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INSTITUTIONAL COLLABORATION at the Department of International Environment and Development Studies (Noragric)

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2 INSTITUTIONAL COLLABORATION at the Department of International Environment and Development Studies (Noragric)

3 NORWEGIAN UNIVERSITY OF LIFE SCIENCES Institutional collaboration at Noragric 3 Institutional partnerships  Through institutional partnerships Noragric maintains and develops the relevancy of its research and education in addressing local and global environment and development issues with focus on low and medium income countries.  Activities include joint research, joint education activities, staff and student exchange and capacity building.  Some of Noragric’s institutional partnerships are presented in the following slides.

4 NORWEGIAN UNIVERSITY OF LIFE SCIENCES Institutional collaboration at Noragric 4 Ethiopia: Hawassa University and Mekelle University Research activities with Hawassa University started in 1988. The current programme with both Hawassa and Mekelle University started in 1999 and has been implemented in two 5-years phases. The third five-years phase is expected to start in 2009 The cooperation encompasses e.g.:Hawassa University Mekelle University  Crop science  Environmental rehabilitation and ecology  Soil and water sciences including irrigation  Veterinary sciences  Animal science  Limnology and fisheries  Biodiversity and genetic resources  Social sciences  Food safety

5 NORWEGIAN UNIVERSITY OF LIFE SCIENCES Institutional collaboration at Noragric 5 Malawi: University of Malawi, Bunda College of Agriculture Joint activities related to the ‘Support to Bunda College Capacity Building Programme’ phase III (2006-2010):Bunda College  Exchange of staff and students  Advice and support to institutional development including library development at Bunda College  Joint monitoring and evaluation of the programme Collaboration under the ‘Malawi Agricultural Research and Development Fund (2006-2010):  Joint development and implementation of collaborative research and outreach projects  Participatory monitoring and evaluation of the programme  Joint publication and dissemination of knowledge

6 NORWEGIAN UNIVERSITY OF LIFE SCIENCES Sudan: University of Juba and Upper Nile University  Type: Capacity development, research  Financed by: NUCOOP (under SIU), (2007-2011)  Coordinator: Dr. Trygve Berg The civil war in the Sudan was brought to an end with the 2005 Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA). One of the articles in the CPA requires the moving of the southern Sudanese universities from Khartoum to their ‘homes bases’ in the south. NUCOOP is a SiU-administered programme to support this process and shall in the case of NORAGRIC’s collaboration with University of Juba and Upper Nile University be used on:University of Juba DETTE ER TITTELEN PÅ PRESENTASJONEN 6

7 NORWEGIAN UNIVERSITY OF LIFE SCIENCES Juba and Upper Nile Universities (cont.)  Capacity building –Minisabathicals for senior staff –PhD research –MSc-stipends  Research collaboration –Post-war revival of rural livelihood including Management of war related environmental degradation Wildlife-community conflicts Returnees and post-war conflict management Plant genetic resources Livestock and range management  Institution building Academic books Animal science laboratory DETTE ER TITTELEN PÅ PRESENTASJONEN 7

8 NORWEGIAN UNIVERSITY OF LIFE SCIENCES Juba and Upper Nile Universities (cont.) DETTE ER TITTELEN PÅ PRESENTASJONEN 8 Renk campus Malakal campus Upper Nile University Juba University

9 NORWEGIAN UNIVERSITY OF LIFE SCIENCES Institutional collaboration at Noragric 9 Tanzania: Sokoine University of Agriculture  1973: Cooperation with Sokoine University of Agriculture started with a BSc programme in forestrySokoine University of Agriculture  1996: Broad cooperation agreement at university level  2000-2005: Food Security and Household Income for Small-holder Farmers in Tanzania (TARPII-SUA)  2005-2009: Programme for Agricultural and Natural Resources Transformation for Improved Livelihoods (PANTIL) PANTIL: 22 researchers from the Norwegian University of Life Sciences (UMB), Norwegian School of Veterinary Science (NVH) and the Norwegian Institute for Agricultural and Environmental Research (Bioforsk) participate in 19 applied research projects

10 NORWEGIAN UNIVERSITY OF LIFE SCIENCES Institutional collaboration at Noragric 10 Tanzania: University of Dar es Salaam The Institute of Marine Sciences is the focal point of the cooperation at the University of Dar es Salaam.University of Dar es Salaam Objectives:  Joint research programmes on marine and coastal natural resource management  Competence building within both institutions  Enhance cooperation with other institutions in East Africa; address:  rights and development aspirations of local coastal communities  environmental issues including biodiversity conservation  social issues including gender equality  Disseminate knowledge from cooperative efforts  A new programme addressing climate change is in the pipeline

11 NORWEGIAN UNIVERSITY OF LIFE SCIENCES Institutional collaboration at Noragric 11 Uganda: Makerere University The current activity is focused on Makerere University’s role as one of the two hosts for the third semester of Noragric’s MSc programme in International Environmental Studies. Under this activity Makerere University:Makerere University  takes part in curriculum development  teaches a 15 credits course  hosts UMB’s students at Makerere University’s campus and provides logistical support  provides supervision for students conducting fieldwork in Uganda  provides teaching and reading facilities for students and visiting Noragric staff

12 NORWEGIAN UNIVERSITY OF LIFE SCIENCES Institutional collaboration at Noragric 12 Conservation Farming Unit (CFU) of Zambia National Farmers Union (ZNFU) Conservation agriculture is a set of crop husbandry practices characterised by retention of crop residues, minimum tillage, land preparation in the dry season, early and continuous weeding, crop rotation, intercropping, and agroforestry. The Conservation Agriculture Project (CAP) provides training on conservation agriculture to 120,000 farmers. Noragric’s role in CAP is:  to measure project impacts on target beneficiaries  to assist in measuring project outputs  to assess effects of institutional networking and evaluation  to provide technical advice on monitoring and evaluation  to build local capacity on monitoring and evaluation. More about the projectMore about the project Conservation Farming Unit of ZambiaConservation Farming Unit of Zambia

13 NORWEGIAN UNIVERSITY OF LIFE SCIENCES Institutional collaboration at Noragric 13 Nepal: Tribhuvan University The current activity is focused on Tribhuvan University’s role as one of the two hosts for the third semester of Noragric’s MSc programme in International Environmental Studies.Tribhuvan University Under this activity Tribhuvan University:  takes part in curriculum development  teaches a 15 credits course  hosts UMB’s students at Makerere University’s campus and provides logistical support  provides supervision for students conducting fieldwork in Nepal  provides teaching and reading facilities for students and visiting Noragric staff Noragric PhD student Mohamed Ali Guyo (left) together with Dr. Saubhagya Shah, the Post-Graduate Course Coordinator, Centre for Conflict, Peace and Development, Tribhuvan University, Nepal

14 NORWEGIAN UNIVERSITY OF LIFE SCIENCES Institutional collaboration at Noragric 14 Pakistan: COMSATS Institute of Information Technology (CIIT) Collaboration with CIIT began in 2006 at the campus in Abbottabad, with the Departments of Environmental Sciences and Development Studies. Activities include curriculum development, joint advising, joint research, and staff and student exchange. Topics include resource management and agriculture, sustainable water and sanitation, post-earthquake recovery, and poverty alleviation. Recently (2008) an international MSc programme was developed by UMB, CIIT and Tribhuvan University (Nepal) in Sustainable Water, Sanitation, Health and Development.UMB CIIT Tribhuvan University Additional programmes with CIIT are under development to support research and education activities in Afghanistan.

15 NORWEGIAN UNIVERSITY OF LIFE SCIENCES Institutional collaboration at Noragric 15 South-Eastern Europe: Cooperation with universities in Western Balkan  Albania: Agricultural University of Tirana  Bosnia and Herzegovina: University of Banja Luka, University of Mostar, University ‘Dz.B.’ of Mostar and University of SarajevoUniversity of Banja LukaUniversity of Mostar University ‘Dz.B.’ of Mostar University of Sarajevo  Croatia: J.J.S. University of Osijek, University of ZadarJ.J.S. University of Osijek University of Zadar  Kosovo: University of Pristina  Macedonia: University of S.C. & M. of Skopje  Montenegro: University of Montenegro  Serbia: University of Belgrade and University of Novi SadUniversity of Belgrade University of Novi Sad

16 NORWEGIAN UNIVERSITY OF LIFE SCIENCES Institutional collaboration at Noragric 16 South-Eastern Europe: Cooperation with universities in Western Balkan Cooperating institutions in Norway:  Norwegian University of Life Sciences: Dept of Animal and Aquacultural Sciences Dept of Chemistry, Biotechnology and Food Science Dept of Ecology and Natural Resource Management Dept of Plant and Environmental Sciences Dept of Economics and Resource Management Dept of International Environment and Development Studies (Noragric)  Norwegian Forest and Landscape Institute  Norwegian Institute for Agricultural and Environmental Research

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