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The Democratic Republic of the Congo

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1 The Democratic Republic of the Congo
By Faith Mamont Elem.

2 Where is the D.R.C? The D.R.C. is highlighted in red.
The D.R.C. is bordered by Angola, Zambia, Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda, Central African Republic, Burundi, Rwanda, Sudan, and the Congo. The D.R.C. is located in the Central African region.

3 The D.R.C. Capital: Kinshasa Area: 905,063 square miles
Terrain: rainforests, plateaus, mountains, savannas, and grasslands Climate: Equatorial (tropical - hot and humid - cool and dry) Above: Kinshasa, the D.R.C’s capital.

4 Major Cities Kinsasha (capital) Gbadolite Bumba Kisangani Mbandaka
Goma Bukavu Kindu Illebo Kikwit Kananga Matadi Boma Banana Tshikipa Mbuji-Mayi Kalemie Kolwezi Likasi Lubumbashi

5 D.R.C.’s Government D.R.C. has a republic govt., hence the name Democratic Republic of Congo. D.R.C.’s govt. is run by a President and has the Executive Branch, Legislative Branch, and the Judicial Branch. At left: The D.R.C.’s president, Joseph Kabila.

6 D.R.C.’s People Nationality: Congolese
Population of D.R.C.: 71,712,867 (as of 2011). Almost 250 different ethnic groups. People in the D.R.C. speak French, Lingala, Swahili, Kikongo, and Tshiluba.

7 Landscapes of the D.R.C. At left: The Congo River
At right: The Ruwenzori Mountains

8 Bibliography

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