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Research Methods Bazara I. A. Barry Department of Computer Science University of Khartoum

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1 Research Methods Bazara I. A. Barry Department of Computer Science University of Khartoum

2 Research and its importance: Making informed decisions. Increased reputation for the institute which attracts highly qualified members of staff. More funding. Research is a process through which we attempt to achieve systematically and with the support of data the answer to a question, resolution to a problem or greater understanding of a phenomenon. It reflects the university’s moral commitment to intellectual discovery and development. Research is important for: Research Methods – Bazara Barry

3 Course description This course forms part of the practical training for students to become researchers and computer professionals. The course emphasizes communication skills and introduces basic research methodology. Research Methods – Bazara Barry Course objectives The course aims at improving communication and basic research skills such as reading, writing, and presenting. A primary goal is to acquaint students with the tools needed to conduct solid research and write their theses.

4 Course contents Use of information resources (libraries and the Internet). Referencing, citation, and avoiding plagiarism. Effective writing. Academic proposals and theses. Presentation skills for individuals and groups. The use of illustrations (types of tables and figures). Research methodology (approaches to research, research planning, collecting and analyzing data, and writing up). Research Methods – Bazara Barry

5 Text book J. English, M. Fielding, E. Howard and N. van der Merwe; Professional Communication – How to deliver effective written and spoken messages. Research Methods – Bazara Barry Course assessment Midterm exam 20% Practical assignments 20% Final exam 60%

6 1 Research Methods: Libraries and the Internet Research Methods – Bazara Barry

7 Chapter’s aim To help students do their assignments efficiently and make effective use of resources available in the library or beyond. Research Methods – Bazara Barry

8 Anxiety about using the library: Size and complexity of the library. Computerized catalogues and databases. Unapproachable library staff. Uncertainty about what you need and confusion about the different types of resources and formats available. Fear of appearing stupid when asking a question.

9 Research Methods – Bazara Barry Information Non-documentaryDocumentary Secondary sourcesPrimary sources Resources That help Locate P. sources Resources That Summarize & synthesize Catalogues Bibliographies Indexes to journal articles Dictionaries Encyclopedias Handbooks textbooks Theses or dissertations Eye-witness accounts Transcribed interviews Technical reports Conference papers Newspapers statistics Government documents Traditions Values Customs Culture Oral tradition Songs Proverbs Meetings Speeches Paintings Sculpture

10 Research Methods – Bazara Barry Necessary steps for a basic research process: Step #1: Analyze the kind of information you will be needing for your assignment. What type of assignment is it? How much information do you need to complete your assignment? How current or up to date is your topic and the information you need?

11 Research Methods – Bazara Barry Necessary steps for a basic research process: Step #2: Start looking for your information. Gather references, books, articles, papers, and formulate your own thoughts, conclusions, and ideas.

12 Research Methods – Bazara Barry Necessary steps for a basic research process: Step #3: Understand your topic through reference materials. Reference collections usually contain: Dictionaries: general language dictionaries and subject dictionaries. Encyclopedias: general encyclopedias and subject encyclopedias. Handbooks and manuals: for practitioners within a specific discipline. Yearbooks: annual publications. Directories: lists arranged in alphabetical or subject order. Atlases. Biographical reference sources.

13 Research Methods – Bazara Barry Necessary steps for a basic research process: Step #4: Use electronic resources. The library catalogue or online public access catalogue (OPAC) Indexes to journal articles. The Internet.

14 Research Methods – Bazara Barry Principles of searching electronic resources Establish keywords: state the topic in your own words, look for synonyms and broader and narrower terms. E.g. Synonyms: sports, games, physical education Broader terms: recreation Narrower terms: soccer, motor sport… Use and understand Boolean operators: AND: narrows OR: broadens NOT: excludes terms. Combine keywords.

15 Research Methods – Bazara Barry Formulating a search statement AND OR EffectWarSudan AftermathbattleThe republic of the Sudan Consequence If we are looking for material on the “effect of war in Sudan.” [effect OR aftermath OR consequence] AND [war OR battle] AND [Sudan OR the republic of the Sudan]

16 Research Methods – Bazara Barry The online public access catalogue (OPAC)  An electronic database of all materials contained in the library.  A typical catalogue record could contain: Main author Title Imprint Notes Subject Other author.  To evaluate a resource, look at: Title and subtitle (the aspect of subject covered and the approach to the subject) Preface Table of contents and index.

17 Research Methods – Bazara Barry Electronic databases of journal articles Journal articles are essential in academic study because they are the vehicles through which current research, the latest findings and new discoveries are presented in the academic community. Some companies produce databases precisely for the purpose of helping people locate journal articles (INSPEC) Different databases produce different levels of results (citation, abstract, full text).

18 Research Methods – Bazara Barry The World Wide Web and the Internet The Internet is a worldwide network of computer networks linking computers that use the TCP/IP protocols. The WWW is the totality of many web pages tat reside on computers all over the world.

19 Research Methods – Bazara Barry Search tools Search engines (robots, spiders) Directories (people) General search engines Meta-search engines Subject directories Subject-based Information Gateways (SBIGs) Speciality subject directories: Invisible web

20 Research Methods – Bazara Barry Evaluating information found on the WWW Any one with the know-how and publishing access rights to an ISP’s database can publish pages on the web. With the vast amount of info on the WWW it is important to discern the useful from the useless. Not all info on the WWW is not authoritative. Many print journals and scholarly organizations allow complete or partial access to their articles.

21 Research Methods – Bazara Barry Evaluating information found on the WWW The evaluation criteria applied to the WWW are similar to other media (accuracy, authority, objectivity, creativity, currency, and scope). Try answering questions such as:  Who is the author, his/her organization, does he/she speak on behalf of an organization.  What is the type of URL (.com,.edu, …)  What kind of a site is it (advocacy, business, informational, news, personal, …)  Is there evidence of bias?  What is the date of publishing?  Are there extravagant statements?  Are there ulterior motives?

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