Maine –Dana Morse –Annie Tselikis – Maine Lobstermen’s Assoc MIT –Madeleine Hall-Arber UNH –Erik Chapman –Ken La Valley URI –Scott Donahue

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