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2013 Legislative Session: Challenges and Outcomes Kathleen A. Conaboy Steve Canavero, PhD Nevada State Public Charter School Authority Presentation to.

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Presentation on theme: "2013 Legislative Session: Challenges and Outcomes Kathleen A. Conaboy Steve Canavero, PhD Nevada State Public Charter School Authority Presentation to."— Presentation transcript:

1 2013 Legislative Session: Challenges and Outcomes Kathleen A. Conaboy Steve Canavero, PhD Nevada State Public Charter School Authority Presentation to the Charter Schools Association of Nevada June 19, 2013

2 Challenges Assembly  New chair of Education Committee  14 member committee – 5 freshmen  New leadership of Ways and Means Senate  “New” chair of Education Committee  5 member committee - vice chair is a freshman Leadership  All new leaders in both houses, in both parties

3 AB 205 Assembly Education  Requires that a performance framework for a charter schools be incorporated into the charter contract  Provides oversight and review of charter school sponsors by the Department of Education  Sets forth the grounds for termination of a charter contract, based on rankings earned under the state’s performance framework  Extends enrollment lottery exceptions to all charter schools, not just at-risk schools

4 AB 288 Assemblywoman Diaz  Requires the State Board of Education to select a high school equivalency assessment  Provides for the recognition of a general educational development certificate, general educational development credential and general equivalency diploma  Requires the State Board to select a college and career readiness assessment for pupils in grade 11 to replace the current high school proficiency exam  Requires pupils to pass end-of-course examinations

5 SB 384 Senator Hammond Authorizes the Director of the Department of Business and Industry to issue bonds and other obligations to finance the acquisition, construction, improvement, restoration or rehabilitation of property, buildings and facilities for charter schools. Sec 10.7, sub 4 requires that bonded projects pay prevailing wage for construction

6 SB 443 Senate Education Requires the Department of Education to adopt regulations prescribing: (1) the process and timeline for review of an application for authorization to sponsor charter schools; (2) the process for the Department to conduct a comprehensive review of sponsors of charter schools approved by the Department at least once every 3 years; and (3) the process for the Department to revoke the authorization of a board of trustees or a college or university to sponsor charter schools. Removes responsibilities from the Department re: charter schools, including reviewing an application to form a charter school and providing appropriate information, education and training for charter schools and the governing bodies of charter schools concerning the applicable provisions of the laws and regulations; assigns those responsibilities to the sponsor of the charter school.

7 SB 471/SB 3 Senate Finance/Special Session Transfers the responsibility to administer the Account for Charter Schools from the Department to the State Public Charter School Authority and revises the maximum total amount of a loan that may be made to a charter school.  $750,00 included in the Governor's recommended budget approved

8 SB 58 and SB 59 Clark County School District/Senate Education SB 58 - passed Eliminates this requirement for a pupil to obtain the written permission of the board of trustees of the pupil’s home district to enroll on a part-time basis in a distance education program in another district. Authorizes an unlicensed employee to supervise pupils attending a course of distance education while the pupils receive instruction from a licensed employee remotely SB 59 - died Eliminates a restriction which limits a charter school to using school buildings owned by a school district to times that are not regular school hours.

9 SB 500 Creates the Task Force on K-12 Public Education Funding to recommend a plan for implementing a funding formula that takes into account the needs of, and the costs to educate, pupils based upon the individual educational needs and demographic characteristics of pupils, including, without limitation, pupils from low-income families, pupils with disabilities and pupils who have limited proficiency in the English language. The director of the Charter School Authority is a member of the task force.

10 SB 504  Requires the State Board to prescribe criteria for a policy for the instruction to teach English to pupils who are limited English proficient for development by the board of trustees of each school district.  Requires the Commission on Professional Standards to prescribe by regulation the requirements for obtaining an endorsement to teach English as a second language. Regulations to be based on recommendations from the English Mastery Council  $50 million approved for statewide ELL program

11 SB 522 Sets the basic support guarantee for school districts:  FY 2013-2014: estimated weighted average of $5,590 per pupil  FY 2014-2015: estimated weighted average of $5,676 per pupil Provides for the allocation of special education units:  Includes 40 reserve units to be allocated by the Board of Education, for which charter schools may apply  Unit funding increased to $41,608 in FY 2014 and $42,745 in FY 2015

12 Opportunities New Committees and Councils

13 Opportunities: New Committees, Councils and Task Forces  AB 79: Early Childhood Advisory Council  AB 259: P – 16 Council – revised membership  SB 345: Advisory Council on Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics  SB 500: K 12 Funding Task Force  SB 504: English Mastery Council

14 Additional Information 2013 Legislative Outcomes for P – 16 Education Nevada Department of Education June 10, 2013 Agenda Item 12 at SBE meeting on June 13, 2013. Final report to be issued July 1, 2013.

15 Questions??? Steve Canavero Kathleen Conaboy

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