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2012 SLDS P-20W Best Practice Conference 1 E NGAGING L EGISLATORS TO S ECURE S UPPORT FOR THE SLDS Tuesday, October 30, 2012 Bob Swiggum, Georgia Department.

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Presentation on theme: "2012 SLDS P-20W Best Practice Conference 1 E NGAGING L EGISLATORS TO S ECURE S UPPORT FOR THE SLDS Tuesday, October 30, 2012 Bob Swiggum, Georgia Department."— Presentation transcript:

1 2012 SLDS P-20W Best Practice Conference 1 E NGAGING L EGISLATORS TO S ECURE S UPPORT FOR THE SLDS Tuesday, October 30, 2012 Bob Swiggum, Georgia Department of Education Michael Archibeque, New Mexico Public Education Department Tracy Korsmo, North Dakota Department of Public Instruction

2 2012 SLDS P-20W Best Practice Conference Georgia: It’s Not Just about SLDS North Dakota: An SLDS Initiated by Demand New Mexico: New Mexico’s P-20W System Questions & Answers O VERVIEW 2

3 2012 SLDS P-20W Best Practice Conference I T ’ S N OT J UST A BOUT SLDS GEORGIA 3

4 2012 SLDS P-20W Best Practice Conference It’s about integrating Technology into Education – a holistic approach Three legged stool – HW, SW, and a plan I T ’ S N OT J UST A BOUT SLDS 4

5 2012 SLDS P-20W Best Practice Conference Types of Influence to Use Direct influence: follow their agenda and guide o Technology funding recalculation – QBE o Legislation – SB289 and HB175 Indirect influence: have others carry your message o Legislation reports carried by district superintendents o Budget increase requests carried by State Board of education o Value of technology carried by teachers, administrators & parents o Integration with Governor’s priorities carried by the Governor’s staff I T ’ S N OT J UST A BOUT SLDS 5

6 2012 SLDS P-20W Best Practice Conference A N SLDS I NITIATED BY D EMAND N ORTH D AKOTA 6

7 2012 SLDS P-20W Best Practice Conference Governor’s Commission on Education Improvement Chaired by Governor Dalrymple and comprised of administrators, educators, legislators, and private sector leaders from across the state. The Commission was created in 2006 to address equity and adequacy in K-12 funding C OMMISSION ON E DUCATION I MPROVEMENT 7

8 2012 SLDS P-20W Best Practice Conference Mandates ND State Scholarship and graduation requirements ACT for all 11 th grade or WorkKeys Interim assessment (MAP at 90%) grades 2–10 aligned with state standards Career interest inventory that accompany the PLAN or Pre-SAT Funded Pearson PowerSchool statewide, finishing rollout by Dec 2013 C OMMISSION ON E DUCATION I MPROVEMENT 8

9 2012 SLDS P-20W Best Practice Conference Mandates State Longitudinal Data System o That will allow K-12 student information to be placed in a data warehouse and combined later with information from higher education and Job Service, to produce a comprehensive picture of the effectiveness of state education programs and workforce development initiatives Consulting firm recommended the SLDS as part the state proposal and told the committee to expect the cost at 20M and fail the first time C OMMISSION ON E DUCATION I MPROVEMENT 9

10 2012 SLDS P-20W Best Practice Conference SLDS Committee Formed in 2007 by the Governor and legislature to Plan and Budget for the SLDS 2009 SLDS Committee re-authorized to build the SLDS 2011 More authority granted to the SLDS Committee such that any agency must supply data requested, while providing for individual privacy regulations SLDS 10

11 2012 SLDS P-20W Best Practice Conference SLDS Structure Maintained by the Information Technology Dept (ITD) – Centralized IT dept SLDS staff are ITD employees o 4 positions for the SLDS combined with ITD BI staff and database administrators Single system o K12 IES Grantee State 2009 o Workforce development program data o WDQI grant 2010 and IES Postsecondary P20 grant 2012 SLDS 11

12 2012 SLDS P-20W Best Practice Conference Legislative and Governor appointed members Chair: State CIO Lisa Feldner o Former district technology director o DR. in educational leadership Governors office o Appointee very active Rep. Rae Ann Kelsch, o Chairman House Education Committee Chair – Study developmental education issues with DPI and HE o Education funding and taxation SLDS 12

13 2012 SLDS P-20W Best Practice Conference Legislative and Governor appointed members Rep. Bob Skarpol o Chairman Appropriations Education and Environment Sen. Don Schaible o Replaced Rep Skarpol o Information Technology Committee – Involved in HE and state IT budgets – Past President Mott/Regent School Board SLDS 13

14 2012 SLDS P-20W Best Practice Conference SLDS Committee Reports Recommendations for further development, cost proposals, proposals for legislation, and data sharing governance o Information Technology Committee (Shaible) o Interim Committee on education issues – Higher education (Skarpol) and secondary education (Kelsh) o Interim Committee on economic development Demonstrations!!!!! SLDS E NGAGING L EGISLATORS 14

15 2012 SLDS P-20W Best Practice Conference Engaging through K12 Organizations ND Association of Education Technology Leaders ND Council of Education Leaders o Active member in the SLDS, Gov. Commission, Conferences LEAD Center and Regional Education Associations o LEAD (develop excellence in educational leadership) o Contractually are performing statewide training o Presenting to legislative committees on the SLDS – Ownership has been spread to education organizations SLDS E NGAGING L EGISLATORS 15

16 2012 SLDS P-20W Best Practice Conference Engaging through the LEA LEA feedback to their legislative representatives o K12 Data Management Committee – District members, SEA, ITD SLDS, PowerSchool Team » Govern data collected o PowerSchool leverage – Vertical reporting to the SEA through automated collections » More data without burdening the districts – Assessment data directly from the vendors SLDS E NGAGING L EGISLATORS 16

17 2012 SLDS P-20W Best Practice Conference Engaging through Postsecondary and Workforce New Chancellor of the University o Publically committed to supply data to the SLDS o Discusses the SLDS in committee Workforce o Committed to research using the SLDS on K12 dropouts and their outcomes SLDS E NGAGING L EGISLATORS 17

18 2012 SLDS P-20W Best Practice Conference N EW M EXICO ’ S P-20W S YSTEM N EW M EXICO 18

19 2012 SLDS P-20W Best Practice Conference Educational Data System – HB 70 Collect, integrate, and report longitudinal student-level and educator data (PreK-20) Conduct research & evaluation of federal, state, and local education programs Ensure audit compliance with federal and state requirements Establish the Statewide Data Systems Council Membership – State agencies, local education agencies, higher education institutions, legislative liaisons Developed a P20W Strategic Plan in 2008 E NGAGING L EGISLATORS 19

20 2012 SLDS P-20W Best Practice Conference Executive Oversight Committee – Data Capture & Exchange Membership – PED, HED, DWS, CYFD, DOH, HSD, Legislative Liaisons Data Governance Development Development of 2012 – 2015 Strategic Plan Governor’s Status Report Quarterly Meetings P20W Work Group – Signed Data Sharing & Exchange MOU Public Education Department (PED) Higher Education Department (HED) Department Of Workforce Solutions (DWS) Children, Youth and Families (CYFD) Department of Health (DOH) Human Services Division (HSD) – to be added E NGAGING L EGISLATORS 20

21 2012 SLDS P-20W Best Practice Conference Data Dictionary An initial data dictionary has been developed This development has been produced with all three entities participation The data dictionary will adhere to the Common Education Data Standard Data Storage The three entities have agreed to provide relevant data in a SQL format. Reporting The reporting system going to be use for this system with be Microsoft Reporting Services integrated into a SharePoint environment. This is a proven and cost effective tool for reporting. PED has used this technology in the past three years and it has proven to be secure and reliable. P-20W W ORK G ROUP 21

22 2012 SLDS P-20W Best Practice Conference Initializing the SQL System Using the data dictionary to create a SQL database Creating the SharePoint and Reporting Services Environment PED, HED and DWS will work together to setup environment. ETA (11/15/12) Report Development Reports will be developed first to address the 17 questions in the legislation Report development based on agency needs N EXT S TEPS 22

23 2012 SLDS P-20W Best Practice Conference Michael & Susan Dell Foundation - Data Dashboard Toolkit Student Classroom/Teacher Campus/School District Administration Policy Makers & Public N EW M EXICO ’ S E DUCATIONAL D ATA D ASHBOARD 23

24 2012 SLDS P-20W Best Practice Conference Mapping and Implementation PED worked with vendor to create a mapping between the dashboard products' dataset (Ed-Fi ODS) and the PED STARS system. Mapping was possible in 11 of 14 Ed-Fi ODS domains Mapping process identified existing data and status of data PED has the detailed mapping results, poised for implementation Legislative Reporting and Analysis Analyzed past data requests Identified reports and charts for display K12 SLDS – P-20W W ORKING P ROGRESS 24

25 2012 SLDS P-20W Best Practice Conference NM PED would benefit from developing a long-term comprehensive data management vision and plan o Ed-Fi Dashboard pilot could be one part o Shared vision with buy-in at appropriate levels, with understanding of policy changes needed to be successful state-wide PED would need to devote adequate resources to support external resources for infrastructure and data needs PED would have to lead the course for interactions with state level and district level discourse Ongoing maintenance and upkeep requirements would need to be resourced appropriately D ATA S YSTEMS C ONSIDERATIONS 25

26 2012 SLDS P-20W Best Practice Conference Identify 4 Pilot Districts Consider having 4 districts with the same Student Information System Albuquerque Public Schools (APS) should be considered even without the symmetry of the Student Information System o APS would always impact 1/3 of our public education students These pilot districts will be required to work with the EdFi ODS database to be able to submit the timely data that is not included in STARS (Discipline, Attendance) N EXT S TEPS 26

27 2012 SLDS P-20W Best Practice Conference Benefits Extensive proof of concept at State level and District level Valuable, timely metrics Powerful marketing tool for PED Collaboration with our State Legislators and Analysts Extensive Reporting Capabilities Risks Significant effort required to develop exchanges with districts/schools Significant policy risk if legislative support does not materialize for statewide implementation R ISK /B ENEFIT 27

28 2012 SLDS P-20W Best Practice Conference Q UESTIONS & A NSWERS 28

29 2012 SLDS P-20W Best Practice Conference Contact information: Bob Swiggum, Michael Archibeque, Tracy Korsmo, Jeff Sellers, For more information on engaging legislators: Alternative Sources of Support for SLDS Work: SLDS Best Practices Brief: Stakeholder Communication: SLDS Best Practices Brief: C ONTACTS & A DDITIONAL R ESOURCES 29

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