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10. Workshop ERFP Uppsala, June 4, 2005 Proposals for an ERFP contribution to FAO Regional consultation on SoW- AnGR Hermann Schulte-Coerne.

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Presentation on theme: "10. Workshop ERFP Uppsala, June 4, 2005 Proposals for an ERFP contribution to FAO Regional consultation on SoW- AnGR Hermann Schulte-Coerne."— Presentation transcript:

1 10. Workshop ERFP Uppsala, June 4, 2005 Proposals for an ERFP contribution to FAO Regional consultation on SoW- AnGR Hermann Schulte-Coerne

2 Mandate for regional consultations FAO‘s Commission for Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (CGRFA): noted: “.. draft Report on Strategic Priorities for Action will need to be further developed and structured, to include additional inputs, such as Country Reports “ recommended:”.. FAO to undertake regional consultations in 2005, based on the updated draft Report on Strategic Priorities for Action.”

3 Why should ERFP be interested in the outcome of regional consultations ? 1.Report should reflect important and specific situation and needs in the European Region e.g.: Big commercial companies with high market share in poultry operating globally Also in other species few very widely distributed breeds with high market share Big challenge for AnGR in new EU-member states Harmonised EC-Zootechnical legislation –Role of breeding organisations –Basic elements of ABS (access and benefit sharing rules) Long tradition with herdbooks andbreeding societies Only FAO-Region worldwide with Regional Focal Point

4 Why should ERFP be interested in the outcome of regional consultations ? 2. Report could highlight and transport own needs: Most NCs within their countries are developing national strategies or have finished it are preparing or implementing national action plans e.g. –Monitoring endangerment of breeds –Establishing herdbooks –Establishing cryoconserves Most of NCs face problems doing this like lack of capacities (people, money) lack of support from government, breeding industry Missing legal instruments – mainly voluntary basis

5 Interest on outcome of regional consultation from members of ERFP Regional consultations can help Raising political awareness Improving contacts to governments and EU –financial, technical support –initiating, influencing legislation thereby strengthening the role of NCs

6 Proposal to support regional consultation by ERFP (vote needed) Prepare and organise it together with FAO: Financing the meeting as an accompanying action under directive 870/2004 (80% EU - 20% ERFP) Assemble a small group of NCs as an adivisory group to prepare the meeting

7 Potential Support from Council Regulation (EC) No 870/2004 All actions carried out under the programme … shall take into account: (a) … (b) relevant international processes, developments and agreements, in particular as regards: … - the Global Strategy for the Management of Farm Animal Genetic Resources, and - programmes implemented under international frameworks such as … the European regional focal point (ERFP) of national coordinators for the management of farm animal genetic resources,

8 Potential Support from Council Regulation (EC) No 870/2004 Accompanying actions The accompanying actions shall include information, dissemination and advisory actions involving the organisation of seminars, technical conferences, meetings with non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and other relevant stakeholders, training courses and the preparation of technical reports. (Community contribution to these actions shall not exceed 80 % of the total cost of the action)

9 Potential Support from Council Regulation (EC) No 870/2004 Participation of third countries The Community programme shall be open to the participation of: (a) EFTA/EEA countries in accordance with the conditions established in the EEA Agreement; (b) associated countries, in accordance with the conditions laid down in the respective bilateral agreements establishing the general principles for their participation in Community programmes.

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