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200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 Cat1 Cat2Cat3Cat4 Potpourri.

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1 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 Cat1 Cat2Cat3Cat4 Potpourri

2 A substance that stimulates the body to produce chemicals that destroy viruses or bacteria is called a(n)

3 What is a vaccine?

4 The best treatment for an unknown viral disease is

5 What is bed rest?

6 Bacteria that break down large chemicals in dead organisms into small chemicals are called

7 What are decomposers?

8 The area inside the cell membrane of a bacterium

9 What is the cytoplasm?

10 The chemical factories in cells that produce proteins

11 What are ribosomes?

12 The process in Bacteria that produces energy

13 What is respiration?

14 To survive in unfavorable conditions bacteria form these

15 What are endospores?

16 A whiplike structure that helps a bacterial cell move

17 What is a flagellum?

18 Found in the cytoplasm of bacterial cells

19 What is genetic material?

20 A process that results in genetically different bacteria

21 What is conjugation?

22 An organism that provides energy for a virus

23 What is a host?

24 Bacterial diseases are often treated with this method

25 What are antibiotics?

26 A virus which becomes part of the host cell’s genetic material

27 What is a hidden virus?

28 The major component of viruses

29 What is protein?

30 An Illness that passes from one organism to another

31 What are infectious diseases?

32 Heterotrophic bacteria obtain food by consuming these

33 What are autotrophs and other heterotrophs?

34 A virus though nonliving harms the organism in which they multiply

35 What is a parasite?

36 The only characteristic that viruses share with living organisms

37 What is multiply?

38 A poison produced by a bacteria that can cause a disease

39 What is a toxin?

40 Bacteria which forms on plant roots converts this gas into compounds aiding in plant growth

41 What is nitrogen gas?

42 Infectious diseases are spread by contact with contaminated people and objects, with animals and

43 What are environmental sources?

44 A virus which infects a specific particular organism

45 What is a bacteriophage?

46 A bacteria that survives in the presence of an antibiotic

47 What is an antibiotic resistant bacteria?

48 This component of a virus allows a virus to attach to its host

49 What are proteins?

50 A characteristic of viruses that makes them useful in gene therapy

51 What is their ability to enter cells?

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